The modernization of the complex operating theatres comes along with new opportunities and challenges in particular in the areas of data processing, safety, Human-Machine-Interaction and interoperability.
With the funding of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), the OR.NET project (2012–2016) developed an approach of an open device connectivity within the operation room (OR) and the clinical environment. Within this approach, the open integration of medical devices from different manufacturers and the development of an international communication Standard family “IEEE 11073 Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC)” has been addressed [IEEE Standards Association 2019]. With the SDC standard, medical devices are able to communicate manufacturer-independently. To control medical devices and visualize parameters and function on the basis of the open interconnection approach, there is a need for a surgical and anaesthetic workstation. The aim of this research work has been the development of a cross-device and cross-platform software framework for a workstation at the Chair of Medical Engineering (mediTEC) at the RWTH Aachen University. The requirement analysis considers the functionalities of existing proprietary integrated OR systems (OR1 Neo, Core Nova, Tegris OR) and research projects for open networked OR systems (OR.NET, SCOT and OpenICE). Within the workstation, reusable and configurable components were developed, integrated and tested following the dialogue principles (DIN EN ISO 9241-110) to achieve a high degree of usability (DIN EN IEC 62366, DIN EN ISO 60601-1-6). The graphical user interfaces was integrated for 6 medical devices from different manufacturers for a mobile and a centralized workplace. To test the concept of the surgical workstation, 7 surgeons and 1 orthopedist from the Uniklinikum Aachen solved tasks, which were evaluated and discussed.
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- Human-Machine-Interaction
- Human factors
- Usability evaluation
- Integrated operating room
- Open surgical workstation
- Tablet control
- Open communication standard IEEE 11073 SDC
1 Introduction
Medical and technical developments are creating opportunities and numerous challenges in the operating room. Closed proprietary manufacturer systems are an obstacle here, as they complicate communication with potential network participants and do not permit unrestricted integration of third-party devices.
Closed systems such as OR1 NEO from Karl Storz, TEGRIS OR from Maquet and Core Nova from Richard Wolf offer a very wide range of functionalities, but none of these systems can fully integrate third-party devices.
In this work, third party medical devices are integrated on the basis of SDC into a surgical workstation with a high level of usability. Individual widgets for the user interfaces are developed, so that these can be reused and parts of the user interface can be generated dynamically.
A verification of the requirements and a comparison with an already implemented concept is performed. Additionally, interaction-centered usability tests with a representative user group are conducted in a usability laboratory and the results are statistically analyzed and discussed.
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Comparison of Proprietary Manufacturer Solutions for Integrated Operating Systems
In this chapter, we list the functionalities of the closed proprietary manufacturer solutions. This includes optional features, which the manufacturers also offer for a higher price. The compared systems are OR1 NEO from Karl Storz, TEGRIS OR from Maquet and Core Nova from Richard Wolf.
Functions/Manufacturer | OR1 NEO | Core Nova | Maquet |
Recording and streaming | |||
Image and video signals | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Numeric Medical data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Video Streaming outside the operating theatre | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Navigation | |||
Video recordings | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Patient file or previous diagnoses | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Connections to existing systems | |||
Hospital Information System (HIS) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Radiology Information System (RIS) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Health Level 7(HL7) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Device integration | |||
Own equipment | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Third-party manufacturers can add their own devices to the existing network | No | No | No |
Selected manufacturers can integrate individual devices (after cooperation) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Integration of video signals from third-party devices | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Control of integrated devices | |||
Central control module | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Remote adjustment of values | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Use of predefined settings | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Devices can communicate with each other directly or using a central control module | Unknown | Yes | Unknown |
Independent closed loop regulation through communication between devices | Unknown | Yes | Unknown |
Planning of clinical workflows | |||
Creating checklists | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Creation of process sequences (workflows) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Grouping functions of different devices | Yes | Yes | Yes |
[Core nova 2019] [MAQUET Holding B.V. & Co. KG 2015; MAQUET Holding B.V. & Co. KG. 2019] [Karl Storz 2010, 2018, 2019].
