In this paper we present a deep learning segmentation approach to classify and quantify the two most prevalent primary liver cancers – hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma – from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained whole slide images. While semantic segmentation of medical images typically requires costly pixel-level annotations by domain experts, there often exists additional information which is routinely obtained in clinical diagnostics but rarely utilized for model training. We propose to leverage such weak information from patient diagnoses by deriving complementary labels that indicate to which class a sample cannot belong to. To integrate these labels, we formulate a complementary loss for segmentation. Motivated by the medical application, we demonstrate for general segmentation tasks that including additional patches with solely weak complementary labels during model training can significantly improve the predictive performance and robustness of a model. On the task of diagnostic differentiation between hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, we achieve a balanced accuracy of 0.91 (CI 95%: 0.86-0.95) at case level for 165 hold-out patients. Furthermore, we also show that leveraging complementary labels improves the robustness of segmentation and increases performance at case level.
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Primary liver cancer ranks as the seventh most frequently diagnosed cancer globally and is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Among primary liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) are the most frequent types accounting for roughly 75-85% and 10-15% of cases, respectively1. The diagnostic distinction based on histopathological evaluation between these entities has unique implications for prognosis and medical treatment. For example, certain treatment options that are regularly used in the treatment of CCA are to date ineffective and even potentially harmful for HCC, and vice versa. Given the potential consequences of misdiagnoses, it is alarming that the histopathological classification of HCC and CCA can present significant challenges, even for experienced gastrointestinal pathologists2,3. Consequently, the incorporation of machine learning-based predictions stands to gain significant relevance for addressing this particular use case.
Reliable diagnostic case predictions on histological hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained slides already add value for the routine pathological workflow. They facilitate prompt decision-making regarding the need for ancillary tests, such as immunohistochemistry, thereby conserving valuable time and resources. Our hypothesis posits that there is much more latent information hidden in the tissue composition. Manual estimation of tissue composition however is not only labor-intensive but also inherently prone to approximation errors. Therefore, we propose employing a semantic segmentation approach, which enables precise segmentation of distinct classes within images. In this study, we leverage semantic segmentation to determine outline and size of relevant tissue types in the whole slides image. In particular, the extent of an area covered by a specific morphological tissue type might exhibit correlations with pertinent clinical parameters. Conventional parameters such as tumor diameter are already well-established prognostic factors for survival4. Additionally, treatment response, for instance to immunotherapy, might depend on factors such as the spatial distribution of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment and their distance to corresponding tumor cells, which can be assessed with a segmentation approach.5,6,7. Furthermore, segmentation approaches have the advantage of inherently providing the possibility for practitioners to verify class predictions via segmentation maps.
Semantic segmentation in medical imaging8 relies on pixel-wise annotations by domain experts. As labeling efforts can be extremely costly and time-consuming, annotations are often sparse and only capture a relatively small fraction of the available, usually heterogeneous data. Especially in digital pathology, where samples are in the range of gigapixels, often large parts of the data get neglected and only a very limited number of pixels are used for model training. However, there often exists additional information about the patient’s whole slide images (WSIs) that is mostly ignored for training segmentation models. For example, for cases in the training set clinical diagnoses are already available from routine diagnostics and do not require further manual labeling efforts. Therefore we can incorporate this additional information at case level during model training. For the task of tumor segmentation, we cannot directly use the patient’s diagnosis as weak label9 due to the presence of normal tissue components even on tumorous slides. Due to the mutually exclusivity of the diagnoses, we can however assign the opposite diagnosis as complementary label, i.e. stating which class a case and therefore its corresponding patches do not belong to. This way we can derive complementary labels at pixel level for all cases in our training set, independent of manual labeling efforts.
Our contribution in this work is two-fold: First, we propose a segmentation approach to classify and quantify hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in H&E-stained whole slide images. In contrast to classification, this approach provides more informative insights into the tissue composition such as the localization and quantification of the tumor. Additionally, the corresponding segmentation maps allow visual verification of class predictions by pathologists. Second, we extend the segmentation approach by formulating a loss function that enables us to leverage weak complementary labels derived from patients’ diagnoses. While our motivation is derived from the medical use case, our contribution regarding the utilization of complementary labels for segmentation tasks is general. We demonstrate that if only a limited number of annotated samples is available, segmentation performance can be significantly improved by a large margin via leveraging weak complementary labels on additional, not manually annotated patches. Such complementary labels at patch level are often available without further manual expenditure or at least require less skills and time. We extend this analysis for scenarios where one class is not available as complementary label. Finally, we demonstrate these benefits of leveraging complementary labels on our medical use case for semantic segmentation of hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma in H&E-stained slides.
