In an attempt to improve the thermoelectric (TE) properties of conducting polymers, polypyrrole/metal hydroxide composites were prepared. Oxidative polymerization technique was used to prepare polypyrrole (PPy), while sol gel method was used to produce the metal hydroxides of Ni(II), Co(II), Sr(II), Si(IV) and Zn (II). Typically, an in-situ approach was used to polymerize pyrrole monomer on the surface of the resultant hydroxides. The structural and surface properties of the prepared composites were analyzed by different techniques. The prepared composites were compacted into pellets to investigate their thermoelectric properties. The presence of metal hydroxides with polypyrrole were found to significantly enhance the power factors and the figure of merits values. At room temperature the first factor increased from 0.07 µW/m K2 for the neat PPy to approximately 0.32 µW/m K2 for the polypyrrole/metal hydroxide composites mainly of Co, while the second one increased from 0.05 × 10−3 to 0.36 × 10−3. The TE properties of polypyrrole/metal hydroxide composites of Ni and Si were also enhanced due to the significant reduction in their thermal conductivity. The findings from this study may potentially serve as a valuable resource for the advancement of future thermoelectric materials and devices.
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Almaghraby, A., Attar, A., Baghdadi, N. et al. Enhanced thermoelectric properties of polypyrrole/metals hydroxides composites. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 34, 1670 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-023-11069-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10854-023-11069-3