Mlo resistance to barley powdery mildew is a relatively new kind of resistance. It was originally described in a powdery mildew resistant barley mutant in 1942 and has been mutagen-induced repeatedly since then. About 1970 it was also recognized in barley landraces collected in Ethiopia in the 1930s. It is unique in that 1) Mlo resistance does not conform to the gene-for-gene system; 2)mlo genes originating from different mutational events map as non-complementing recessive alleles in one locus; 3) all alleles confer the same phenotype, though with small quantitative differences; 4) it is effective against all isolates of the pathogen; and 5) the resistance is caused by rapid formation of large cell wall appositions at the encounter sites preventing penetration by the fungus. Powdery mildew isolates with elevated Mlo aggressiveness have been produced on barley in the laboratory, but have not been found in nature. Mlo resistance is considered very durable. The exploitation of Mlo resistance has been hampered by pleiotropic effects of themlo genes, vix. necrotic leaf spotting and reduced grain yield, but they have been overcome by recent breeding work. During the 1980s Mlo-resistant spring barley varieties have become cultivated extensively in several European countries, in 1990 on about 700,000 ha.
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Jørgensen, I.H. Discovery, characterization and exploitation of Mlo powdery mildew resistance in barley. Euphytica 63, 141–152 (1992).
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