Related work
As outlined previously, this study aims to both segment relevant tissue compartments and to make subtype predictions at the case level. So far, these two tasks have mainly been treated separately: Machine learning-based whole slide image predictions on the basis of weak labels are often approached with multiple instance learning10 while the U-Net11 has become the de facto standard neural network architecture for segmentation in medical imaging, including its successful application to tissue segmentation in histopathology (e.g.12,13,14).
Considering the extensive annotation efforts typically required for semantic segmentation in medical imaging, there have been several proposals in the literature to reduce this manual burden for domain experts. For example, Bulten et al.12 use co-registered immunohistochemical (IHC) stained WSIs to extract segmentation masks. Others suggest to generate additional synthetic training patches, for example via using generative adversarial networks (GANs)15,16,17.
Another approach is to make use of complementary labels, indicating which class a sample does not belong to, which are often easier to obtain than ordinary labels18,19,20. The use of complementary labels has recently been studied in the context of classification tasks. In particular, Ishida et al.18 investigate learning solely from complementary labels. They have extended their initial approach, which had some restrictions concerning the loss function (in particular its requirement to satisfy a symmetry condition), to arbitrary models and losses19. In their approach they assume that each complementary label has the same probability of being selected given the ground truth label, that is each complementary class is sampled with a probability of \(1/(k-1)\) with k being the number of classes. In practice, however, complementary labels might not always be distributed uniformly across classes, for example due to selection biases of the annotators. For this reason, Yu et al.20 propose a loss function that allows the probability of the complementary labels to be skewed.
To the best of our knowledge, there is only one work integrating complementary labels into semantic segmentation21. Whereas the focus of Rezaei et al.21 is to explore recurrent generative adversarial models in the context of medical image segmentation, the authors additionally probe the integration of the inverse of the ground truth map as complementary labels in order to mitigate the commonly encountered class imbalance between foreground and background pixels in medical image analyses. In contrast, we aim to derive complementary labels also for pixels for which we do not have manual annotations which enables us to explore additional cases during model training.
Regarding machine learning-based whole slide image analyses of liver disorders, there only exist few prior works. Whereas most focus either on the classification between benign and malignant tissue in HCC (e.g.22,23,24) or on the classification of histological grades in HCC25, we only found one study aiming to differentiate between HCC and CCA. In particular, Kiani et al.26 develop a deep learning-based assistant to help pathologists differentiate between these two most common liver cancer types on H&E-stained whole slide images. Their approach is based on the classification of patches extracted from tumor regions which were previously annotated by a pathologist. The slide-level accuracy is subsequently reported as the mean of the patch-level probabilities.
Despite its great potential for medical imaging the full capability of biased complementary labels for semantic segmentation has not yet been demonstrated. With this work, we aim to fill this gap.
The proposed loss function for incorporating complementary labels into semantic segmentation extends the idea of biased complementary labels for classification20 to segmentation tasks. In the segmentation setting, a complementary label refers to a label which states one of the incorrect classes for a pixel. Especially for real-world datasets, we can additionally assume the overall distribution of complementary labels to not be uniform but rather biased towards one of the ground truth classes.
The overall concept of the loss function is to maximize the cumulative probabilities of the potential ground truth classes (i.e. all output classes excluding the complementary class). This optimization is achieved by weighting the probabilities estimated for these classes based on a specific complementary label. Importantly, the weighted sum of these probabilities forms a new probability distribution across all conceivable ground truth classes. Consequently, standard loss functions like cross-entropy can be effectively employed in this context. The estimation of the pixel-level probabilities (which we will later summarize in a transition matrix Q) need to either be derived from a small annotated dataset or can in our case be derived from the distribution of diagnoses (for more details cf. Section “Model training”).
