Cigarette smoking is a preventable risk factor that contributes to unnecessary lung cancer burden among Korean Americans and there is limited research on effective smoking cessation strategies for this population. Smartphone-based smoking cessation apps that leverage just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) hold promise for smokers attempting to quit. However, little is known about how to develop and tailor a smoking cessation JITAI for Korean American emerging adult (KAEA) smokers.
This paper documents the development process of MyQuit USC according to design guidelines for JITAI. Our development process builds on findings from a prior ecological momentary assessment study by using qualitative research methods. Semi-structured interviews and a focus group were conducted to inform which intervention options to offer and the decision rules that dictate their delivery.
Qualitative findings highlighted that (1) smoking episodes are highly context-driven and that (2) KAEA smokers believe they need personalized cessation strategies tailored to different contexts. Thus, MyQuit USC operates via decision rules that guide the delivery of personalized implementation intentions, which are contingent on dynamic factors, to be delivered “just in time” at user-scheduled, high-risk smoking situations.
Through an iterative design process, informed by quantitative and qualitative formative research, we developed a smoking cessation JITAI tailored specifically for KAEA smokers. Further testing is under way to optimize future versions of the app with the most effective intervention strategies and decision rules. MyQuit USC has the potential to provide cessation support in real-world settings, when KAEAs need them the most.
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Funding for this research was provided by American Cancer Society: 124758-MRSG-13-155-01-CPPB (Huh, PI) and from National Institutes of Health: NCI T32CA009492-31. Support for the time of Mays and Shoptaw comes from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Minority Health and Health disparities (MD006932).
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Cerrada, C.J., Dzubur, E., Blackman, K.C.A. et al. Development of a Just-in-Time Adaptive Intervention for Smoking Cessation Among Korean American Emerging Adults. Int.J. Behav. Med. 24, 665–672 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12529-016-9628-x
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12529-016-9628-x