Modern real-time systems tend to be mixed-critical, in the sense that they integrate on the same computational platform applications at different levels of criticality (e.g., safety critical and mission critical). Scheduling of such systems is a popular topic in literature due to the complexity and importance of the problem. In this paper we propose two algorithms for job scheduling in mixed critical systems: mixed criticality earliest deadline first (MCEDF) and mixed critical priority improvement (MCPI). MCEDF is a single processor algorithm that theoretically dominates state-of-the-art fixed-priority algorithm own criticality based priority (OCBP), while having a better computational complexity. The dominance is achieved by profiting from a common extension of fixed-priority online policy to mixed criticality. MCPI is a multiprocessor algorithm that supports dependency constraints. Experiments show good schedulability results. Also we formally prove that both MCEDF and MCPI are optimal in a particular class of algorithms.
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Though we use this legacy name, we should admit that there are several other mixed criticality algorithms that may be considered more intimately related to EDF.
In literature the word ALAP is usually used for latest arrival.
We do not say ‘ready’ jobs in order to also include jobs that are waiting for their predecessors to terminate.
Recall that by default we study LO-mode schedules in this section.
For equal-deadline jobs we break the ties by selecting the job with minimal \(C_j(\hbox {HI})-C_j(\hbox {LO})\). This choice is explained in Sect. 5.2.
It ignores the runtime overhead that would be incurred by fragmentation of tasks in practice.
They are also tree-children of node J, as in a P-DAG forest the edges are directed from children to parents.
In this case we would need to put precedence edges between sub-jobs.
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We would like to thank Prof. Sanjoy Baruah for valuable discussions, especially for a hypothesis that lead to establishing improved algorithmic complexity result for MCEDF. We would also like to thank the reviewers for providing very constructive remarks that helped us to correct some important errors and improve the quality.
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Socci, D., Poplavko, P., Bensalem, S. et al. Priority-based scheduling of mixed-critical jobs. Real-Time Syst 55, 709–773 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-019-09329-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11241-019-09329-9