In this paper we present known-plaintext single-key and chosen-key attacks on round-reduced LED-64 and LED-128. We show that with an application of the recently proposed slidex attacks [5], one immediately improves the complexity of the previous single-key 4-step attack on LED-128. Further, we explore the possibility of multicollisions and show single-key attacks on 6 steps of LED-128. A generalization of our multicollision attack leads to the statement that no 6-round cipher with two subkeys that alternate, or 2-round cipher with linearly dependent subkeys, is secure in the single-key model. Next, we exploit the possibility of finding pairs of inputs that follow a certain differential rather than a differential characteristic, and obtain chosen-key differential distinguishers for 5-step LED-64, as well as 8-step and 9-step LED-128. We provide examples of inputs that follow the 8-step differential, i.e. we are able to practically confirm our results on 2/3 of the steps of LED-128. We introduce a new type of chosen-key differential distinguisher, called random-difference distinguisher, and successfully penetrate 10 of the total 12 steps of LED-128. We show that this type of attack is generic in the chosen-key model, and can be applied to any 10-round cipher with two alternating subkeys.
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1 Introduction
The lightweightNikolić, Ivica Wang, Lei Wu, Shuang block cipher \(\mathtt{LED}\) was proposed by Guo et al. at CHES 2011 [10]. It is a hardware optimized 64-bit cipher, with two main instances LED-64 for 64-bit key support, and LED-128 for 128-bit keys. Based on the AES design, \(\mathtt{LED}\) uses modified, hardware-friendly operations and a trivial key schedule. As the authors targeted compact design, but as well secure even against related-key attacks, the number of rounds of \(\mathtt{LED}\) is relatively large, i.e. LED-64 uses 32 rounds grouped in 8 steps of 4 rounds, while LED-128 has 48 rounds, or equivalently 12 steps. A round of \(\mathtt{LED}\) is similar to a round of AES, with one exception: the addition of the round keys in AES is replaced with an addition of constants in \(\mathtt{LED}\). The subkeys are added only after every fourth round, thus one step of \(\mathtt{LED}\) (which consists of 4 rounds), behaves as 4 rounds of single-key AES – a construction with well analyzed differential and linear properties.
In the submission paper, the designers provide analysis of \(\mathtt{LED}\) against various attacks – we mention the attacks in the chosen-key model: 15 rounds for LED-64 and 27 rounds for LED-128. Isobe and Shibutani [11] show single-key attacks on LED-64 reduced to 8 rounds, and LED-128 reduced to 16 rounds. Mendel et al. [14] give a supplementary cryptanalysis in different single and related-key models for both versions of the cipher. They are able to penetrate 16 rounds in the related-key model for LED-64, and 24 rounds for LED-128, with an additional single-key attack on 16 rounds of LED-128. An independent work proposed by Bodganov et al. in [2] also introduced similar related-key attacks on the generic structure of two-round SEM [5] with three identical keys.
We start our analysis with a brief overview of the previous results on the scheme used in \(\mathtt{LED}\) as well as of the techniques applied in the attacks on \(\mathtt{LED}\) (Sect. 2). The overview would help us to clearly describe our attacks in the single-key model (Sect. 3), and in the chosen-key model (Sect. 4). Our first result is an improvement of the single-key attack on 16-round LED-128 presented in [14]. We show that instead of using Daemen’s attack [4] as a preliminary step, one can use the recently proposed slidex attack [5], and end up with an immediate twofold gain in terms of the data requirements: the attack from a chosen plaintext as in [14] becomes a known plaintext, while the data complexity from the whole codebook drops to \(2^d\), where \(d\) can be any value chosen by the attacker. Next, by exploiting the idea of multicollisions, we show a single-key attack on 24 rounds of LED-128. We eliminate one of the subkeys by guessing, and then we are able to attack the remaining construction by creating a set of multicollisions which allows to find the second subkey. It is important to note that our technique is applicable to \(\mathtt{LED}\) for any step function, that is the number of rounds we can attack depends strictly on the number of used subkeys. Moreover, using the same approach one can mount attacks on any two-round construction with three equal (or linearly dependent) subkeys, e.g. SEM [5] with an additional round. The idea of using differentials instead of differential characteristic is examined in our chosen-key attacks on 20-round LED-64, and 32-,36-round LED-128. We show that two consecutive active steps in a differential path, can be threated as a differential. This leads to a significant reduction of the complexity for finding a pair that follows the path. We are able with a complexity of around \(2^{32}\) encryptions to construct a pair that follows our defined path, and give an example of such pair found on a computer for 32 rounds of LED-128, i.e. we can show a practical chosen-key distinguisher for 2/3 of the cipher rounds. We propose a new type of chosen-key distinguishers, called random-difference distinguishers, where the attacker is supposed to find a pair of inputs that follow a certain differential, for any input difference. We show that LED-128 is vulnerable to this type of distinguishers for 40 rounds out of the total 48 rounds, i.e. 5/6 of the rounds of LED-128 can be distinguished in the chosen-key model. Furthermore, we show that this distinguisher is generic to all 10-round/step ciphers with two subkeys that alternate. An overview of the results on \(\mathtt{LED}\) is given in Table 1.
2 Specification and Related Works
In this section we give a brief description of \(\mathtt{LED}\) and present related analysis relevant for understanding our attacks.
2.1 The Block Cipher \(\mathtt{LED}\) [10]
\(\mathtt{LED}\) uses a block size of 64 bits and a key size ranging from 64 bits to 128 bits. The two primary instances, LED-64 and LED-128, use a 64-bit key and an 128-bit key, respectively.
