Nectar robbery is usually thought to impact negatively on the reproductive success of plants, but also neutral or even positive effects have been reported. Very few studies have investigated the effects of nectar robbing on the behaviour of legitimate pollinators so far. Such behavioural changes may lead to the reduction of geitonogamy or to increased pollen movement. We simulated nectar robbing in experimental sites as well as in natural populations of Aconitum napellus ssp. lusitanicum, a rare plant pollinated by long-tongued bumblebees. In an experimental setup, we removed the nectaries of 40 % of the flowers, which is similar to rates of robbing observed in wild populations. Patches of plants with experimentally robbed flowers were compared with control patches containing plants with untreated flowers. We observed pollinator behaviour, mimicked male reproductive success (pollen dispersal) using fluorescent dye, and measured female reproductive success (seed set). The main legitimate visitors were bumblebees while honeybees were often observed robbing nectar. They did so by “base working”, i.e. sliding between tepals. Bumblebees tended to visit fewer flowers per plant and spent less time per single flower when these had been experimentally robbed. This change in behaviour consequently increased the proportion of flowers visited by bumblebees in patches with robbed flowers. Fluorescent dye mimicking pollen flow was dispersed larger distances after pollinators had visited patches with robbed flowers compared to control patches. Average seed set per plant was not affected by nectar robbing. Our results demonstrated that A. napellus does not suffer from nectar robbery but may rather benefit via improved pollen dispersal and thus, male reproductive success. Knowledge on such combined effects of behavioural changes of pollinators due to nectar robbery is important to understand the evolutionary significance of exploiters of such mutualistic relationships between plants and their pollinators.
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We would like to thank the “Département de la Nature et des Forêts”, Yves Storder and “Natagora” for the permission to study A. napellus ssp. lusitanicum populations in nature reserves during 2010–2012 and collect plant fragments in large and un-endangered populations in 2008 (ref. DNF/DN/PB/SLI/MLB/802.7). Renate Wesselingh (UCL) kindly provided fluorescent dyes. Fabienne Van Rossum made comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Thanks go to Connal Eardley for language improvement. The study was conducted in accordance with current Belgian laws.
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Mayer, C., Dehon, C., Gauthier, AL. et al. Nectar robbing improves male reproductive success of the endangered Aconitum napellus ssp. lusitanicum . Evol Ecol 28, 669–685 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10682-014-9696-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10682-014-9696-9