After the tabular comparison of the key functions offered by the proprietary manufacturer solutions, it becomes clear that all three systems are very advanced and the range of functions is very similar to each other. No manufacturer was able to fulfill the point ‘Third-party manufacturers can add their own devices to the existing network’, which was to be expected, because those systems are proprietary, using a manufacturer-specific non-public communication standard. That is where this research starts, and contrary to existing systems, the goal is to fully integrate open networked third-party devices.
2.2 Requirements for the Surgical SDC Workstation
The requirements described below are intended to define the specific conditions for the development and the runtime environment for the software. In order to divide the desired features more precisely, they are split into functional and non-functional requirements.
Functional Requirements
SDC supporting medical devices controllable within the network
Integration of a user interface generating framework
Navigation through control panels is possible
Changes to the device are shown in the operating panel
Simultaneously usage of operating panel from different devices
Device alarms are visible on the operating panel
Control panels for at least 3 medical devices
Non Functional Requirements
Workstation runs on a 4:3 tablet and a 16:9 touchscreen
Low latencies for adjusting values of medical devices
Support of different resolutions
Non-blocking behavior of the user interface
Interception of errors during runtime
Simplified maintainability through modularization
Supported by different operation systems
2.3 Concept of the Surgical SDC Workstation
From the most commonly used web solutions of platform-independent systems (Rich Internet Application, Hybrid Application and Pure Web Application) the pure web application was selected as the client solution and Java bytecode as the server solution, so that the software architecture model is a client-server model. The advantage of a browser solution is especially the platform independence as well as the modern and efficient design of user interfaces. The decision for the programming language Java as server-side solution is based on the broad support of Java on different operating systems, well tested and available modules, as well as the secure and solid way the programs are executed. However, an implementation in C++ would also be possible.
The browsers provide the user interface and thus enable interaction with the devices. The server can communicate with the medical devices and receives requests from the browser and forwards them to the medical devices. With this approach, each client only needs to execute a single browser session to use all functions offered by the devices. This keeps the processor and memory requirements on the client side very low and provides furthermore independence for platform and device selection. Since this concept is based on a web browser as a client solution, this concept is from now on referred as WebStation. The workstation already developed by the Chair of Medical Technology (mediTEC) is referred as Workstation [Janß 2019].
The concept of the WebStation is shown in Fig. 1 and consists of 4 parts:
Service-oriented Device Connectivity (SDC) Network
Medical devices
Surgical Workstation backend (WebStation)
User interface
The SDC framework enables network participants to exchange information, e.g. device settings, alarms and device identification with other SDC Network participants. The Library was provided by SurgiTAIX [Kasparick 2018; SurgiTAIX 2018]. Connected to each medical device is a SDC provider, who offers a service for information exchange in the network. The WebStation is built on top of a SDC consumer, who subscribes and uses all offered services from SDC Providers in the network, which are connected to medical devices. The SDC Consumer is part of the WebStation and the SDC Provider is part of the medical device.
The user interfaces each consist of an HTML, CSS and a JavaScript file. The HTML file contains the user interface, the CSS file contains the styles for the interface and the JavaScript file optionally contains the logic of the panel. These three files build the frontend and the control logic of the panel.
A configuration file in JSON format contains necessary information about the control panel, such as under which menu item the device should be displayed and the entire controller logic. As soon as the value of a metric changes (e.g. OR light is switched on), this document looks up which JavaScript function is to be called with which parameter and sends this via web sockets to the browser, which then execute the desired function.
Surgical Workstation Backend is the connection between the SDC network and the browser session. For the implementation of the backend, as already mentioned, the Java runtime environment is used. The main advantage is the platform independence. The used SDC framework is also available in Java, which allows the integration into a Java application.
2.4 User Interface Generation
To use a medical Panel, the surgeon has to select a medical device inside the navigation bar. Each medical device panel consists of a title bar, containing the device type and the manufacturer name. Below that is an image of the medical device, which is currently controlled. The user has to be aware, which device he controls remotely and if the device is in the same room. Further down are additional Settings and Presets, which can be executed. On the right side are the controls of the user interface. Some of those controls need a list of parameters to be initialized and used.
