One of the most effective and extensively used recommendation technique is collaborative filtering. Based on related users or items, collaborative filtering creates recommendations for the users. Similarity measures play a crucial role in Collaborative Filtering Recommender System. One useful similarity measure for a cold-start situation is the Proximity-Impact-Popularity (PIP) measure. The PIP measure is, nevertheless, subject to several limitations as it penalises users’ multiple times throughout similarity computation in addition to ignoring their global rating behaviour. When a user rates the items, their overall rating behavior—whether they are lenient or strict—is referred to as global rating behaviour. In this study, we introduce an improved similarity metric to calculate similarity more accurately and generate high-quality recommendations. Our method takes into account both the user's rating behaviour and the percentage of co-rated items among users. Additionally, we have considered the computation complexity of the suggested work. In addition, to exhibit the performance of the proposed measure, empirical analysis has been done on real datasets. The results of the experiments performed on the dataset show that the suggested work takes precedence over the current similarity metrics. In comparison to state-of-the-art measurements, the suggested work exhibits improvements in MAE of 1.73%, RMSE of 4.01%, and F measure of 1.47% on an average.
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Yadav, P., Gera, J. & Kaur, H. Enhancing the accuracy of collaborative filtering based recommender system with novel similarity measure. Multimed Tools Appl 83, 47609–47626 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17428-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-023-17428-w