Questions concerning the epistemological status of computer science are, in this paper, answered from the point of view of the formal verification framework. State space reduction techniques adopted to simplify computational models in model checking are analysed in terms of Aristotelian abstractions and Galilean idealizations characterizing the inquiry of empirical systems. Methodological considerations drawn here are employed to argue in favour of the scientific understanding of computer science as a discipline. Specifically, reduced models gained by Data Abstraction are acknowledged as Aristotelian abstractions that include only data which are sufficient to examine the interested executions. The present study highlights how the need to maximize incompatible properties is at the basis of both Abstraction Refinement, the process of generating a cascade of computational models to achieve a balance between simplicity and informativeness, and the Multiple Model Idealization approach in biology. Finally, fairness constraints, imposed to computational models to allow fair behaviours only, are defined as ceteris paribus conditions under which temporal formulas, formalizing software requirements, acquire the status of law-like statements about the software systems executions.
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Angius and Tamburrini (2011) maintain that in the field of computer science model checking can be acknowledged as an instantiation of the model-based reasoning approach (Magnani et al. 1999) characteristic of the examination of complex empirical systems. Accordingly, one provides a formal model representing a target software system, performs experiments within the model, and draws regularities about the target system behaviours that hold according to the model.
Such distinction must be taken as a hypostatization of possible philosophical approaches in the inquiry of software systems more than actual attitudes of computer scientists: theoretical computer scientists do not disregard testing or other forms of experimentation on software but they stress the fact that, in principle, one is able to predict future behaviours of software by means of mathematical proofs. Engineers, on the other hand, do not ignore the capability of formal methodologies, but they just maintain that, since performing formal proofs on complex software is time consuming and often unfeasible, testing turns out to be the most practical and rapid way to ascertain the correctness of software before launching products into the market.
The traffic light controller example used throughout this paper is liberally taken from Clarke et al. (1999, chapter 13).
A KS might have more than one initial state; this is usually the case with KS for concurrent programs.
In this case, the KS should represent the executions in all possible orderings.
ACTL formulas are CTL statements that are quantified over all (A) possible paths.
This result was first published in Clarke et al. (1994).
Here, state S 0 corresponds to state S 0 in M; state S 1 is obtained by the collapse of states S 1 and S 2 in M which, according to abstract function h, become labelled with the same Stop label. It is worth noting how since a transition between S 1 and S 2 occurred in M, a self-loop on the corresponding collapsed state has been reported in M°.
Nowak (1979) uses indifferently the word idealization and the word abstraction to indicate a process, in economic modelling, that involves the both of them. Humphreys (1995) highlights how the last step of an abstraction process of a given empirical system usually involves an idealization of Galilean type. This fact explains why concretization, i.e. the inverse operation of abstraction, does not simply consist of an adding back of the previously ignored data but it involves corrections and de-idealizations. Weisberg (2007) suggests how an Aristotelian abstraction and a Galilean idealization might even yield the very same model. What distinguishes the two approaches is rather their justification: the Galilean idealization is employed to make more tractable the examination of complex empirical systems; the Aristotelian abstraction is used to isolate causal factors and it is concerned with scientific explanation.
ACTL* temporal logic is given by the union set of ACTL and LTL.
For a complete introduction on algebraic relations between Kripke structures, see Fokkink (2000).
It may also happen that the initial abstraction is an under-approximation, i.e. a structure that does not simulate all the paths of the starting KS. When checking universal formulas, a counterexample encountered in an under-approximated structure corresponds to an actual counterexample in the original KS. However, if the model checking algorithm does not find a counterexample in the end, this does not automatically mean that the formula holds true: the formula might, indeed, correspond to a false positive, and a counterexample might be present in the unreduced model (Lee et al. 1996).
This example is taken from Clarke et al. (2000).
One would aim to obtain the smallest structure not including spurious counterexamples in order to maintain a good proficiency of the checking algorithm. Unfortunately, computing the ‘coarsest refinement’ is NP-hard (Clarke et al. 2003, 778); Clarke et al. (2003) proposed a polynomial-time refinement algorithm that provides a refinement which is suitable for model checking.
However, it should be carefully noticed how a Galilean idealization is an intentional introduction of false assumptions; in over-approximated Kripke structures non-actual paths are the unintentional result of the process of generating an abstract model which simulates the behaviours of the corresponding complex model.
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I am grateful to the reviewer for insightful and constructive comments. I would also like to thank Alberto Mario Mura and Guglielmo Tamburrini for helpful suggestions on an early draft of this paper. This work was founded by the Regione Autonoma della Sardegna.
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Angius, N. Abstraction and Idealization in the Formal Verification of Software Systems. Minds & Machines 23, 211–226 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-012-9289-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11023-012-9289-8