The aim of the study was to monitor the evolution of welfare indicators of pigs throughout growing and finishing phases housed in a deep bedding system by principles of good health and housing. In all, 16,500 animals, distributed in 15 facilities, were evaluated over a 4-month period. Three assessments were carried out in each facility by a single evaluator, according to the following time distribution: phase one (75 to 85 days old), phase two (86 to 161 days old), and phase three (162 to 180 days old). Only the parameters related to good health and good housing were considered. Data were analyzed by logistic regression for longitudinal data. Poisson distribution was used on the coughing and sneezing data, with subsequent chi-square analysis. There were no cases of poor body condition, shivering, panting, huddling, tail biting, pumping, twisted snout, rectal prolapse, lameness, and skin conditions. The final evaluations were associated with greater chances of hernia and bursitis, with greater prevalence in males than in females. The prevalence of wound and manure on the body parameters was influenced by the interaction of the evaluation and animal category. The incidence of coughing and the number of animals presenting this symptom gradually increased, becoming considerably higher in the final stage of evaluation. Health-related problems change throughout the production cycle. The evaluation of a broad and reliable view on animal welfare allows for the most appropriate management of production systems using deep bedding.
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This work was conducted during the support period with doctoral scholarships funded by the Coordination of Coordination for Improvement of Higher-Level Personnel (CAPES) and Araucaria Foundation to Carlos Rodolfo Pierozan and by CAPES to Luciana Foppa.
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Conceived and designed the experiments: Cleandro Pazinato Dias, Luciana Foppa, Carlos Rodolfo Pierozan, and Caio Abércio da Silva. Performed the experiments: Luciana Foppa and Carlos Rodolfo Pierozan. Analyzed the data: Sandra Maria Simonelli, and Luciana Foppa. Interpretation of data: Luciana Foppa, Cleandro Pazinato Dias, and Caio Abércio da Silva. Wrote the paper: Luciana Foppa and Caio Abércio.
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Foppa, L., Pierozan, C.R., Simonelli, S.M. et al. Evolution of welfare indicators of pigs housed in deep bedding systems during growing and finishing phases: assessment of good health principles and housing conditions. Trop Anim Health Prod 53, 483 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-021-02912-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11250-021-02912-y