In this paper, we propose a new handwritten digit recognition method which works in a very similar way as human perception. The digit image boundary is decomposed into four salient visual primitives, namely closure, smooth curve, protrusion and straight segment by defining a set of external symmetry axis. Unlike the conventional algorithms, our low complexity shape decomposition method neither searches for curvature minima nor finds optimal parsing by using shortcut and convexity rules. Based on the spatial configuration of extracted primitives, the recognizer classifies a test digit image using a set of classification rules. The performance of our proposed recognition system is evaluated on five digit datasets of four popular scripts, Odia, Bangla, Arabic and English. The recognition accuracies on the ISI Kolkata Odia and Bangla, IITBBS Odia, CMATERdb Arabic and MNIST English digit datasets are found to be 99.02, 99.25, 99.66, 97.96 and 99.11%, respectively. The proposed method outperforms the existing recognition systems on both the Odia digit datasets and achieves comparable performance in other cases.
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Dash, K.S., Puhan, N.B. & Panda, G. Unconstrained handwritten digit recognition using perceptual shape primitives. Pattern Anal Applic 21, 413–436 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-016-0586-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-016-0586-3