The key schedule is trivial and very efficient: LED-64 uses the \(64\)-bit secret key in each step as a subkey, while LED-128 divides the \(128\)-bit secret key \(K\) into halves \(K_0||K_1\) and uses \(K_0\) and \(K_1\) alternatively as the subkeys, i.e. \(K_0\) is used in the even steps, while \(K_1\) is used in the odd steps. \(\mathtt{LED}\) follows the standard iterative cipher structure and produces a ciphertext \(C\) from the plaintext \(P\) in \(t\) iterations of a so-called step function \(F_i\) (see Fig. 1):
In LED-64 the number of steps \(t\) is \(8\), while in the other instances including LED-128, \(t\) is defined as \(12\). The step function \(F_i\) is a 4-round AES-like permutation where the addition of the subkeys is replaced with an addition of constants. Thus, all the step functions \(F_i\) can be seen as public permutations and differ only in the round constants they use. Since most of our attacks can be mounted independently of the specification of the step functions, we omit their description and refer the interested reader to [9, 10] for a full specification.
2.2 Related Attacks on the Even-Mansour Scheme
The Even-Mansour scheme [6] uses two secret keys \((K_0, K_1)\) and a public permutation \(F\) to construct a cipher \(\text{ EM }_{K_0, K_1}(P)=F(P \oplus K_0) \oplus K_1\) (see Fig. 2). This scheme is very attractive due to its extremely simple design with a provable security margin. Several papers on cryptanalysis of Even-Mansour have been published. This section briefly describes the attacks relevant to our paper.
Daemen’s Attack [4]. The chosen-plaintext attack of Daemen can be sketched as:
Choose a non-zero difference \(\varDelta \).
Choose \(2^d\) different random values as plaintexts \(P\), query \(P\) and \(P \oplus \varDelta \) to the Even-Mansour scheme to receive the corresponding ciphertexts \(C\) and \(C'\) respectively, and compute and store \(\varDelta C = C \oplus C'\).
Choose a random value \(X\), compute \(\varDelta F(X)=F(X) \oplus F(X \oplus \varDelta )\), and check if \(\varDelta F(X)\) is among the stored \(\varDelta C\) computed at step 2. If a match is found, then compute \(K_0 = P \oplus X\) and \(K_1 = F(X) \oplus C\) and confirm on another pair of plaintext-ciphertext that the values are correct.
After repeating the step 3 around \(2^{n-d}\) times, where \(n\) is the block size, the secret keys are expected to be recovered. Thus the overall complexity is \(2^d\) chosen plaintexts and \(2^{n-d}\) encryptions.
Slidex Attack [5]. Dunkelman et al. were able to match the complexity of Daemen’s attack with only known-plaintexts, using a so-called slidex attack. Let us assume the attacker obtains \(2^d\) known plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((P_i, C_i)\). Then the slidex attack can be described as:
Choose a random non-zero difference \(\varDelta \).
For all \((P_i, C_i)\) compute a set of \(F(P_i \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus C_i\) and look for a collision in the set.
If a collision is found, e.g. \(F(P \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus C = F(P' \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus C'\), then \(K_0=P \oplus P' \oplus \varDelta \).
Otherwise, go to step 1.
After repeating the steps \(1-4\) around \(2^{n-2d}\) times, the correct value of \(K_0\) is expected to be recovered. With the knowledge of \(K_0\), the value of \(K_1\) can be trivially recovered using a single known pair \((P, C)\). Thus the overall complexity is \(2^d\) known plaintexts and \(2^{n-d}\) encryptions.
An Attack on SEM [5]. Dunkelman et al. proposed a single-key variant of the Even-Mansour scheme depicted in Fig. 3, which uses the same secret key as both the pre- and the post-whitening keys, i.e. \(F(P \oplus K) \oplus K\). Following the notation from [5], we refer to this single-key variant as SEM. Dunkelman et al. provided once more a known-plaintext attack on SEM based on the observation that \(P \oplus C = X \oplus Y\). Again, we assume the attacker obtains \(2^d\) known plaintext-cihertext pairs \((P_i, C_i)\). The steps of the attack are as follows:
Compute a set of \(P_i \oplus C_i\) for all \(2^d\) \((P_i, C_i)\).
Choose a random value of \(X\), compute \(Y=F(X)\) and match \(X \oplus Y\) to the values of \(P \oplus C\) from the set computed at step 1.
If a match is found, \(K = P \oplus X\).
Otherwise, go to to step 2.
After repeating the steps \(2-4\) around \(2^{n-d}\) times, the correct value of \(K\) is expected to be recovered. Thus the complexity is \(2^d\) known plaintexts and \(2^d + 2^{n-d}\) computations.
2.3 Key-Recovery Attacks on \(\mathtt{LED}\)
Several chosen-plaintext key-recovery attacks on \(\mathtt{LED}\) have been published. This section briefly describes the attacks related to this paper.
Three-Subset Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on \(\mathtt{LED}\) [11]. Isobe and Shibutani applied the attack framework formalized by Bogdanov and Rechberger [3] to \(\mathtt{LED}\) in a very original and non-trivial manner [11] and presented chosen-plaintext attacks on \(2\)-step LED-64 and \(4\)-step LED-128. Their complexity on \(4\)-step LED-128 is \(2^{16}\) chosen plaintexts and \(2^{112}\) encryptions. We stress that the time complexity of their attacks cannot be reduced when more data is available.
Guess-and-Recover Attacks on LED-128 [14]. Mendel et al. published key-recovery attacks on \(4\)-step and \(6\)-step LED-128 in the single-key and the related-key settings, respectively. The main strategy of their attacks is first to guess the value of \(K_0\) in order to peel off the first and the last step functions, and then to efficiently recover the value of \(K_1\) by attacking the shortened cipher. In this paper we call such attack strategy guess-and-recover. The attack on \(4\)-step LED-128 (depicted in Fig. 4) starts by guessing the key \(K_0\), thus the 4-step LED-128 is shortened to a cipher \(E\), and moreover \(G\) (in Fig. 4) becomes now a public permutation. As \(E\) follows the Even-Mansour scheme, Mendel et al. adopted Daemen’s attack [4] sketched in Sect. 2.2 to recover the key \(K_1\). In particular, for an input \(S_1\) to the cipher \(E\), in order to get the value of \(E(S_1)\), the attacker computes \(P=F_0^{-1}(S_1) \oplus K_0\), then queries \(P\) to LED-128 to receive the corresponding ciphertext \(C\), and finally computes \(F_3^{-1}(C \oplus K_0)\) as \(E(S_1)\). Note, Mendel et al.’s attack is a known/chosen-plaintext attack and since the Daemen’s attack procedure is executed for each guess of \(K_0\) (thus repeated \(2^{64}\) times), the data complexity of the attack equals the entire codebook while the time complexity is \(2^{96}\) encryptions. The authors point out that the attacker is able to reduce the data complexity below the entire codebook, however then he has to sacrifice the time complexity, i.e. the time will increase proportionally. We stress that the attack becomes a chosen-plaintext attack if the data complexity is less than the entire codebook, otherwise it can be considered known-plaintext attack (it requires the whole codebook, hence there is no difference between chosen and known plaintext).
