There has been a huge increase in our knowledge of nematophagous fungi, however, the methodology used to study these organisms are unique and have changed little over the years. Nematophagous fungi are easy to find and cultivate, but their peculiar mode of life makes it necessary to use certain techniques to bring them under observation. These methods are detailed in this chapter and include techniques for obtaining mixed cultures of the fungi from nature, for isolating taxa into pure culture, for observing living material and for making permanent microscope preparations.
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Li, J., Hyde, K., Zhang, KQ. (2014). Methodology for Studying Nematophagous Fungi. In: Zhang, KQ., Hyde, K. (eds) Nematode-Trapping Fungi. Fungal Diversity Research Series, vol 23. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8730-7_2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8730-7_2
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Online ISBN: 978-94-017-8730-7
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