A standard technique in subjective “Bayesian” methodology is for a subject (“you”) to make judgements of the probabilities that a physical probability lies in various intervals. In the hierarchical Bayesian technique you make probability judgements (of a higher type, order, level, or stage) concerning the judgements of lower type. The paper will outlinesome of the history of this hierarchical technique with emphasis on the contributions by I. J. Good because I have read every word written by him.
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Good, I.J. Some history of the hierarchical Bayesian methodology. Trabajos de Estadistica Y de Investigacion Operativa 31, 489–519 (1980).
Issue Date:
- Hierarchical Bayes
- Partially-Ordered Probabilities
- Upper and Lower Probabilities
- Empirical Bayes
- Species Frequencies
- Multinomial Estimation
- Probability Estimation in Contingency Tables
- Probability Density Estimation
- Maximum Entropy
- ML/E Method
- Type II Likelihood Ratio
- Information in Marginal Totals
- Kinds of Probability
- Bayes/Non-Bayes Synthesis
- Hyper-Razor of Duns and Ockham