Mendel et al. were able to extended the above attack on \(4\) steps to \(6\) steps of LED-128 in the related key settings. A pictorial view of the guess-and-recover strategy on \(6\)-step LED-128 is given in Fig. 5. The attack uses a related key \(K' = K_0||K'_1\), where \(K'_1\) is \(K_1 \oplus \varDelta \). Let \(E'\) be the shortened cipher under the related key \(K'\). For a random value \(S_1\), inside the computations of \(E(S_1)\) and \(E'(S_1 \oplus \varDelta )\), the difference \(\varDelta G_1(S_1) = G_1(S_1 \oplus K_1) \oplus G_1(S_1 \oplus \varDelta \oplus K'_1)\) is always \(0\). Hence the input difference of \(G_2\) is always \(\varDelta \). Thus Daemen’s attack can be applied to recover the value of \(K_1\) in a straightforward way with the same data and time complexity.
Attacks on LED-64 Exploiting Differential Characteristics for the Step Functions [14]. Mendel et al. proposed as well attacks on \(3\)-step and \(4\)-step LED-64 in the related-key setting, by investigating the differential properties of the step functions of \(\mathtt{LED}\), in particular differential characteristics with high height as well as iterative differential characteristics. For the public permutations used in the step function, the authors found differential characteristics with a probability of around \(2^{-54}\), while theoretically it may go up to \(2^{-50}\) (\(25\) active Sboxes and each with \(2^{-2}\)). In one part of our analysis, we use the results of [14], and in order to provide conservative results, we assume the optimal differential characteristic for the step functions to hold with probability \(2^{-54}\). However, as pointed out by Mendel et al., differential characteristics with a better probability may exist and if such characteristic is found, our attack complexity will be immediately improved.
2.4 Differential Multicollisions for Block Ciphers [1]
This concept was introduced by Biryukov et al. [1]. It can be defined as follows:
Definition 1
A differential \(q\)-multicollision for the block cipher \(E_K(\cdot )\) is defined as a set of two differences \(\varDelta P\) and \(\varDelta K\) and \(q\) key-plaintext pairs \((K_1, P_1)\), \((K_2, P_2)\), \(\ldots \), \((K_q, P_q)\) that satisfy the relation:
Biryukov et al. have proven that it takes at least \(q \cdot 2^{\frac{q-2}{q+2}n}\) queries to produce a differential \(q\)-multicollision for an ideal \(n\)-bit block cipher. Thus if an attacker can find a differential \(q\)-multicollision on a dedicated block cipher with a complexity less than the lower bound \(q \cdot 2^{\frac{q-2}{q+2}n}\), he can distinguish the cipher from ideal in the chosen-key model.
3 Key-Recovery Attacks on LED-128 in the Single-Key Setting
In this section we present key recovery attacks on 4 steps and 6 steps of LED-128 in the single-key framework. The attacks are independent of the definition of the step function, and the data is always known-plaintext.
3.1 Attack on 4 Steps
We can improve the previous key-recovery attacks on 4-step LED-128 in a relatively straightforward way. Our attack follows the guess-and-recover strategy, which is depicted in Fig. 4. First, note that the shortened cipher \(E\) is the SEM scheme. Thus after guessing the value \(K_0\), to recover \(K_1\) instead of adopting Daemen’s approach [4] as in the previous attack [14], we apply Dunkelman et al.’s slidex attack or their attack approach on SEM [5] sketched in Sect. 2.2. This immediately gives us the first advantage: our attack is a known-plaintext attack. Moreover, based on the complexity evaluation given below, our approach has a second advantage: the complexity also gets improved. Since we will extend the below approach to attack \(6\)-step LED-128 in Sect. 3.2, here we give a detailed description of the complete attack approach. The notations below follow the one from Fig. 4.
Attack Procedure. Suppose the attacker obtains \(2^d\) known plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((P, C)\).
Guess the value of \(K_0\).
For all \(2^d\) pairs \((P, C)\), compute \(S_1 = F_0(K_0 \oplus P)\) and \(E(S_1)= F^{-1}_3(K_0 \oplus C)\), then compute \(S_1 \oplus E(S_1)\), and store the pairs \((S_1, S_1 \oplus E(S_1))\).
Choose \(2^{64-d}\) different random values denoted as \(X\). For each \(X\):
Compute \(G(X) \oplus X\) and match it to \(S_1 \oplus E(S_1)\) stored at step 2.
If a match is found, compute the value \(S_1 \oplus X\) as a candidate of \(K_1\). Otherwise, go to step 3(a) with the next value of \(X\).
Verify the correctness of the candidate for \(K_1\) by using another \((S'_1, E(S'_1))\), where \(S'_1\) is not equal to \(S_1\). In particular, compute the value for \(E(S'_1)\) using the current guessed \(K_0\) and the candidate \(K_1\), and check whether it is equal to the value for \(E(S'_1)\) computed at Step 2. If they are equal, output the currently guessed \(K_0\) and the candidate \(K_1\) as the real key, and terminate the procedure. Otherwise, go to step 3(a) with the next value of \(X\).
