This paper solves the advection–diffusion equation by treating both advection and diffusion residuals in a separate (non-unified) manner. An alternative residual distribution (RD) method combined with the Galerkin method is proposed to solve the advection–diffusion problem. This Flux-Difference RD method maintains a compact-stencil and the whole process of solving advection–diffusion does not require additional equations to be solved. A general mathematical analysis reveals that the new RD method is linearity preserving on arbitrary grids for the steady-state advection–diffusion equation. The numerical results show that the flux difference RD method preserves second-order accuracy on various unstructured grids including highly randomized anisotropic grids on both the linear and nonlinear scalar advection–diffusion cases.
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We would like to thank Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education under the Fundamental Research Grant (No. 203/PAERO/6071316). In addition, we would like to thank Professor Rémi Abgrall for his feedback on the paper as well providing the proof of LP of the new Flux-Difference approach in the “Appendix”.
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Appendix by Rémi Abgrall
Institut für Mathematik Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. E-mail: remi.abgrall@math.uzh.ch
Appendix by Rémi Abgrall
The problem is defined in \({\varOmega }\subset \mathbb {R}^2\). The case \(\mathbb {R}^3\) could be done the same by replacing the 1/2 factor to 1/3. The boundary conditions could also be dealt similarly.
The residual is
where \(\varphi _i\) is the basis function, \(\mathbf {n}_i=\int _T\nabla \varphi _i \;d \mathbf {x}\). The as in [12,4], consider a test function v and its interpolant \(v^h=\sum \limits _iv_i\varphi _i\). The scheme is
Then we multiply by \(v_i\), sum over all degrees of freedom and get:
Similarly, if \(u^h\) is the piecewise linear interpolant of the exact solution, we can define the truncation error as,
Now we also know that the exact solution \(u^{ex}\) satisfies
So taking the difference, the truncation error is,
Then, clearly if v is sufficiently regular, \(\mathbf {f}^\star _T( u^{ex,h})-\mathbf {f}( u^{ex})=O(h^2)\) (at least for the choices of the paper), and \(\nabla \big ( u^{ex,h}- u^{ex}\big )=O(h)\). This indicates that
The second inequality shows it is O(h) but using the Aubin–Nitsche approach [4], we have that
and using Poincaré inequality (possible since v has a compact support), we get that \(||v||_{L^2}\le C ||\nabla v||_2\) for some \(C>0\) that only depends on \({\varOmega }\). Collecting the two together, we see that the viscous term
behaves like \(O(h^2)\) in reality.
So in generality the scheme has a truncation error \(O(h^2)\) provided that
This is also true under the assumptions of the paper since on each element,
and then,
where \(v_T\) is the value at one arbitrarily chosen degree of freedom. In this paper, \(\phi _i^{\text {art},T}( u^{ex,h})\) is a sum of differences of \(u^{ex}\) multiplied by coefficient that are \(O(h^2)\) (before the normalisation, since the normalisation removes an h and the tilded coefficients are O(h), so in summary \(O(h^2)\) is preserved. Hence the Flux-Difference approach is LP in full generality and taking into account the diffusion. This however is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to preserve the order of accuracy on advection–diffusion problems.
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Singh, V., Chizari, H., Ismail, F. et al. Non-unified Compact Residual-Distribution Methods for Scalar Advection–Diffusion Problems. J Sci Comput 76, 1521–1546 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-018-0674-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-018-0674-1