Code smells violate software development principles that make the software more prone to errors and changes. Researchers have developed code smell detectors using manual and semi-automatic methods to identify these issues. However, three key challenges have limited the practical use of these detectors: developers’ subjective perceptions of code smells, lack of consensus in the detection process, and difficulty in setting appropriate detection thresholds. While code smell detection using machine learning has progressed significantly, there still appears to be a gap in understanding the effective utilization of deep learning (DL) approaches. This paper aims to review and identify current methods for code smell detection using DL techniques. A systematic literature review is conducted on 35 primary studies from a collection of 8739 publications between 2013 and the present. The analysis reveals that common code smells detected include Feature Envy, God Classes, Long Methods, Complex Classes, and Large Classes. The most popular DL algorithms used are Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), often combined with other techniques for better results. Algorithms that train models on large datasets with fewer independent variables demonstrate exemplary performance. The paper also highlights open issues and provides guidelines for future metric identification and selection research.
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Appendix A. List of Metrics with their Definitions used in this Study
Acronym | Definition |
AMW | Afferent Method and Weighted Method |
ATFD | Access to Foreign Data |
BUR | Buse Readability Score |
CBO | Coupling Between Objects |
CDISP | Class Dependency Metric |
CINT | Coupling Intensity |
CM | Coupling Between Objects |
CYCLO | Cyclomatic Complexity |
DIT | Depth of Inheritance Tree |
FDP | Foreign Data Providers |
LAA | Locality of Attribute Accesses |
LB | Basic Lack of Cohesion in Methods |
LCOM | Lack of Cohesion in Methods |
LOC | Lines Of Code |
MAXNESTING | Maximum Nesting Level |
NOAM | Number of Accessed Members |
NOAV | Number of Accessed Variables |
NOC | Number of Children |
NOM | Number of Methods |
NOP | Number of Parents |
PAR | Number of Parameters |
SDC | Size of Data Context |
SEC | Signal Event Coupling |
TCC | Tight Class Cohesion |
WMC | Weighted Methods Count |
Appendix B. List of Primary Studies Selected for this SLR
ID | Title | References |
S1 | Fusion of deep convolutional and LSTM recurrent neural networks for automated detection of code smells | [39] |
S2 | Deep Multimodal Architecture for Detection of Long Parameter List and Switch Statements using DistilBERT | [40] |
S3 | DACOS-A Manually Annotated Dataset of Code Smells | [41] |
S4 | Improving the Quality of Open Source Software | [42] |
S5 | Web Service Anti-patterns Detection Using CNN with Varying Sequence Padding Size | [43] |
S6 | Using Word Embedding and Convolution Neural Network for Bug Triaging by Considering Design Flaws | [44] |
S7 | Code Smell Detection Using Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms | [45] |
S8 | Application of Deep Learning models for Code Smell Prediction | [46] |
S9 | DeleSmell: Code smell detection based on deep learning and latent semantic analysis | [47] |
S10 | Feature Envy Detection with Deep Learning and Snapshot Ensemble | [48] |
S11 | How to improve deep learning for software analytics: (a case study with code smell detection) | [49] |
S12 | Multi-Label Code Smell Detection with Hybrid Model based on Deep Learning | [50] |
S13 | Detecting Code Smells with AI: a Prototype Study | [51] |
S14 | The automation of the detection of large class bad smell by using genetic algorithm and deep learning | [52] |
S15 | A machine and deep learning analysis among SonarQube rules, product, and process metrics for fault prediction | [53] |
S16 | Multi-granularity code smell detection using deep learning method based on abstract syntax tree | [54] |
S17 | An Empirical Study on Predictability of Software Code Smell Using Deep Learning Models | [55] |
S18 | Two-Pass Technique for Clone Detection and Type Classification Using Tree-Based Convolution Neural Network | [56] |
S19 | FCCA: Hybrid Code Representation for Functional Clone Detection Using Attention Networks | [57] |
S20 | MARS: Detecting brain class/method code smell based on metric-attention mechanism and residual network | [58] |
S21 | Code smell detection by deep direct-learning and transfer-learning | [59] |
S22 | Deep Learning Based Code Smell Detection | [60] |
S23 | Feature Envy Detection based on Bi-LSTM with Self-Attention Mechanism | [61] |
S24 | Deep Representation Learning for Code Smells Detection using Variational Auto-Encoder | [62] |
S25 | Deep Learning Anti-Patterns from Code Metrics History | [63] |
S26 | Deep semantic-Based Feature Envy Identification | [64] |
S27 | Detecting code smells using deep learning | [65] |
S28 | On the feasibility of transfer-learning code smells using deep learning | [66] |
S29 | Deep learning based feature envy detection | [67] |
S30 | A hybrid approach to detect code smells using deep learning | [68] |
S31 | Cclearner: A deep learning-based clone detection approach | [69] |
S32 | Finding bad code smells with neural network models | [70] |
S33 | Deep learning code fragments for code clone detection | [71] |
S34 | Some code smells have a significant but small effect on faults | [72] |
S35 | What you like in design use to correct bad-smell | [18] |
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Malhotra, R., Jain, B. & Kessentini, M. Examining deep learning’s capability to spot code smells: a systematic literature review. Cluster Comput 26, 3473–3501 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04144-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10586-023-04144-1