Change the value of \(K_0\), and repeat steps \(1-3\) until all possible values of \(K_0\) are tested.
Complexity. The unit is one computation of the whole \(4\)-step LED-128 consisting of four step functions. The steps \(1-3\) are repeated \(2^{64}\) times. One execution of step 2 requires \(2^d \times \frac{2}{4}=2^{d-1}\) computations. In one execution of step 3, step 3(a) is repeated \(2^{64-d}\) times, and therefore the total complexity is \(2^{64-d} \times \frac{2}{4}=2^{63-d}\). At step 3(b), on average there is one match among all the \(2^{64-d}\) repetitions. Hence the complexity of steps 3(b) and 3(c) is 1. Thus the overall time complexity is \(2^{64} \cdot (2^{d-1} + 2^{63-d} +1) \approx 2^{63+d} + 2^{127-d}\), while the data complexity is \(2^{d}\) known plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and \(2^{d}\) memory required in step 2.
Success Probability. When the guessed value of \(K_0\) is correct, if one random \(X\) at step \(3\) collides with \(S_1 \oplus K_1\) for some \(S_1\) computed at step \(2\), the value of \(K_1\) will be correctly recovered. The probability of a such collision is \(1-\frac{1}{e} \approx 0.63\).
Comparison to Previous Attacks. The optimal time complexity of our attack is \(2^{96}\) by setting \(d\) to \(32\), while the data complexity is \(2^{32}\) known plaintexts. Previous attacks either cannot reach such low time complexity (e.g. [11]) or with a much higher data complexity, i.e. the entire codebook, for the same time complexity (e.g. [14]).
3.2 Attack on \(6\) Steps
We can extend the above attack to \(6\)-step LED-128 by using multicollisions. As depicted in Fig. 5, the shortened cipher \(E\) after guessing \(K_0\) can be regarded as a two-step SEM. The relation \(S_1 \oplus E(S_1) = X \oplus S_5\) holds. Suppose we have a \(q\)-multicollision on \(E(S_1) \oplus S_1\). Namely, we find \(q\) values \(S_1^{(1)}\), \(S_1^{(2)}\), \(\ldots \), \(S_1^{(q)}\) such that \(E(S_1^{(1)}) \oplus S_1^{(1)}=E(S_1^{(2)}) \oplus S_1^{(2)}=\cdots =E(S_1^{(q)}) \oplus S_1^{(q)}\) holds. Denote the value of \(E(S_1^{(i)}) \oplus S_1^{(i)}\), \(1 \le i \le q\), by \(Y\). Let us select a random value as \(X\), then set \(S_5\) as \(X \oplus Y\), and compute the value \(G_1(X) \oplus G^{-1}_2(S_5)\) as a candidate value of \(K_1\), which can be verified trivially. Note that if \(X\) is equal to any of \(S_1^{(i)} \oplus K_1\), \(1 \le i \le q\), the computed candidate is the correct value of \(K_1\). Thus after testing \(2^{64}/q\) random values as \(X\), the real value of \(K_1\) is expected to be recovered. Recall that such attack procedure needs to be repeated for each guess of \(K_0\), i.e. in total \(2^{64}\) times. Hence the overall complexity is \(2^{128}/q\). The details of the attack procedure are given below - for \(q=8\) the attack has the lowest complexity.
Attack Procedure. The attacker obtains \(2^{59}\) known plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((P, C)\).
Guess the value of \(K_0\).
For all \(2^{59}\) \((P, C)\), compute \(S_1=F_0(P \oplus K_0)\) and \(E(S_1)=F^{-1}_5(C \oplus K_0)\). Then compute \(S_1 \oplus E(S_1)\) and store \((P, S_1, S_1 \oplus E(S_1))\).
Find an \(8\)-multicollision on \(S_1 \oplus E(S_1)\), namely a set of \((P^{(1)}, S^{(1)}_1, S^{(1)}_1 \oplus E(S^{(1)}_1))\), \(\ldots \), \((P^{(8)}, S^{(8)}_1\), \(S^{(8)}_1 \oplus E(S^{(8)}_1))\) such that \(S_1^{(1)} \oplus E(S_1^{(1)}) = S_1^{(2)} \oplus E(S_1^{(2)}) = \cdots = S_1^{(8)} \oplus E(S_1^{(8)})\). Denote the value of \(S_1^{(i)} \oplus E(S_1^{(i)})\), \(1 \le i \le 8\), as \(Y\). If no such \(8\)-multicollision exists, go to step 1 with another guess value as \(K_0\).
Choose \(2^{61}\) random values as \(X\). For each value of \(X\):
Compute \(X \oplus Y\) as \(S_5\).
Compute \(G_1(X) \oplus G^{-1}_2(S_5)\) denoted as \(Z\).
Compute \(X \oplus Z\), and match it to \(\{S_1^{(1)}, \ldots , S_1^{(8)}\}\). If it coincides with some \(S_1^{(i)}\), then \(Z\) is regarded as a candidate value of \(K_1\). Otherwise, go to step 4(a) with the next value of \(X\).
Verify the correctness of \(Z\) as \(K_1\) by using another relation \((S_1, E(S_1))\) with \(S_1 \ne S^{(i)}_1\). If it is correct, set \(K_1=Z\), then output the current guessed value of \(K_0\) and \(K_1\) as the real key, and terminate the attack procedure. Otherwise, go to step 4(a) with the next value of \(X\).
Change the value of \(K_0\), and repeat steps \(1-4\) until all possible values of \(K_0\) are tested.
Complexity. The unit is one computation of the whole \(6\)-step LED-128. The steps \(1-4\) are repeated \(2^{64}\) times. One execution of step 2 has the complexity of \(2^{59} \times \frac{2}{6} \approx 2^{57.4}\). In one execution of step 4, steps 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) are repeated \(2^{61}\) times, and the total complexity is \(2^{61} \times \frac{4}{6} \approx 2^{60.4}\). On average, there is only one match at step 4(d) among \(2^{62}\) random values. Thus the complexity of step 4(e) is 1. Therefore the overall time complexity is \(2^{64} \cdot (2^{59.4}+2^{60.4}+1) \approx 2^{124.4}\), while data complexity is \(2^{59}\) known plaintexts. The memory requirement is \(2^{59}\) for step 2.
