Figure S2
Outgrowth of sublines in combination transplanted into cleared fat pads. Whole mount iron hematoxylin staining of mammary glands derived from cells of O1 + L3 lines (a-1), O1 + M5 lines (b-1), L3 + M5 lines (c-1) and O1 + L2 + M5 lines (d-1) in cleared fat pads. Immunohistochemistry of sections of mammary ducts for KRT8 (a-2, b-2, c-2, d-2) and SMA (a-3, b-3, c-3, d-3). Scale bar; 1.5 mm (a-1, b-1, c-1, d-1), 50 μm (a-2, 3, b-2, 3, c-2, 3, d-2, 3). (PNG 703 kb)