This paper proposes a novel cooperative spectrum sensing network (CSSN) with improved energy detector (IED) based cognitive radio (CR) users. Every CR user is furnished with multiple antennas (M) and performs itself selection combining (SC) operation. All the CRs sense a primary user (PU) via erroneous sensing channels (S) and send the data to a fusion center (FC) via erroneous reporting channels (R). At FC, decision about PU is evaluated with the assistance of k-out-of-N rule. Detection probability expressions for a CR and FC subject to noise plus Rayleigh/Rician fading are developed. Also both simulation and analytical frameworks for throughput analysis are presented. The analytical performance results are also validated using simulation performance results. Performance comparisons between IED and conventional energy detectors (CED) are presented in terms of throughput and total error rate for several parameter values. Further, overall performance of throughput and total error rate in Rayleigh/Rician fading channels is investigated. The joint effects of diversity and fading on the CSSN throughput is also additionally discussed. Channel error (r) impact on the throughput and total error performances for each proposed and traditional networks is studied. Optimization of several parameters for maximizing the throughput and minimizing the total error is also studied. Throughput overall performance of proposed CSSN is plenty better than the conventional network in each fading channel. For several values of M and r, \(p_{\mathrm{{opt}}}\), \(\lambda _{\mathrm{{n, opt}}}\) and \(N_{\mathrm{{opt}}}\) values are calculated subject to each fading environment. Both analytical and MATLAB simulation results are matched. Under imperfect channel conditions, performances in terms of throughput and total error are not up to the mark but significant performance improvement has been obtained with diversity at each CR level.
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Nallagonda, S., Bhowmick, A. & Prasad, B. Throughput performance of cooperative spectrum sensing network with improved energy detectors and SC diversity over fading channels. Wireless Netw 27, 4039–4050 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02685-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-021-02685-0