Success Probability. We focus on the success probability of recovering \(K_1\), when the guessed value of \(K_0\) is correct. First we evaluate the probability of \(8\)-multicollisions at step 2. It has been proven that a \(q\)-multicollision among \(\root q \of {q!} \times 2^{\frac{q-1}{q}n}\) \(n\)-bit random values exists with a probability \(0.5\) [7, 16]. By setting \(q=8\) and \(n=64\), \(\root q \of {q!} \times 2^{\frac{q-1}{q}n}\) is smaller than \(2^{58}\). Since we have in total \(2^{59}\) values, the probability of an \(8\)-multicollision is almost 1. Then we evaluate the probability of a collision between a random value \(X\) and a \(S_1^{(i)} \oplus K_1\). The probability of such a collision is \(1-\frac{1}{e} \approx 0.63\). Thus the overall success probability is \(0.63\).
Remark. We emphasize that our attack is not related to the specification of step functions, and thus applicable to any \(6\)-step Even-Mansour scheme with the key schedule of alternating two keys. The advantage of our attack is related to the block size \(n\). A shown above for the case \(n=64\), \(q\) is chosen as \(8\), and the complexity is \(2^{3.6}\) times faster than the brute-force attack. In particular, for the common block size \(n=128\), \(q\) can be \(16\), and our attack becomes \(2^{4.6}\) times faster than the brute-force attack.
As we can see from the above analysis, the 6-step attack is actually based on a 2-step multicollision-type attack (the permutations \(G_1,G_2\) with subkey additions), that is applicable to any permutations \(G_1, G_2\). Thus we can derive the following interesting fact:
Observation 1
For any two-round \(n\)-bit cipher \(E_K(P) = G_2(G_1(P\oplus K) \oplus L_1(K)) \oplus L_2(K)\), where \(G_1, G_2\) are arbitrary permutations, and \(L_1,L_2\) are linear bijective functions, exists a known-plaintext attack a with time complexity of less than \(2^n\) encryption queries.
It is interesting to note that Observation 1 actually answers affirmatively the open problem proposed in [2] if there exist a single-key attack on two-round SEM structure with three identical keys and computational complexity below \(2^n\).
4 Chosen Key Differential Distinguishers for LED-64 and LED-128
The designers of \(\mathtt{LED}\) pointed out in the specification document [10], that in order to gain confidence in the cipher, one should study the security of the cipher in the framework where the attacker knows or controls the key. Using the rebound [13] and Super-Sbox [8, 12] techniques, they were able to penetrate 15 rounds (3.75 steps) of LED-64, and 27 rounds (6.75 steps) of LED-128. The design strategy underlying \(\mathtt{LED}\), in particular the trivial key schedule and fact that the best probability of a differential characteristic in an active step of \(\mathtt{LED}\) cannot be higher than \(2^{-50}\), seem to confirm the findings of the designers. As LED-64 has 128-bit input (64-bit key and 64-bit state), it leads that a differential characteristic cannot have more than 2 active steps, otherwise the probability (for 3 steps) would be at most \(2^{-150}\), and the freedom of the 128-bit input is insufficient to satisfy the characteristic. Similarly, for LED-128, the best characteristic cannot have more than 3 active steps, as the probability of a 4-step characteristic would be at most \(2^{-200}\), hence the 192-bit input (128-bit key and 64-bit plaintext) is insufficient for this characteristic.
The above reasoning however, applies to the case of differential characteristics. Further we show that the situation changes when one investigates the effects of differentials. To clarify our reasoning, let us examine the case of a 2-step differential where both steps are active and assume the input and the output difference take some predefined values. The probability of a single differential characteristic that composes the differential is at most \(2^{-100}\). However, the probability of the differential is much higher, i.e. \(2^{-64}\) for any input-output differences. Hence if we can efficiently find a pair of inputs that follow this differential, then we would spend only 64-bits of freedom, instead of 100 bits as in the case of characteristics.
The results presented in this section give solutions for finding such pairs, and use the additional freedom to penetrate more steps of \(\mathtt{LED}\).
4.1 Differential Multicollision on 5-Step LED-64
Our distinguisher is based on the differential path given in Fig. 6. The path is built by fixing an optimal differential characteristic in the last step function \(F_4\): \(\varDelta \rightarrow \varDelta *\), which determines the value of \(\varDelta \) and \(\varDelta *\), and then the following values are set as well: \(\varDelta P = \varDelta \), \(\varDelta K = \varDelta \) and \(\varDelta C = \varDelta \oplus \varDelta *\). Note, the differential characteristic \(\varDelta \rightarrow \varDelta *\) holds with a probability of at least \(2^{-54}\), following Mendel et al.’s investigation [14] described in Sect. 2.3. After the path is determined, we search for pairs \((P, K)\) satisfying LED-64 \(_K(P)\) \(\oplus \) LED-64 \(_{K \oplus \varDelta } (P \oplus \varDelta )= \varDelta \oplus \varDelta *\). The search procedure starts with launching a meet-in-the-middle attack between step functions \(F_1\) and \(F_2\). Note that both the input difference of \(F_1\) and the output difference of \(F_2\) are fixed as \(\varDelta \). We select random values \(X\) and \(Y\), and independently compute \(\varDelta F_1(X)=F_1(X) \oplus F_1(X \oplus \varDelta )\) and \(\varDelta F_2^{-1}(Y) = F_2^{-1}(Y) \oplus F_2^{-1}(Y \oplus \varDelta )\). Then we match between \(\varDelta F_1(X)\) and \(\varDelta F_2^{-1}(Y) \oplus \varDelta \). For a match, by adaptively selecting two values \(F_1(X) \oplus F^{-1}_2(Y)\) and \(F_1(X) \oplus F^{-1}_2(Y \oplus \varDelta )\) as the key \(K\) and computing the corresponding values of \(P\) from \((K, X)\), we obtain two pairs \((K, P)\) which can satisfy the path on the first four step functions in Fig. 6. Finally, the differential characteristic on the last step function \(F_4\) is satisfied probabilistically.
