Geochemical analyses of groundwater samples and water‒rock interaction experiments were conducted to elucidate the hydrochemical process of the water‒rock interactions in the Nankan mountainside. Additionally, the mineralogy and microstructure of field sandstone samples were analysed to explore the microweathering behaviour of minerals in the Nankan Grotto. The results indicated that the cations in the groundwater followed the concentration order of Ca2+ > Mg2+ ≈ Na+ > > K+, while the anion concentrations were in the order of HCO3− > > NO3− > SO42− ≈ Cl−. The Piper, Gibbs, and ion correlation diagrams suggested that the groundwater was characterized as HCO3-Ca type. Three stages, the calcite dissolution stage (Stage I), feldspar weathering stage (Stage II), and faint‒weathering stage (Stage III) were observed in the water‒rock interaction experiments. Based on microscopic petrographical analysis, the dissolution of calcite released bulk Ca2+ and HCO3−, and this was the primary hydrochemical process that accounted for the HCO3-Ca type groundwater. The weathering of biotite to chlorite-(Mg) introduced Mg2+ and K+. The weathering of albite and plagioclase-TIMA to sericite or other clay minerals released Na+ and Ca2+ into the solution. Slight weathering of K-feldspar released minor amounts of K+ into the solution. The abovementioned weathering processes resulted in the poor cementation and loose microstructure of the sandstone, leading to the macroscopic deterioration of the sandstone heritage site. Our research revealed the deterioration mechanisms of the sandstone in the Nankan Grotto, which paves the way for the subsequent conservation of sandstone heritage sites.
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We greatly appreciate the colleagues of Nankan Grotto Research Institute for their supports in the field investigations. We also thank the colleagues of Nanjing Hongchuang Geological Exploration Technology Service Co., Ltd. of China for their helps in sample texting. This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42077271, 41877215), Sichuan Science and Technology Program (No. 2023YFS0364), Chengdu Science and Technology Program (2022-YF05-00240-SN). Additionally, Xuening Zhang also thanks her husband Yi Yu for his inspiration.
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Zhang, X., Ling, S., Wu, X. et al. Hydrochemistry process and microweathering behaviour of sandstone heritages in the Nankan Grotto, China: Insights from field micro-observations and water–rock interaction experiments. Bull Eng Geol Environ 82, 356 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-023-03378-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-023-03378-y