Electrochemical sensing systems are advancing into a wide range of new applications, moving from the traditional lab environment into disposable devices and systems, enabling real-time continuous monitoring of complex media. This transition presents numerous challenges ranging from issues such as sensitivity and dynamic range, to autocalibration and antifouling, to enabling multiparameter analyte and biomarker detection from an array of nanosensors within a miniaturized form factor. New materials are required not only to address these challenges, but also to facilitate new manufacturing processes for integrated electrochemical systems. This paper examines the recent advances in the instrumentation, sensor architectures, and sensor materials in the context of developing the next generation of nanoenabled electrochemical sensors for life sciences applications, and identifies the most promising solutions based on selected well established application exemplars.
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The authors would like to acknowledge financial support from Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, European Commission FP6, FP7 and H2020 Programmes.
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Galvin, P., Padmanathan, N., Razeeb, K.M. et al. Nanoenabling electrochemical sensors for life sciences applications. Journal of Materials Research 32, 2883–2904 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.290
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1557/jmr.2017.290