Attack Procedure
Select \(2^{s}\) random values \(X\), compute \(\varDelta F_1(X) = F_1(X) \oplus F_1(X \oplus \varDelta )\), and store \((X, \varDelta F_1(X))\). The value of \(s\) will be determined in the complexity evaluation below.
Select \(2^{s}\) random values \(Y\), compute \(\varDelta F_2^{-1}(Y) = F_2^{-1}(Y) \oplus F_2^{-1}(Y \oplus \varDelta )\) and match \(\varDelta F_2^{-1}(Y) \oplus \varDelta \) to stored \(\varDelta F_1\) at step 1. On average, there are \(2^{2s-64}\) matches.
For each matched pair \(X\) and \(Y\),
Compute two values as \(K\): \(K = F_1(X) \oplus F^{-1}_2(Y)\) and \(K = F_1(X \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus F^{-1}_2(Y \oplus \varDelta )\).
Compute \(C\) and \(C'\) for each pair \((K, Y)\) and \((K \oplus \varDelta , Y \oplus \varDelta )\) respectively.
If \(\varDelta C\) is equal to \(\varDelta \oplus \varDelta *\), compute the corresponding value of \(P\), and store the values of \((P, K)\). On average, there are \(2^{2s-117}\) values of \((P, K)\) stored.
Complexity of Finding Differential \({{\varvec{q}}}{\text {-}\mathbf{Multicollision. }}\) The unit is one computation of the whole 5-step LED-64. The dominant complexity comes from steps 1 and 2, each of them requires \(2^{s} \times \frac{1}{5}\) units, hence the total complexity is approximately \(2^{s-1.3}\). To produce a differential \(q\)-multicollision, set \(2^{2s-117}=q\), which implies \(s=58.5+\text{ log }_2\sqrt{q}\), and thus the complexity is \(\sqrt{q}\cdot 2^{57.2}\). For \(q=2^{6}\), the overall complexity of our attack is \(2^{60.2}\), while the generic attack requires at least \(2^{66.1} > 2^{64}\) encryptions.
4.2 Differential Multicollision for \(8\)-Step and \(9\)-Step LED-128
Our distinguisher on \(8\)-step LED-128 is based on a differential path given in Fig. 7, where \(\varDelta \) can be any non-zero value. We set \(\varDelta P=\varDelta \), \(\varDelta K = (\varDelta K_0 = \varDelta , \varDelta K_1 = 0)\) and \(\varDelta C = \varDelta \). First we select a random value as \(K_1\), which makes \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) to become two public permutations. Then we carry out a meet-in-the-middle attack between \(G_1\) and \(G_2\). Note both the input differences of \(G_1\) and the output differences of \(G_2\) are fixed as \(\varDelta \). We adopt the same meet-in-the-middle procedure as the one presented in Sect. 4.1, and adaptively choose the value of \(K_0\). As the rest of the differential path holds with probability 1, the chosen \(K_0\) with previously fixed \(K_1\) and \(P\), which can be computed trivially from \(X\), is the expected solution, namely it satisfy the whole differential path. Following the complexity evaluation as in Sect. 4.1, our attack needs \(q \cdot 2^{30.5}\) computations to produce a differential \(q\)-multicollision, hence for \(q =8\), the overall complexity is \(2^{33.5}\), while the generic attack needs at least \(2^{41.4}\).
We would like to emphasize two aspects (freedoms) of our attack on 8 steps of LED-128: first, the difference in \(K_0\) can be any, and second, the value of \(K_1\) can be arbitrary as well. Even with such relaxed requirements, we are still able to find a pair that follows the differential path with a complexity of around \(2^{30.5}\) 8-step encryptions. An example of such pair, found on a computer, is given in Table 2. Note, in the example the difference in \(K_0\) is \(1\) and the value of \(K_1\) is 0.
Extension to 9 Steps. The above path can be extended with an additional step at the end, thus leading to a 9-step path. First, we find an optimal differential characteristic for the last step function \(F_9\): \(\varDelta \rightarrow \varDelta *\), i.e. we use again the same characteristic that holds with \(2^{-54}\). Then the differential is defined as \(\varDelta P= \varDelta \), \(\varDelta K = (\varDelta K_0 = \varDelta , \varDelta K_1 = 0)\), and \(\varDelta C = \varDelta *\). The distinguisher uses a differential path, which is a concatenation of the path on the first 8 step functions from Fig. 7 and the characteristic \(\varDelta \rightarrow \varDelta *\) for the last step function \(F_9\). After selecting a random value as \(K_1\), we apply exactly the same search procedure as in Sect. 4.1. However, this time instead of producing \(q\) pairs that follow the 8-step differential, we produce \(q2^{54}\) such pairs. Obviously, after the last step, there would be around \(q\) pairs that satisfy the whole 9-step differential.
The complexity is dominated by the meet-in-the-middle attack and the generation of \(q2^{54}\) pairs for the 8-step differential. To optimize the complexity, we should create \(\sqrt{q}2^{59}\) differences for each \(G_1\) and \(G_2\), hence there would be \(q 2^{118}\) pairs in the middle and \(q2^{118-64} = q2^{54}\) that follow the 8-step differential or \(q\) pairs for the whole 9-step differential. Thus taking into account that the \(G_1,G_2\) take \(\frac{2}{9}\) of the total number of rounds, the overall complexity for \(q=2^6\) is \(2\cdot 2^3 2 ^{59} \frac{2}{9} = 2^{60.8}\) encryptions of 9-step LED-128. The generic case again requires \(2^{66.1}\) encryptions.