To formulate the complementary loss function formally, let \(\{x_n, \bar{y}_n\}_{n=1}^N\) be the set of image patches \({x_n \in \mathbb {R}^{P \times P \times 3}}\) with corresponding complementary label masks \({\bar{y}_n \in \mathbb {R}^{P \times P}}\). Hereby, k denotes the number of classes and P the patch size. Assuming \({y_{n_p} \! = \! c}\) is the (unknown) ground truth label of pixel \(x_{n_p}\), then the complementary label lies in \({\bar{y}_{n_p} \in \{1, ..., k\} \setminus \{c\}}\). The estimated probabilities of assigning a complementary class j given the true label i, i.e. \({Q_{ij} = P(\bar{Y}\!=\!j|Y\!=\!i)}\), are summarized in a transition matrix \(Q \in \mathbb {R}^{k \times k}\). Hence, the rows of the transition matrix describe the transition probabilities of all complementary labels for the respective ground truth label. Therefore probabilities over individual rows should sum up to one. Mind that all entries on the diagonal of Q will be zero, as complementary labels indicate incorrect classes.
The benefit of capturing the probabilities of the complementary classes in such a transition matrix Q is that the conditional probability of the true label \(P(Y\!=\!i|X)\) can be approximated by multiplying \(P(\bar{Y}\!=\!i|X)\) with the transposed transition matrix \(Q^T\). Thus, we can apply standard loss functions for optimization.
Suppose \(\hat{y}_{n_p}\) denotes the predicted softmax probabilities of pixel \(x_{n_p}\) for some model, and \(\bar{y}_{n_p}\) the corresponding one-hot encoded complementary label, we formulate the complementary loss as
Note that the logarithm is applied element-wise here. Given that the transition matrix Q describes all transition probabilities between complementary labels and ground truth labels, the matrix multiplication \(Q^T \hat{y}_{n_p}\) consequently represents the conditional probability of the possible true labels.
We can further extend this loss to a focal version27 by inserting the multiplicative factor \((1-Q^T \hat{y}_{n_p})^\gamma\) with \(\gamma >0\). This penalizes the hard-to-classify pixels more strongly.
We then define the overall loss as the weighted sum of the supervised loss and the complementary loss,
where \(\mathscr {L}_s\) denotes the categorical cross-entropy loss on the annotated pixels. Note that in contrast to the cross-entropy loss, the complementary loss is not masked and can be applied to both sparsely annotated as well as completely unannotated patches.
Proof of concept: MNIST ablation study
Here, we use the well-studied MNIST dataset to investigate the behavior of the proposed complementary loss under controlled conditions. In particular, we explore different conditional probability distributions of the complementary labels. To this end we use a subset (N=1,000) of the MNIST dataset to segment and classify the digits “3”, “4” and all others. Only 10% of the data contain supervised labels. Complementary labels for all samples were distributed according to two different conditional probability distributions where in (i) the complementary labels are biased towards respective classes and in (ii) there is no complementary label information for one of the classes. The two scenarios can formally be expressed by the two following transition matrices:
For segmenting the digits, we train a small U-Net model and report performance over five random seeds per condition. The results shown in Fig. 2 demonstrate that including complementary labels from additional samples in the form of the suggested complementary loss (1) significantly increases performance over the supervised baseline trained on the small labeled dataset (10% of the dataset). The expected upper bound is given by a supervised model trained on the complete dataset, thus assuming we would have access to the ground truth labels for all data points. Regarding the different distributions of complementary labels, restricting the full number of complementary classes as with \(Q_2\) has a slight negative effect on performance as expected, though only slightly. Overall, we can see that utilizing complementary labels together with only 10% supervised labels already comes close to the upper performance bound of using completely supervised labels, thus demonstrating the benefit of our proposed complementary loss for segmentation.
In this section we will outline the segmentation approach to differentiate and quantify HCC and CCA as the primary tumor types in liver specimens, as well as applying the proposed complementary loss in this real-world scenario. In the first part of the section we will describe the machine learning-based experimental setup before introducing the dataset, which was digitized and curated for the purpose of this work. The rest of the section delineates the specific parameters and details of the model training for reproducibility.
Experimental setup
We aim to segment a given whole slide image into the following three tissue types: CCA, HCC, and non-carcinoma tissue (hereafter referred to as Other) which contained both annotations from healthy tissue (e.g. normal liver epithelium, lymphocytes) as well as image artifacts. Furthermore, we study the benefits of the proposed complementary loss which allows to include more patients into model training without further manual annotation expenditure.
