Multi-aspect data appear frequently in web-related applications. For example, product reviews are quadruplets of the form (user, product, keyword, timestamp), and search-engine logs are quadruplets of the form (user, keyword, location, timestamp). How can we analyze such web-scale multi-aspect data on an off-the-shelf workstation with a limited amount of memory? Tucker decomposition has been used widely for discovering patterns in such multi-aspect data, which are naturally expressed as large but sparse tensors. However, existing Tucker decomposition algorithms have limited scalability, failing to decompose large-scale high-order (\(\ge \) 4) tensors, since they explicitly materialize intermediate data, whose size grows exponentially with the order. To address this problem, which we call “Materialization Bottleneck,” we propose S-HOT, a scalable algorithm for high-order Tucker decomposition. S-HOT minimizes materialized intermediate data by using an on-the-fly computation, and it is optimized for disk-resident tensors that are too large to fit in memory. We theoretically analyze the amount of memory and the number of data scans required by S-HOT. Moreover, we empirically show that S-HOT handles tensors with higher order, dimensionality, and rank than baselines. For example, S-HOT successfully decomposes a real-world tensor from the Microsoft Academic Graph on an off-the-shelf workstation, while all baselines fail. Especially, in terms of dimensionality, S-HOT decomposes 1000 \(\times \) larger tensors than baselines.
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\(\textsc {S-HOT}_{\text {space}}\) and \(\textsc {S-HOT}_{\text {scan}}\) appeared in the conference version of this paper [35]. This work extends [35] with \(\textsc {S-HOT}_{\text {memo}}\), which is significantly faster than \(\textsc {S-HOT}_{\text {space}}\) and \(\textsc {S-HOT}_{\text {scan}}\), space complexity analyses, and additional experimental results.
When the input tensor is sparse, a straightforward way of computing is to (1) compute for each nonzero element \(\varvec{\mathscr {X}}(i_{1},\dots ,i_{N})\) and (2) combine the results together. The result of takes \(O(\prod _{p\ne n}J_p)\) space. Since there are M nonzero elements, \(O(M \prod _{p\ne n}J_p)\) space is required in total.
For example, see line 13 of Algorithm 4 in [25].
Instead of computing the eigenvectors of , we can use directly obtain the singular vectors of using, for example, Lanczos bidiagonalization [7]. We leave exploration of such variation for future work.
The size of the memo never exceeds 200KB unless otherwise stated.
However, this does not mean that S-HOT is limited to binary tensors nor our implementation is optimized for binary tensors. We choose binary tensors for simplicity. Generating realistic values, while we control each factor, is not a trivial task.
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This research was supported by Disaster-Safety Platform Technology Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT (Grant Number: 2019M3D7A1094364) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2016R1E1A1A01942642).
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Zhang, J., Oh, J., Shin, K. et al. Fast and memory-efficient algorithms for high-order Tucker decomposition. Knowl Inf Syst 62, 2765–2794 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-019-01435-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-019-01435-1