Intelligent tutoring systems are highly interactive learning environments that have been shown to improve upon typical classroom instruction. Cognitive Tutors are a type of intelligent tutor based on cognitive psychology theory of problem solving and learning. Cognitive Tutors provide a rich problem-solving environment with tutorial guidance in the form of step-by-step feedback, specific messages in response to common errors, and on-demand instructional hints. They also select problems based on individual student performance. The learning benefits of these forms of interactivity are supported, to varying extents, by a growing number of results from experimental studies. As Cognitive Tutors have matured and are being applied in new subject-matter areas, they have been used as a research platform and, particularly, to explore interactive methods to support metacognition. We review experiments with Cognitive Tutors that have compared different forms of interactivity and we reinterpret their results as partial answers to the general question: How should learning environments balance information or assistance giving and withholding to achieve optimal student learning? How best to achieve this balance remains a fundamental open problem in instructional science. We call this problem the “assistance dilemma” and emphasize the need for further science to yield specific conditions and parameters that indicate when and to what extent to use information giving versus information withholding forms of interaction.
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While texts come with an at least implicit request to have students try to understand them, they do not explicitly request students to produce a written or spoken output. The student “learning event” that may result from a passive instructional event may be active (e.g., taking notes), but passive instructional events do not explicitly prompt for such activity.
This effort was not the first to incorporate examples in Cognitive Tutors as the original LISP tutor had hypercard declarative instruction and examples interspersed with problem-solving practice in the tutor. Use of worked examples in the Cognitive Tutor Algebra course, both in text materials and in the tutor, were discouraged by our collaborating instructors (cf., Koedinger et al. 1997) because it was thought that urban students, if they processed the examples at all, would do so shallowly, which would impede deeper conceptual understanding that might better come from classroom discussion and collaborative projects.
As described above, even excellent college students at Carnegie Mellon University benefited in time savings from the immediate feedback of the LISP tutor.
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Koedinger, K.R., Aleven, V. Exploring the Assistance Dilemma in Experiments with Cognitive Tutors. Educ Psychol Rev 19, 239–264 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-007-9049-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-007-9049-0