Chalicotheres (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Chalicotheriidae) are relatively rare in the fossil record, but represent an important group of extinct three-toed perissodactyls. In Greece they are represented by three genera (Ancylotherium, Chalicotherium, and Anisodon) and four species (Ancylotherium hellenicum, Ancylotherium pentelicum, Chalicotherium goldfussi, and Anisodon macedonicus). They have been found in at least 14 localities, including some of the best known localities in Greece (Pikermi, Samos, Axios valley), all of Late Miocene age. The group is represented by skulls, mandibles, teeth, and postcranial bones. The most complete skull of Ancylotherium ever reported was excavated in Thermopigi (Serres, Macedonia, Greece) and shows a remarkable feature: the inflation of the frontal bone.
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I would like to thank Prof. Emer. GD Koufos for kindly providing the photograph of Anisodon macedonicus from Dytiko 3. Sincerest thanks to Emer. Professor M. Coombs for the useful comments that greatly helped to improve this manuscript, as well as to the anonymous reviewer.
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List of the Greek localities containing chalicothere fossils . Type localities are marked with bold. Locality numbers refer to the collection numbers of the PaleoBiology Database (PBDB)
LocalitiesPBDB No | Age (MN; GPTS in Ma) | Taxon |
Dytiko 332376 | Late Turolian (MN13) | Anisodon macedonicus1 |
Chomateri195562 | Middle Turolian (MN12) | Chalicotherium goldfussi2,3 |
Thermopigi73553 | Middle Turolian (MN12) | Ancylotherium pentelicum5 |
Kerassia 1195432 | Middle Turolian (MN12) | Ancylotherium sp.5 |
Kerassia 4195435 | Middle Turolian (MN12) | Ancylotherium sp.5 |
Mytilinii 1A202215 | Middle Turolian (MN12; ~7.1) | Ancylotherium pentelicum6 |
Mytilinii 1B202216 | Middle Turolian (MN12; ~7.1) | Ancylotherium pentelicum6 |
Mytilinii 3202218 | Middle Turolian (MN12; ~7.3) | Ancylotherium pentelicum6 |
Samos Q1/QA95691 | Middle Turolian (MN12; 7.3–7.1) | Ancylotherium pentelicum7,16 |
Vathylakkos 3182750 | Middle Turolian (MN12; ~7.3) | Anisodon macedonicus8–9 |
Pikermi182754 | Middle Turolian (MN12; 7.3–7.1) | Ancylotherium pentelicum10–12 Chalicotherium goldfussi13 |
Prochoma 1202222 | Middle Turolian (MN12; ~7.4) | Anisodon macedonicus9 |
Halmyropotamos202213 | ?Middle Turolian (MN12?) | Ancylotherium pentelicum14–15 |
Pentalophos 1202119 | Early Vallesian (MN9) | Ancylotherium hellenicum 9 |
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Tsoukala, E. (2022). The Fossil Record of Chalicotheres (Mammalia: Perissodactyla: Chalicotheriidae) in Greece. In: Vlachos, E. (eds) Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 2. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68442-6_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68442-6_15
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-68441-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-68442-6
eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0)