Ferulic acid (4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid) is found in both plants and soils, and some evidence suggests its involvement in biochemical interactions between plants (allelopathy) and other organisms living in the soil. Knowledge of the processes affecting the concentrations of such potential allelochemicals in soil is essential if we are to understand their roles in the soil environment. It was the intent of this study to address the effects that soil physicochemical and biological processes have on the recovery of exogenously applied ferulic acid from tropical forest soils. Soil extractants used in this study are thought to recover potentially bioavailable concentrations of applied ferulic acid. Water and sodium acetate extractions of soil (immediately and after one and two days) were employed in the recovery of ferulic acid (added at a rate of 5.15 mmoles kg−1) from steam-sterilized and non-sterilized forest soil materials. Sterilization of soil was used to isolate physicochemical effects from microbial effects on ferulic acid. Results indicate some sterilization treatment effects on the immediate recovery of ferulic acid. Physicochemical and biological processes of soils decreased the recovery of ferulic acid. The immediate recovery of ferulic acid from non-sterile soils is inversely related to the % organic carbon present in the soils. Certain soils have the ability to ‘trap’ ferulic acid molecules for subsequent release into the soil-solution phase. Furthermore, results suggest that microbial degradation of ferulic acid may only occur in the solution (bulk) phase; ferulic acid molecules thought to be bound to soil surfaces appear to be protected from degradation.
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Dalton, B.R. Physicochemical and biological processes affecting the recovery of exogenously applied ferulic acid from tropical forest soils. Plant Soil 115, 13–22 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02220689
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02220689