4.3 A Differential Distinguisher on 10-Step LED-128
In this section we introduce the concept of chosen-key random-difference distinguisher and present such distinguisher for 10 steps of LED-128.
In differential multicollisions, the attacker finds a set of two differences for the key and the plaintext, such that all the differences in the ciphertext of \(q\) pairs of keys/plaintexts, are the same. Thus the freedom is three differences: in the key, in the plaintext, and in the ciphertext, and therefore, to prove the distinguisher is not trivial, the attacker has to find many pairs of keys/plaintexts that follow the same differential. Now assume, the freedom is only in one of the input differences, and the other two depend on (or are equal to) this single difference, i.e. the attacker wants to find a key/plaintext \((K,P)\) such that for some given difference \(\varDelta \), \(E_{K\oplus \varDelta }(P\oplus \varDelta ) \oplus E_K(P) = \varDelta \) holds. Obviously, if the difference \(\varDelta \) is random, he cannot find the input pair with a complexity lower than \(2^{n}\) (see below), where \(n\) is the block size. However, one might reasonably argue, that if the attacker has to provide a single pair of key/plaintext, then he can use the additional freedom of the difference and come up with his own \(\varDelta \) in time complexity lower than \(2^n\), and thus achieve such distinguisher. Our distinguisher below thwarts such approach, since it requires the attacker to be able to build the input pair for any random difference \(\varDelta \). This type of problem already has been analyzed in the work of Patarin [15] – he has shown that the xor of two random permutations cannot be distinguished from a pseudo-random function with less than \(2^{n}\) queries. In our case, the permutations are defined as \(P_1(X) = P_1(K, P, \varDelta ) = E_{K\oplus \varDelta }(P\oplus \varDelta )\) and \(P_2(X) = P_2(K,P,\varDelta ) = E_K(P) \oplus \varDelta \), i.e. they are keyed with both \(K\) and \(\varDelta \), and for fixed values of these two parameters they are two distinct permutations (as long as \(\varDelta \ne 0\)). In the chosen-key scenario discussed below, although the key can be chosen, the difference \(\varDelta \) is still arbitrary and unknown, hence Patarin’s proof again applies to the pseudo-random function (PRF) \(P_1(X)\oplus P_2(X)\), which can be translated into finding a preimage of \(0\) for the PRF, as from \(E_{K\oplus \varDelta }(P\oplus \varDelta ) \oplus E_K(P) = \varDelta \) is follows we are looking at the condition \(P_1(X)\oplus P_2(X) = 0\). The complexity of finding such preimage for an \(n\)-bit PRF is \(2^n\) queries, and thus encryptions/decryptions. Now we are ready to give a formal definition of this non-trivial distinguisher:
Definition 2
A random-difference distinguisher exists for the cipher \(E_K(P)\), if for any randomly chosen \(\varDelta \), the attacker with a complexity less than \(2^{n}\) encryptions/decryptions can find a plaintext \(P\) and a key \(K\), such that \(E_K(P) \oplus E_{K\oplus \varDelta }(P\oplus \varDelta ) = \varDelta \).
Further, we show that this type of distinguisher can be found for 10-step LED-128, i.e. we show that for a randomly chosen \(\varDelta \), with less than \(2^{64}\) queries/ encryptions we can find the input \(P, K_0, K_1\) such that \(E_{K_0 \oplus \varDelta ||K_1}(P \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus E_{K_0||K_1}(P) = \varDelta \). Our analysis is based on a differential path given in Fig. 8, where the step functions denoted in a black color are active, while the white steps are non-active. In Fig. 8 we also sketch the attack procedure. We start with a meet-in-the-middle (MITM) attack between \(F_2\) and \(F_3\). Note that both the input difference of \(F_2\) and the output difference of \(F_3\) are fixed as \(\varDelta \). We carry out the same MITM procedure as the one in Sect. 4.1, and find pairs \((K_1, X)\), where \(X\) is the output value of \(F_3\), satisfying the differential path on the first four step functions. Similarly, we perform MITM on the other side, between \(F_6\) and \(F_7\), and find pairs \((K_1, Y)\) where \(Y\) is the input value of \(F_6\), satisfying the differential path on the last four step functions. Next, we match \((K_1, X)\) and \((K_1, Y)\) on the value of \(K_1\), and store \((K_1, X, Y)\) if the value of \(K_1\) is matched. Then we search for a \(q\)-multicollision among \((K_1, X, Y)\) on the value of \(K_1\). Namely we find a set of \((K^{(1)}_1, X^{(1)}, Y^{(1)})\), \((K^{(2)}_1, X^{(2)}, Y^{(2)})\), \(\ldots \), \((K^{(q)}_1, X^{(q)}, Y^{(q)})\) with \(K_1 = K^{(1)}_1=K^{(2)}_{2} = \cdots = K^{(q)}_{1}\). For this fixed \(K_1\), \(G\) becomes a public permutation. The last step is to find a value of \(K_0\), which links \(X^{(i)}\) to \(Y^{(i)}\) for some \(1 \le i \le q\), i.e. \(G(X^{(i)} \oplus K_0) \oplus K_0=Y^{(i)}\). The search procedure is similar to the attack on SEM [5], i.e. if we have \(q\) possible values for \((X^{(i)},Y^{(i)})\), we need only \(2^n/q\) values for the inputs/outputs of \(G\) in order to find one match. A single match suggests immediately the value of \(K_0\), hence we have fixed as well the second key \(K_0\), and thus finding the input plaintext is trivial.
Attack Procedure. Let \(\varDelta \) be any non-zero value.