We evaluate our approach with respect to three different criteria: (i) Pixel-wise segmentation performance on the annotated test set, (ii) binary classification at case level, and (iii) quantitative evaluation of the segmentation maps on the hold-out test cohort. While evaluation against the manual annotations on a test set is the standard approach to estimate the model’s generalization to unseen data, additional evaluation on not manually annotated WSIs allows for an evaluation on a much larger cohort and therefore covering more of the naturally occurring heterogeneity of hepatic liver tissue. For these cases only weak labels at case level (i.e. the patients’ diagnoses) were available. For (iii) we use the segmentation maps to report the pixel share of the complementary class as an additional pixel-wise measure which evaluates the entirety of the whole slide image. An overview over the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1.
We conduct our experimental evaluation using digital whole slide images of H&E-stained slides from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) primary hepatic tumor resections of either HCC or CCA. For this, anonymized archival tissue samples were retrieved from the tissue bank of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. All data were collected in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. We used tissue samples from adult patients (aged 18 and older) between 2016 and 2018 for HCC and between 2010 and 2019 for CCA. Rare subtypes of HCC were excluded. In total 261 patients (124 CCA, 137 HCC) with a mean (median) of 1.2 (1) whole slide image per patient were included. The slides were digitized across two scanners (Ventana DP200 and Mirax) with an objective power of 20 and a resolution of \(0.465 \mu m\) per pixel/ \(0.243 \mu m\) per pixel, respectively. The histopathological classification was derived by first evaluating the morphological features in H&E stainings. In case of diagnostic uncertainty – e.g. HCC vs. CCA, HCC vs. healthy liver parenchyma, CCA vs. healthy bile duct – additional analyses like gomori reticulin staining or immunohistochemical stainings (e.g. CK7, CK19, HepPar1, Glypican 3) were used.
Two pathologists annotated the digitized histological slides (N=124) from 97 patients (47 CCA, 50 HCC) according to the respective carcinoma and other tissue components such as healthy liver parenchyma, healthy bile duct epithelium, connective tissue, also covering commonly occurring artifacts. The majority of annotations were collected based on corrections of segmentation maps of previous preliminary models. Therefore annotations focus on difficult regions of the slides. From the polygon annotations we extracted patches of size \({340\! \times \! 340 \, \text {px}}\) (to allow for rotation and translation) at a resolution of \(0.5\mu m\) per pixel, which resulted in a total of 44,088 patches.
Exemplary patches for both tumor entities are shown in Fig. 3.
For the additional complementary data, we derive complementary labels from the patients diagnoses. For example, if a patient is diagnosed with CCA, no patch of the patient’s WSI should contain HCC and vice versa. We use the complementary label for both the sparsely annotated patches as well as patches from additional 49 unannotated patients (stratified according to diagnosis and tumor grade). These additional patches on unannotated slides were extracted on a regular grid with a stride of ten patch lengths. In total this resulted in an additional 6,143 patches. Example patches are depicted in Fig. 4.
The 165 patients (77 CCA, 88 HCC), for which we did not gather annotations, were kept as hold-out test cohort for the evaluation at case level. The distribution of tumor grades of this test cohort is provided in Table 1.
Model training
In order to segment the different tissue types, we train a U-Net11 with a ResNet18 backbone (Implementation taken from https://github.com/qubvel/segmentation_models). The cross-entropy loss is optimized using Adam with weight decay regularization28 on mini-batches of 128 patches of size \({224\! \times \! 224 \, \text {px}}\). The learning rate is experimentally chosen to be \(1e-05\) and the weight decay set to \(1e-05\). For the supervised part, the cross-entropy loss is class-weighted and masked (similar to29) which is necessary due to the sparsity of annotated pixels on the patches.
To prevent overfitting, early stopping is performed on the averaged per class \(F_1\)-score with a patience of 50 epochs.
Besides common geometric augmentations such as translation and rotation, we address the large stain color heterogeneity in the dataset (cf. Fig. 3) by augmentations in the \(L\alpha \beta\) color space30.
The advantage of such perceptual color spaces is that euclidean distances in this space are perceptually perceived as equally distant by humans. Inspired by color normalization of31, we use the mean and standard deviation in the \(L\alpha \beta\) color space to translate and scale the color values respectively. During training, we normalize the patch with the corresponding cases’ mean and standard deviation per axis respectively, before transforming it with values randomly drawn from the fitted Gaussian distributions over the data.
