Multiagent social commitments provide a principled basis for agent interactions, and serve as a natural tool to resolve design ambiguities. Indeed, they have been the subject of considerable research for more than a decade. However, the take-up of the social commitments paradigm is yet to come. To explain this negative result, we pinpoint a number of shortcomings, which this article aims to address. We extend current commitment modelling languages, thus leveraging expressive possibilities that were precluded by previous formalizations. We propose a novel axiomatization of commitment operations in a first order Event Calculus framework, that accommodates reasoning with data and metric time. Finally, we illustrate how publicly available \({\mathcal{REC}}\) implementations can be exploited for commitment monitoring purposes.
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Chesani, F., Mello, P., Montali, M. et al. Representing and monitoring social commitments using the event calculus. Auton Agent Multi-Agent Syst 27, 85–130 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-012-9202-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10458-012-9202-0