Simulation of physically based deformable models is a hot topic in computer graphics. Most of the existing models focus on isotropic materials and some on transversely isotropic materials. We propose a modeling method for orthotropic materials, which exhibits different mechanical behaviors along three orthogonal directions. First, constraints for the strain energy density in linear elastic models are analyzed, and a positive-definite elasticity tensor is derived for an orthotropic material. Second, an orthotropic deformation controlling frame-field is conceptualized and a frame construction tool is developed for users to define the desired material properties. A quaternion Laplacian smoothing algorithm is proposed, and several user-defined rotation minimizing frames are propagated into the entire body of the deformable object, which forms a smooth frame-field. Third, the corotational linear FEM model coupled with the orthonormal frame-field is formulated to realize a dynamics system, which can deal with large deformations. All the algorithms have been implemented in a comprehensive modeling and simulation system, and a GUI is provided to design the orthotropic model. Experiments on real-time deformation simulation and analytical comparisons are presented.
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Tetrahedral meshes of the fish model and the hosta model are generated by the PhysXViewer included in NVIDIA PhysX SDK (v2.7.3) [30]. The raptor model (both the surface and tetrahedral mesh) is obtained from the demo of the paper [1]. The implementation is based on VegaFEM. This work is partially supported by the grants, MOE ARC 4/12 and RG139/14, and by the Singapore National Research Foundation under its IDM Futures Funding Initiative and administered by the Interactive & Digital Media Programme Office, Media Development Authority.
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Cai, J., Lin, F., Lee, Y.T. et al. Modeling and dynamics simulation for deformable objects of orthotropic materials. Vis Comput 33, 1307–1318 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1221-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-016-1221-4