The k-means problem has been paid lots of attention in many fields, and each cluster of the k-means problem always satisfies locality property. In this paper, we study the constrained k-means problem, where the clusters do not satisfy locality property and can be an arbitrary partition of the set of points. Ding and Xu presented a unified framework with running time \(O(2^{poly (k/\epsilon )} (\log n)^{k+1} nd)\) by applying uniform sampling and simplex lemma techniques such that a collection of size \(O(2^{poly (k/\epsilon )} (\log n)^{k+1})\) of candidate sets containing approximate centers is obtained. Then, the collection is enumerated to get the one that can induce a \((1+\epsilon )\)-approximation solution for the constrained k-means problem. By applying \(D^2\)-sampling technique, Bhattacharya, Jaiswal, and Kumar presented an algorithm with running time \(O(2^{{\tilde{O}}(k/\epsilon )}nd)\), which is bounded by \(O(2^k( \frac{2123ek}{\epsilon ^3})^{64k/\epsilon }knd)\). The algorithm outputs a collection of size \(O(2^k( \frac{2123ek}{\epsilon ^3})^{64k/\epsilon })\) of candidate sets containing approximate centers. In this paper, we present an algorithm with running time \(O((\frac{1891ek}{\epsilon ^2})^{8k/\epsilon }nd)\) such that a collection of size \(O((\frac{1891ek}{\epsilon ^2})^{8k/\epsilon }n)\) of candidate sets containing approximate centers can be obtained.
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Feng, Q., Hu, J., Huang, N. et al. Improved PTAS for the constrained k-means problem. J Comb Optim 37, 1091–1110 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-018-0340-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10878-018-0340-4