In order to ensure the secure transmission and storage of video content, this research work provides a video encryption algorithm using symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods. The suggested strategy offers strong defense against assaults through the combination of the Affine Cipher, RSA, and XOR techniques with randomly generated keys. The algorithm first breaks the video into manageable chunks, then proceeds to use the Affine Cipher method to generate a distinct keys at random for each chunk. The RSA technique is then employed to encrypt the keys, ensuring secure transfer to the recipient. To increase the security, a new key is generated for every individual video segment using a random number generator. The suggested strategy also encrypts the video data using the XOR method, adding another degree of protection. Without a compatible key, the encrypted video data cannot be viewed thanks to the XOR algorithm. The experimental findings demonstrate that the suggested method offers strong defense against a variety of attacks, including differential, statistical, and brute-force attacks. The algorithm also exhibits excellent efficiency by being able to encrypt and decrypt video data almost instantly. Encryption and decryption only take 174.25 and 136.38 nanoseconds, respectively, per pixel. The suggested algorithm offers a reliable, effective, and safe solution for video encryption, making it appropriate for usage in a variety of applications, such as online video streaming, video conferencing, and video surveillance.
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The data sets analyzed during the experimentation have been generated by the authors. The data can be shared whenever required.
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Parekh, A., Antani, M., Suvarna, K. et al. Multilayer symmetric and asymmetric technique for audiovisual cryptography. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 31465–31503 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16401-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-16401-x