In order to include patches from cases which were not manually annotated, the complementary labels are derived from the mutually exclusive diagnoses. While for classes HCC and CCA this could be computed analytically, we estimated the probabilities of complementary labels for the ground truth class Other from the distribution of patches of both tumor types. The underlying assumption is that the share of patches displaying healthy tissue is the same for CCA and HCC cases. Inspired by the results on the MNIST dataset (cf. Fig. 2), we additionally gathered few complementary labels for class Other. This was achieved by assigning patches, which according to the annotation were fully covered with tumor cells, the complementary label Non-Other. This affected about 2% of the annotated patches. From this we can derive the following transition matrix
The additional hyperparameters such as the weight of the complementary loss and the focal loss parameter were included as a hyperparameter into our grid search for model selection and were consequently set to \(\alpha =0.3\) and \(\gamma =2\) throughout all experiments.
We evaluate our models at pixel level on the annotated test set as well as at case level on a larger, not manually annotated cohort. For evaluation at pixel level, results are reported as average over an outer 5-fold cross-validation, therefore taking into consideration the large heterogeneity of the dataset. This way each patient is contained in the test set once. Both the evaluation at case level as well as a quantification of segmentation maps in terms of complementary class shares are performed on the unannotated, hold-out test cohort. To this end, we compute segmentation maps and derive their case-level prediction from the most dominant class in the segmentation map. If cases contain multiple slides, their predicted class shares are aggregated for the case prediction.
Evaluation on the annotated test set
Segmentation performance is evaluated on the annotated, hold-out test set in order to assess the generalization capability to unseen patients. From a more practical point of view, the segmentation performance can also be interpreted as an estimate of the segmentation map quality at the granular level of cell groups. Naturally, large annotations and patients with numerous annotations will dominate pixel-level scores. To mitigate this impact, we compute a case-averaged \(F_1\)-score for CCA and HCC which is achieved by determining the respective \(F_1\)-scores per patient before averaging. This way the metric better represents the generalization to new patients instead of new annotated pixels. The performance over the outer five-fold cross-validation is \({80.20 \pm 7.07}\) for CCA and \({68.97 \pm 7.07}\) for HCC. Out of these five models, the model which achieves median performance is used for further evaluation on the large, unannotated test set. This model achieves an \(F_1\)-score of 78.5 for CCA and 69.6 for HCC.
With this standard segmentation evaluation, we specifically target the performance at pixel level which is dependent on the quality and representativity of the respective annotations. Therefore the scores are heavily influenced by the process of how annotations where gathered. The corrective fashion way of labeling therefore leads to annotations which are particularly focused on difficult regions of the slides (cf. Section “Data”).
Evaluation on the unannotated test set
In contrast, we additionally evaluate the models at case level. This is approached by deriving the case-level prediction from the predominantly predicted cancer type in the segmentation map. For instance, if the model predicts mostly HCC (in comparison to CCA), we derive the case-level label HCC. Due to the fact that this case-level evaluation is independent of manual annotations, we can assess the generalization of our model on the remaining patients for which we do not have manual annotations. For these patients only their diagnosis is available from clinical reports. As it is computationally expensive to compute gigapixel segmentation maps, we only evaluate a single model on these 165 cases. In particular, we chose the model with median performance. For case-level discrimination between HCC and CCA our model achieves a balanced accuracy of 0.905 (CI 95%: 0.861-0.947). The reported confidence interval was obtained by bootstrapping with 1,000 resamples. Regarding the confusion between the diagnoses at case level, we observe that the model tends to confuse HCC cases as CCA. The respective confusion matrix is depicted in Fig. 5.
Falsely predicted cases were reviewed by pathologists in order to identify common patterns. Several of these cases were poorly differentiated tumors, meaning they lost the morphological characteristics of the original healthy cells, had a high percentage of artefacts or consisted of morphologically atypical tumors with mixed features in the H&E-stainings. Moreover, in some HCC cases the tumor area was quite small (e.g. due to necrosis) and around the tumor bile duct proliferations with partly dysplastic cells had occurred, which were falsely predicted as CCA (cf. Fig. 6).
Overall, our model outperforms previously reported results by26, namely 0.885 on 26 validation WSIs and 0.842 on 80 independent test WSIs (cf. Table 2). It should be noted that their task was slightly easier as classification was performed on manually selected tumor regions instead of the entire whole slide image. This difference in setup is due to the main focus of26, where they investigated the impact of using model predictions to assist pathologists with the subtype classification.
