IoT has contributed heavily in the growth of Internet with its versatile applications. The IoT devices act as a bridge between the digital world and the real world. Therefore, the previous embankment of securities does not keep all these attacks at bay in recent years. Still, it is undeniable that IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily life. From emergency notification systems to health monitoring devices, IoT plays a vital role. As the versatility of the IoT devices is expanding, so the security challenges. The security issues impacting the IoT devices have become an enormous concern for the organizations spread across the world. The root cause of modern security threats in IoT devices is the lack of refined cybersecurity implementation towards real-time communications, data sharing, remote access, etc. For every smart business or home solutions, it is essential to provide suitable cybersecurity solutions in IoT devices to maintain their supremacy in the future digital world. The IoT devices most often become vulnerable towards modern security threats because of their elementary level security protocol.
To understand the vulnerabilities of IoT, we need to identify the attack vectors and provide the corresponding remediation methodologies proposed by the present-day researchers. Along with the remedial methodologies, several real-time security issues have been identified, responsible for different genres of IoT vulnerabilities as provided by the different state-of-the-art research work. The current education system requires a revolution in the field of cybersecurity education with various researches and innovations to address the enormous crisis of cybersecurity workforce and to keep the digital world safe and beautiful.
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Indu, P., Bhattacharyya, S. (2020). Early Work Vis-à-Vis Current Trends in Internet of Things Security. In: Daimi, K., Francia III, G. (eds) Innovations in Cybersecurity Education. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50244-7_8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50244-7_8
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