We constructed so-called convergence rings for the ring of integers of a multidimensional local field. The convergence ring is a sub-ring of the ring of integers with the property that any power series with coefficients from the sub-ring converges when replacing a variable by an arbitrary element of the maximal ideal. The properties of convergence rings and an explicit formula for their construction are derived. Note that the multidimensional case is fundamentally different from the case of the classical (one-dimensional) local field, where the whole ring of integers is the convergence ring. Next, we consider a multidimensional local field with zero characteristics of the penultimate residue field. For each convergence ring of such a field, we introduce a homomorphism that allows us to construct a formal group over the same ring with a logarithm having coefficients from the field for a power series with coefficients from the ring, and we give an explicit formula for the coefficients. In addition, by isogeny with coefficients from this ring, we construct a generalization of the formal Lubin—Tate group over this ring, study the endomorphisms of these formal groups, and derive a criterion for their isomorphism. We prove a one-to-one correspondence between formal groups created by ring homomorphism and by isogeny. Also, for any finite extension of a multidimensional local field with zero characteristic of the penultimate residue field, we consider the point group generated by the corresponding Lubin—Tate formal group.
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Madunts, A.I., Vostokov, S.V. & Vostokova, R.P. Formal Groups over Sub-Rings of the Ring of Integers of a Multidimensional Local Field. Vestnik St.Petersb. Univ.Math. 52, 59–65 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3103/S1063454119010084
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3103/S1063454119010084