The digital age has not simply changed the nature of resources and information; it has transformed several basic social and economic enterprises. Contemporary society—the settings where we live, work, and learn—has likewise changed dramatically. Both the amount of information and access to it have grown exponentially; a significant potential for using varied resources in numerous ways for instruction and learning has emerged. However, several issues related to the educational uses of varied resources (e.g., people, place, things, ideas) must be addressed if we are successfully to implement resource-based learning environments. In this paper, we trace the changing nature of resources and perspectives in their use for learning in the digital age, describe the overarching structures of resource-based learning environments, and identify key challenges to be addressed.
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Hill, J.R., Hannafin, M.J. Teaching and learning in digital environments: The resurgence of resource-based learning. ETR&D 49, 37–52 (2001). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02504914
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02504914