In the bee brain neural activity of interneurons of the inner antenno-cerebral tract (inputs to the mushroom body) and extrinsic neurons of theβ-lobe (output cells) was recorded intracellularly. The cells were stained with Lucifer Yellow. The response characteristics of the neurons to light, various antennal stimuli and mechanical stimuli to thorax and abdomen were studied.
The cells of the inner antenno-cerebral tract (ACT) have uniglomerular dendritic arborizations in the antennal lobe and send projections into the calyces of the ipsilateral mushroom body and the lateral protocerebral lobe. 93% of the neurons are bi- or multimodal. No responses to light stimuli were found. Tactile stimuli to the antennae are only effective when applied ipsilaterally. Only one neuron showed marked differences in the responses to the qualitative testing of three odors: rose, lavender and isoamyl acetate.
The cells can be classified according to their response characteristics; the following response types were found: (1) inhibitory responses to the stimuli, (2) inhibitory responses to olfactory and excitatory responses to mechanical stimuli or vice versa, (3) excitatory responses to mechanical and sugar water stimuli, (4) excitation to olfactory stimuli and to touching the antenna with a drop of water or sugar water, (5) excitation to mechanical stimuli to head, thorax and abdomen and inhibition to sugar water stimuli.
The recorded extrinsicβ-lobe neurons have small dendritic bands perpendicular to the Kenyon cells, their axons project to the contralateral median protocerebrum. These cells have ipsilateral antennal and mostly ipsilateral optic inputs and process information from thoracic and abdominal mechanoreceptors. All responses are excitatory.
The recordings suggest that the mushroom bodies are multimodal integration centers, where antennal information is first combined with visual inputs.
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- ACT :
antenno-cerebral tract
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Homberg, U. Processing of antennal information in extrinsic mushroom body neurons of the bee brain. J. Comp. Physiol. 154, 825–836 (1984).
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