Modern concurrent programming languages like C# and Java have a programming language level memory model, which captures the set of all allowed behaviors of programs on any implementation platform—uni- or multi-processor. Such a memory model is typically weaker than Sequential Consistency and allows reordering of operations within a program thread. Therefore, programs verified correct by assuming Sequential Consistency (that is, each thread proceeds in program order) may not behave correctly on certain platforms! One solution to this problem is to develop program checkers which are memory model sensitive. In this paper, we develop a bytecode level invariant checker for the programming language C#. Our checker identifies program states which are reached only because the C# memory model is more relaxed than Sequential Consistency. It employs partial order reduction strategies to speed up the search. These strategies are different from standard partial order reduction methods since our search also considers execution traces containing bytecode re-orderings. Furthermore, our checker identifies (a) operation re-orderings which cause undesirable states to be reached, and (b) simple program modifications—by inserting memory barrier operations—which prevent such undesirable re-orderings.
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A preliminary version of this paper appeared as (Huynh and Roychoudhury, in: Formal Methods Symposium, 2006). The conference paper is available from http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~abhik/pdf/fm06.pdf.
This work was done when the first author was a Research Assistant at National University of Singapore.
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Huynh, T.Q., Roychoudhury, A. Memory model sensitive bytecode verification. Form Methods Syst Des 31, 281–305 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-007-0041-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10703-007-0041-6