In order to obtain a more secure and effective image encryption scheme, a color image encryption scheme based on Fisher-Yates scrambling algorithm and chaos theory is proposed. First, the (secure hash algorithm) SHA-384 is used to generate the key by combining the plaintext image and the encrypted time point. Then, three groups of chaotic sequences are obtained by iterating the three-dimensional Chen chaotic system, and three groups of pseudo-random sequences are obtained by processing with the key. The first group of pseudo-random sequences combined with the Fisher’s algorithm for image pixel position scrambling. A new pixel value substitution method is proposed using the second group of sequences to control each pixel value substitution of the image. The last group generated the matrix after pixel substitution was used for diffusion transformation to obtain the final encrypted image. The test results show that the scheme has broad application prospects.
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This work is supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No: 2020 M680933), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos: 61701070, 61672124), the Doctoral Start-up Foundation of Liaoning Province (No: 2018540090), Liaoning Province Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talents Program Project (No: XLYC1802013), Key R&D Projects of Liaoning Province (No: 2019020105-JH2/103), Jinan City ‘20 universities’ Funding Projects Introducing Innovation Team Program (No: 2019GXRC031).
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Ma, K., Teng, L., Wang, X. et al. Color image encryption scheme based on the combination of the fisher-yates scrambling algorithm and chaos theory. Multimed Tools Appl 80, 24737–24757 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10847-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-021-10847-7