Furthermore, we use the segmentation maps to quantify the performance in terms of confusion between the cancer types at pixel level but independent of the annotations. Particularly, we measure the falsely predicted area of the complementary class separately for both carcinomas. The reported areas are relative to the slides size. This means that we compute the ratio of for example predicted CCA pixels over slide pixels for a patient diagnosed with HCC. Both carcinoma types display a similar share of complementary class area of 6.00% and 6.15% for CCA and HCC, respectively.
Complementary label improvement
Figure 7 depicts the difference in segmentation performance when additionally leveraging the patients’ diagnoses via the proposed complementary loss function. To not only compare approaches regarding predictive performance but also regarding robustness, performance is reported over five differently seeded runs. Due to the computational complexity of this evaluation, we evaluate the models on the (smaller) annotated test set. Besides the \(F_1\)-score for CCA and HCC, we also report the overall macro score, i.e. the average over all three segmentation classes (including Other). Although we waived to compute case-based scores but instead directly averaged scores per class, the observed baseline trend is similar to the reported one in Section “Evaluation on the annotated test set”. By providing additional information through complementary labels to the classifier, we observe that models’ prediction variance is reduced substantially for all classes. Furthermore, we observe an increase in segmentation performance, especially prominent for HCC tissue. Here, the average test set \(F_1\)-score over the five randomly seeded models increases by 4%.
The qualitative improvement of segmentation maps when leveraging complementary labels can be seen in Fig. 8. The left column shows the segmentation map of a baseline model while the right column shows the segmentation map of the corresponding model (i.e. using the same random seed) trained with additional complementary labels. We observe that for the HCC case, the prediction of CCA is reduced and vice versa.
We additionally evaluate our models at case level to assess if complementary labels also improve the balanced accuracy regarding HCC and CCA discrimination. For this reason, we compute the corresponding baselines with the same seeds. Comparing these baseline models with the models which use complementary labels, we observe an increase in case-level balanced accuracy from \({0.86 \pm 0.03}\) to \({0.91 \pm 0.03}\) on the annotated test set.
Overall, we observe that while the model has robust performance for both tumor types, it is more accurate in detecting CCA, both on a segmentation and case classification level. However, the inferior segmentation performance of HCC cases can be improved by integrating weak complementary labels (derived from the diagnoses) in terms of the proposed loss.
Benefits and novelty our approach
The benefits of leveraging additional patches with solely weak complementary labels during segmentation model training was explored both for a general segmentation task on MNIST and on our real-world dataset. Over all experiments the additional information reduces variance and improves performance over supervised models trained on the smaller subset of annotated data. For the tumor segmentation task the performance improvement is especially observable in the mean performance of HCC tissue segmentation. Furthermore this improvement also reflects in the diagnostic classification between HCC and CCA at case level. Therefore complementary labels and the proposed loss function provide a way to include more patients without further manual annotations during training. This is especially relevant as medical segmentation datasets are often rather small while exhibiting large heterogeneity among patients.
We extended the idea of complementary labels to segmentation tasks which had been proven to work well in classification18,19,20. Due to different properties of classification and segmentation tasks regarding low-density regions along class boundaries, some assumptions might be violated when transferring losses across these tasks. For example, the generalization of the very promising consistency regularization technique for classification32 was hampered by the violation of the cluster assumption in input space for segmentation tasks33. Besides proving the benefits of the complementary loss in segmentation tasks, we additionally explore the situation where not all class labels are used as complementary labels and thus some classes do not have any complementary label information. While the performance increase persists, it is reduced compared to using the full range of classes as complementary labels. For the tumor segmentation task, we almost exclusively have binary complementary labels for a three class segmentation task. This means that we hardly (only for 2% of the data) have access to patches with complementary label Non-Other.
We further hypothesize that the regular grid used to extract the patches of the not annotated whole slide images might not capture the most informative structures and include some redundancy and could be improved by more sophisticated sampling strategies.