Figure 2 shows a widget to change the zoom of an endoscope. That widget has the following initializer list:
Class: flexivision_zoom_position template_preset_view
Title: Zoom
Minimum value: 1
Maximum value: 3
List of possible values: 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
SDC Metric Name: ZoomFactor
SDC Provider EPR: Flexivision
To identify the widgets during the runtime, each widget type has an identifier class. In this case, the widget with 5 Buttons, a big blue number to show the actual value, a view of the current zoom value on the right, which can also be used to change the current value, is known as template_preset_view. So each HTML element with the initializer list above and the class template_preset_view will be rendered according to a template. The template, which has been used in this work is Mustache.js (http://mustache.github.com/). With Mustache you can define templates, leave placeholder for additional content and render it whenever and where you need. There are multiple different render engines for a web browser, so most render engines could be used here. It makes the maintenance easier by breaking the code up into smaller files, cause changes only need to be done once to be applied in the complete framework.
The individual control widgets were implemented on the basis of the guidelines from DIN EN ISO 9241-12 (Part 12: Information presentation) and DIN EN ISO 9241-110 (Principles of dialogue design).
2.5 Interaction Centered Usability Evaluation
In usability tests the newly implemented concept of the WebStation was compared with the currently available Workstation. A representative group of users carried out several tests and then completed a survey. The goal was to check the usability of the developed system taking into account the criteria effectiveness, efficiency, learnability and user satisfaction. With the interaction-centered evaluation of the UI revealing deficits and possible improvements of the user interface’s operating concept should be identified.
In [Jakob Nielsen 2000] and [Laura Faulkner 2003], Nielson and Faulkner found that the more tests are performed, the higher is the detection percentage of errors in usability tests. According to Nielsen, five participants in studies are sufficient to detect 85% of all usability problems. The test participants consisted of employees of the University Hospital Aachen. A total of six neurosurgeons and one orthopedist took part in the tests, 5 of them male and 2 female surgeons. The mean age of the participants was 40 years, the average work experience was 11 years and the participants spent an average of 16 h per week in the operating theatre.
The tests are performed in the laboratory of the Chair of Medical Engineering (mediTEC) at RWTH Aachen University. There is a surgical workstation demonstrator, where various medical devices are available and connected (see Fig. 3).
The tests were performed on a 42” touchscreen monitor and an Apple iPad with the following device-software combinations:
Workstation - Current Workstation on a 42” touchscreen
WebStation Desktop - New WebStation concept on a 42” touchscreen
WebStation Mobile - New WebStation concept on a 9.7” iPad
The standards DIN EN IEC 62366 [Deutsches Institut für Normung 2015b], DIN EN ISO 60601 [Deutsches Institut für Normung 2015a], ISO 9241-110 [Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. 2006] serve as criteria for the present evaluation and in which the requirements of usability are defined as the degree to which a system, a product or a service can be used by certain users to achieve certain goals effectively, efficiently, in a learn-able and satisfactory way in a given context of use. According to these standards, the factors determining the usability are, in particular, the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of the user when interacting with the tested system. These three main criteria are defined as follows:
Efficiency describes the correlation between the results achieved and the resources used (time, human effort). In this work the efficiency is calculated by dividing the number of minimal steps per task by the number of steps needed. (E.g. The efficiency for a task where 1 step is needed to complete it but the participant used 4 steps is 1:4 = 25%). Additionally, the time to complete each task was measured, to have additional information to determine how fast each participant was.
Effectiveness measures the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specific objectives, i.e. the degree to which objectives are achieved. In this work, a task is considered not fully completed if one of its sub-tasks is not completed. Since the degree of completion in this paper is very high, the inverse, the failure rate, is presented instead. The failure rate shows the percentage of users who could not complete a task. It is calculated by the following formula for each task individually: Number of tests failed/Number of tests
Satisfaction refers to the individual’s perceptions and reactions resulting from the use of a system, product or service. In the scope of this work, a short evaluation on a so-called Likert scale was performed after 3 of 5 executed tasks. A Likert Test presents an evaluation that is agreed or disagreed by a person on a scale of usually 5, 7 or 11 levels. The center value of the scale stands for “Neither agree nor disagree” [Statista 2019].
3 Results
As described in the evaluation methods in the previous section, the usability of the operating concept is evaluated using the criteria efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. Efficiency is measured in the user tests by using five tasks. Low efficiency is the result of too many operating steps being required to achieve the goal. A high efficiency, on the other hand, shows that the steps, which were carried out, were effective.
