Shifting demographics in K-12 schools have increased Spanish-speaking Multi-Language Learners’ (MLLs’) enrollment across the United States. While literacy variations between MLLs and proficient English speakers have been studied predominantly with upper elementary students, there remains a need for more exploration among early elementary Spanish-speaking MLLs in English-dominant settings. Leveraging universal screening data from a Southern U.S. state, students were categorized into literacy profiles based on the simple view of reading (SVR) using end-of-kindergarten listening comprehension and start-of-first-grade decoding measures. We aimed to explore possible differences in the distribution of MLLs and English-proficient students across these literacy profiles. Additionally, we analyzed performance levels in phonemic awareness, letter knowledge, and vocabulary. Our exploration aimed to discern potential differences in these skills between MLLs and proficient English-speaking students and determine if literacy profile membership mediated any observed differences. Analyses showed distinct distributions of MMLs and proficient English speakers across SVR-derived literacy profiles. Also, proficient speakers demonstrated higher proficiency in early literacy skills than MLLs, except in letter knowledge, a main effect that did not interact with literacy profile membership. Our findings underscore the importance of enriching MLLs’ language experiences and prioritizing vocabulary-building activities. Furthermore, they catalyze discussions on accommodating diverse MLL profiles, ensuring equitable educational access, and addressing the comprehensive language learning needs of MLLs in both oral and written language.
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Popoola, I.A., McClain, J.B., Farris, E.A. et al. A simple view of reading analysis of Spanish-speaking multi-language learners and proficient English speakers. Read Writ (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10558-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-024-10558-z