To better understand the performance and limitations of our tumor model, we analyzed specific subgroups with respect to tumor cell grading. Histological grading is a measure of the cell appearance in tumors, for liver tumors ranging from well differentiated (G1) over moderately differentiated (G2) to poorly differentiated (G3). In poorly differentiated tumors, cells lose their morphological characteristics, thus making it very difficult for pathologists to distinguish these liver tumors in H&E-staining. We observe that this also translates into the performance of our model (cf. Table 1). While our model achieves a balanced accuracy of 0.93 for G2 HCC cases, performance drops to 0.72 for poorly differentiated G3 HCC cases, due to tissue artefacts and misclassification as CCA G3. The latter is because poorly differentiated HCC and poorly differentiated CCA often have a similar histomorphological appearance, characterized by a solid growth pattern and marked cellular atypia. In CCA, this difference is not as pronounced (BA of 0.93 for G2 CCA and BA of 0.92 for G3 CCA).
A similar challenge to the above, but to a lesser extent, is that e.g. well differentiated tumor cells (G1) are difficult to distinguish from healthy cells, especially when only higher magnifications are used. Against this background, pathologist usually use different zoom levels in their clinical routine. While single scale at \(0.5 \mu m\) per pixel seems to be sufficient for good case-level predictions, segmentation of tissue areas is in some cases challenging and could only be correctly classified by combining different zoom levels. While this was expected by pathologists, the heatmaps of G1 tumors (despite having very low numbers) show good segmentation results, which might give a hint about patterns in higher magnification, which can be used for segmentation. Nonetheless, an approach which combines various zoom levels would likely improve the model performance further.
The slides used in our study were exclusively derived from a single medical center. While this approach allowed for a standardized and controlled data collection process, the external validity and generalizability of our findings remains unclear. Nonetheless, we took measures to address that in the current setup. We used different slides scanners and state of the art data preprocessing methods. Moreover, by using patient cases spanning a long period of time (around 9 years for CCA and around 3 years for HCC), laboratory practices and specimen preparation techniques changed over time and the condition of the slides varies greatly in some cases, e.g. regarding staining intensity. Nonetheless, follow-up projects where we use the segmentation data of this study to correlate it with clinical data including an external validation cohort are already planned.
Future work
While the current model serves as proof-of-principal to include weak complementary labels for tissue segmentation and shows robust performance in discriminating HCC and CCA, it is left for future work to make it applicable in clinical practice. This would require to include rare primary forms such as angiosarcomas and secondary forms of liver cancer, i.e. metastases from other cancers as well as extend the origin of samples to multiple hospitals.
However, our segmentation approach has scientific and potential clinical value as it allows correlation of segmentation data with clinical data. This could enable personalized diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, e.g. by predicting response to specific treatment options depending on the tissue composition. Follow-up projects in this regard are already underway.
We successfully applied a deep learning segmentation approach for quantification and diagnostic differentiation between hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). In order to alleviate the burden of manual, time-consuming segmentation annotations by domain experts, we proposed to leverage available information from patient’s diagnoses during model training. We incorporate this weak information via complementary labels, indicating that if a patient was diagnoses with HCC there should not be a prediction for CCA for this patient and vice versa. For this we formulate a complementary loss function for semantic segmentation. We provide evidence that leveraging additional patches with solely weak, complementary labels improves predictive performance for the general segmentation task as shown under controlled conditions. Furthermore, we showed that complementary labels are even beneficial if single classes are excluded from the complementary labels. In our real-world setting, we demonstrated that by including patches from not annotated patients with regard to their complementary label during model training improves the robustness of tissue segmentation and increases performance at case level. Our model achieved a balanced accuracy of 0.91 at case level.
Data availability
Representative digitized histological images and representative datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Code availability
The weak complementary biased label loss introduced in this study is made publicly available from Zenodo https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.13772874.34.
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This work was supported in part by the German Ministry for Education and Research as BIFOLD - Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (ref. 01IS18025A and ref. 01IS18037A) and as BMBF DEEP-HCC consortium and the German Research Foundation (DFG SFB/TRR 296 and CRC1382, Project-ID 403224013). J. E. is participant in the BIH Charité Junior Digital Clinician Scientist Program funded by the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, and the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité.
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MH, JE, LR, MA, AG, CR, FT and FK conceived of the presented idea. MH, LR and MA developed the methodological ideas. JE and SS annotated the data. MH performed the computations with support from LR and MA. MH and JE wrote the manuscript with support from LR. All authors reviewed the final manuscript.
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FK and MA are co-founders of the AI-startup Aignostics. MH and LR are employees of Aignostics. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Hägele, M., Eschrich, J., Ruff, L. et al. Leveraging weak complementary labels enhances semantic segmentation of hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Sci Rep 14, 24988 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-75256-w
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-75256-w
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