This chapter first provides a formulation of the geometric path planning problem in Sect. 7.2 and then introduces sampling-based planning in Sect. 7.3. Sampling-based planners are general techniques applicable to a wide set of problems and have been successful in dealing with hard planning instances. For specific, often simpler, planning instances, alternative approaches exist and are presented in Sect. 7.4. These approaches provide theoretical guarantees and for simple planning instances they outperform sampling-based planners. Section 7.5 considers problems that involve differential constraints, while Sect. 7.6 overviews several other extensions of the basic problem formulation and proposed solutions. Finally, Sect. 7.8 addresses some important and more advanced topics related to motion planning.
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- 1-D:
- 2-D:
- 3-D:
- PRM:
probabilistic roadmap method
- RDT:
rapidly exploring dense tree
- RLG:
random loop generator
- RRT:
rapidly exploring random tree
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Powder transfer task using demonstration-guided motion planningavailable from http://handbookofrobotics.org/view-chapter/07/videodetails/17
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Motion planning in multi-robot scenarioavailable from http://handbookofrobotics.org/view-chapter/07/videodetails/22
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Alpha puzzleavailable from http://handbookofrobotics.org/view-chapter/07/videodetails/23
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Kavraki, L.E., LaValle, S.M. (2016). Motion Planning. In: Siciliano, B., Khatib, O. (eds) Springer Handbook of Robotics. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-32552-1_7
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-32550-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32552-1
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