Figure 4 and Fig. 5 show the tasks on the X-axis and the efficiencies reached on the Y-axis. Figure 4 is more detailed, since it shows all recorded data as boxplots whereas Fig. 5 only shows the mean values.
The efficiency of the Workstation is lower in all tasks compared to the WebStation Mobile and the WebStation Desktop. Many users have had difficulties using the workstation navigation because of the single and double clicking, which were partly necessary to open a menu item. The efficiency of the WebStation Mobile within the task navigation is about 75% and the workstation is evaluated with 67%. With the operating panel of the HF generator there were significant usage difficulties to navigate through the menu items of the selection of the modes because the arrow keys were partly too small. The efficiencies of the OR light and the OR table are quite high, but the WebStation concept shows better results than the Workstation. In the endoscope control panel the task was to perform 10 steps instead of 4–6 steps. Despite the high number of steps, the efficiency was the highest there. Reasons for this are on the one hand the experience the users could gain during the previous tasks and on the other hand the familiarization with the control panels.
For a more accurate efficiency determination, the time required to complete all steps of a task was measured. This average time to complete a task is shown in Fig. 7. A detailed representation of all measured times is shown as boxplots in Fig. 6.
The operating time of the workstation was higher in all tests than the WebStation concept. Especially the time with the Workstation using the HF generator and operating table tasks is ~ 2.5 higher than of the WebStation Mobile and Desktop. This is due to the unclear labeling of the operating elements and the partly unintuitive control of the user interfaces. The completion time for the Workstation is also higher in the first 4 tasks, followed by the WebStation Mobile and the WebStation Desktop. Only for the last task, the users were faster with the mobile solution than with the desktop solution. There was no workstation solution for the last task, so there is no evaluation (bar) for the last task. The processing time is only compared within the intratasks and not the intertasks. Those are equally difficult and should take the same amount of time. The 1:30 min at the endoscope is therefore an extremely high value, but in the context of the task (10 steps instead of 6) a relatively good value.
The Failure rate is shown in Fig. 8. Because of identification and understanding problems, 2 tasks could not be completed. The only values differing from 0 within the failure rates are at the HF generator (70%) and at the operating table (86%). 5 of 7 persons could not complete the task at the HF generator and 6 of 7 could not complete the task at the operating table. This is reflected in efficiency (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5) and user satisfaction (Fig. 9).
4 Discussion and Conclusion
Developing a centralized surgical workstation, which uses the IEEE 11073 SDC standards, on basis of a server client model (web application as frontend, a java implementation backend) is possible. Controlling all medical devices within the SDC network was possible. Changes performed on those medical devices, were forwarded by the server and shown on each connected user-interface. It is possible, to navigate through the medical device panels and alarms executed by the medical devices, which are visible on the front end. All functional and non-functional requirements set were met. The Workstation was shown in the DMEA 2019 and the feedback of the clinical user and the suppliers (Fig. 10).
DMEA 2019 Berlin [mediTEC 2019]
Furthermore we developed a user interface generating framework. By using the UI-Profiles developed by mediTEC [Janß et al. 2018], it was possible to implement re-useable frontend elements. This makes the verification process of the user interfaces easier. The usability tests shows, that the implemented workstation with its user-interfaces had a high degree of efficiency, effectivity and user satisfaction.
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This research work has been funded within the project “ZiMT - Certifiable Integrated Medical Technology and IT Systems based on Open Standards in the Operating Room and Hospital” (State of North-Rhine Westphalia and the European Commission - European Regional Development Fund (EFRE); grant no.: EFRE-0800454).
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Yilmaz, O., Wieschebrock, D., Heibeyn, J., Rademacher, K., Janß, A. (2020). Development and Evaluation of a Platform-Independent Surgical Workstation for an Open Networked Operating Theatre Using the IEEE 11073 SDC Communication Standard. In: Duffy, V. (eds) Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Posture, Motion and Health. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12198. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49904-4_6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49904-4_6
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-49903-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-49904-4
eBook Packages: Computer ScienceComputer Science (R0)