Choose \(2^{60}\) different random values \(A\). Compute and store \(\varDelta F_2(A) = F_2(A) \oplus F_2(A \oplus \varDelta )\). Then choose \(2^{60}\) different random values \(X\), compute \(\varDelta F^{-1}_3(X) = F^{-1}_3(X) \oplus F^{-1}_3(X \oplus \varDelta )\), and match it to the stored \(\varDelta F_2(A)\). For each matched (\(\varDelta F_2(A)\), \(\varDelta F^{-1}_3(X)\)), compute \(F_2(A) \oplus F^{-1}_3(X)\) and \(F_2(A \oplus \varDelta ) \oplus F^{-1}_3(X)\) as \(K_1\), and store \((K_1, X)\). On average, there are \(2^{57}\) stored \((K_1, X)\).
Launch the same procedure between \(F_6\) and \(F_7\) as in step 1, and store \(2^{57}\) \((K_1, Y)\), where \(Y\) is the input value of \(F_6\).
Match \((K_1, X)\) and \((K_1, Y)\) on the value of \(K_1\), and store \((K_1, X, Y)\) if \((K_1, X)\) and \((K_1, Y)\) are matched. On average there are \(2^{50}\) \((K_1, X, Y)\).
Find a \(4\)-multicollision among \((K_1, X, Y)\) on the value of \(K_1\). Namely, find \((K_1^{(1)}, X^{(1)}_1, Y^{(1)}_1)\), \((K_1^{(2)}, X^{(2)}_1, Y^{(2)}_1)\), \((K_1^{(3)}, X^{(3)}_1, Y^{(3)}_1)\) and \((K_1^{(4)}, X^{(4)}_1, Y^{(4)}_1)\) with \(K_1^{(1)}=K_1^{(2)}=K_1^{(3)}=K_1^{(4)}\). Compute \(X^{(1)}_1 \oplus Y^{(1)}_1\), \(X^{(2)}_1 \oplus Y^{(2)}_1\), \(X^{(3)}_1 \oplus Y^{(3)}_1\) and \(X^{(4)}_1 \oplus Y^{(4)}_1\).
Choose \(2^{62}\) random value \(Z\), and compute \(G(Z) \oplus Z\), where \(G\) uses \(K^{(i)}_1\), \(1\le i \le 4\) as \(K_1\). Match the value of \(G(Z) \oplus Z\) to \(X^{(1)}_1 \oplus Y^{(1)}_1\), \(X^{(2)}_1 \oplus Y^{(2)}_1\), \(X^{(3)}_1 \oplus Y^{(3)}_1\) and \(X^{(4)}_1 \oplus Y^{(4)}_1\). If a match to \((X^{(i)}, Y^{(i)})\) for some \(1 \le i \le 4\) is found, compute \(X^{(i)} \oplus Z\) as \(K_{0}\), and output it with \(K_1^{(i)}\) as \(K_1\) and \(P\), which can be trivially computed from \(X_1^{(i)}\).
Complexity. The unit is one computation of the whole \(10\)-step LED-128. Steps 1 and 2 are both with a complexity \(2^{60} \times \frac{2}{10} \approx 2^{57.7}\) encryptions. Step 5 requires \(2^{62} \times \frac{2}{10} \approx 2^{59.7}\) encryptions. Thus the overall complexity is \(2^{57.7}+2^{57.7}+2^{59.7} \approx 2^{60.3}\), hence lower than \(2^{64}\).
Remark. As shown from the analysis above, again our attack is not related to the specification of the step functions, and can be applied to any 10-round construction with subkeys that come one after another, in a form of a chosen-key random-difference distinguisher. Thus we can conclude that:
Observation 2
For any ten-round \(n\)-bit cipher with arbitrary round functions and alternating subkeys, exists a chosen-key distinguisher with time complexity less than \(2^n\) queries.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we have presented various attacks on \(\mathtt{LED}\) in the single-key and chosen-key models. We have improved the data complexity of the single-key attack on 16 rounds of LED-128 in terms of lower and known-plaintext data. We have also shown the first single-key attack on 24 rounds of LED-128. In the chosen-key model, we have given practical results on 32 rounds, and have reached as far as 40 rounds, using a novel chosen-key distinguisher.
The main contribution of this work is actually the idea of multicollisions and their applications. The vast majority of our results/attacks, in particular the attacks that penetrate through the largest number of rounds, are based on creating multicollisions for some intermediate states inside the cipher, thus obtaining a small set of independent values that are used further in meet-in-the-middle attacks. As we have seen from our analysis, the primary advantage of multicollisions is that they can be applied regardless of the specification of the internal rounds/steps. Both Observations 1 and 2 are surprising to a large extend as they state that the round transformation plays no role in the security against 2-round single-key and 10-round chosen-key attacks. This result is indeed due to the multicollisions and their property given above. Another condition for applying the observations is simplicity of the key schedule. Although it seems very compelling to use a trivial key schedule, especially in lightweight primitives, its application leads to a huge reduction of the security margin at least in the chosen-key model.
The two primary instances of \(\mathtt{LED}\) apply 8, and 12 steps, respectively. However, when \(K_1\) in LED-128 is fixed, then this cipher has only 6 steps, i.e. 2 steps less than LED-64. Although the steps now contain 8 rounds, the security margin of the cipher against attacks (such as most of our attacks presented here) independent of the step function, is less than the one of LED-64. Hence, it seems that an attack on 6-step LED-64, that does not use the structural properties of the step functions, might result in an attack on full-round LED-128. We were not able to trivially extend our 5-round chosen-key attack on LED-64, to 10-step chosen-key attack on LED-128, only because it uses a differential characteristic in the last step. We leave as an open research topic the problem of finding a 6-step attack on LED-64, independent of the step function.
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The authors would like to thank the FSE 2013 reviewers and the LED team members Jian Guo and Thomas Peyrin for their valuable comments. Ivica Nikolić is supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation under Research Grant NRF-CRP2-2007-03. Lei Wang and Shuang Wu are supported by the Singapore National Research Foundation Fellowship 2012 NRF-NRFF2012-06.
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Nikolić, I., Wang, L., Wu, S. (2014). Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced \(\mathtt{LED}\) . In: Moriai, S. (eds) Fast Software Encryption. FSE 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 8424. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-43933-3_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-43933-3_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
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