One of the most fundamental properties that single-server multi-class service systems may possess is the property of work conservation. Under certain restrictions, the work conservation property gives rise to a conservation law for mean waiting times, i.e., a linear relation between the mean waiting times of the various classes of customers. This paper is devoted to single-server multi-class service systems in which work conservation is violated in the sense that the server's activities may be interrupted although work is still present. For a large class of such systems with interruptions, a decomposition of the amount of work into two independent components is obtained; one of these components is the amount of work in the corresponding systemwithout interruptions. The work decomposition gives rise to a (pseudo)conservation law for mean waiting times, just as work conservation did for the system without interruptions.
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Boxma, O.J. Workloads and waiting times in single-server systems with multiple customer classes. Queueing Syst 5, 185–214 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01149192
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01149192