Effective ownership of software artifacts, particularly code, is crucial for accountability, knowledge sharing, and code quality enhancement. Researchers have proposed models linking ownership of software artifacts with developer performance and code quality. Our study aims to systematically examine various ownership models and provide a structured literature overview. Conducting a systematic literature review, we identified 79 relevant papers published between 2005 and 2022. We developed a taxonomy of ownership artifacts based on type, owners, and degree of ownership, along with compiling modeling variables and analytics types used in each study. Additionally, we assessed the replication status of each study. As a result, we identified nine distinct software artifacts whose ownership has been discussed in the literature, with "Code" being the most frequently analyzed artifact. We found that only three papers (3.79%) provided code and data, whereas nine papers (11.4%) provided only data. Using our systematic literature review results, we replicated experiments on nine priority projects at Brightsquid. The company aimed to compare its code quality against ownership factors in other teams, so we conducted a replication study using their data. Unlike prior studies, we found no strong correlation between minor contributors and bug numbers. Surprisingly, we found no strong link between the total number of developers modifying a file and bug counts, contrasting previous findings. However, we observed a significant correlation between major contributors and bug counts, diverging from earlier research. This study provides a comprehensive overview of ownership models and lists the variables used for ownership modeling in software engineering. Additionally, the study’s findings can inform the development of best practices for software development teams and assist in decision-making, considering various company and project contexts.
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Data Availibility Statement
The systematic literature review analysis presented in this paper is available as an appendix. However, the case study data used in this study is protected by non-disclosure agreements between York University and Brightsquid, and therefore cannot be made publicly available. The names of the commercial projects used in this study have been anonymized to maintain their confidentiality.
Change history
18 October 2024
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10566-1
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Koana, U.A., Le, Q.H., Rahman, S. et al. Examining ownership models in software teams. Empir Software Eng 29, 155 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10538-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10664-024-10538-5