We review the grammatical inference problem for regular languages which aims to generate a deterministic finite automaton from a representative set of training sample strings known to be in or not in the language. Although the general problem of producing a minimal DFA consistent with a given sample is known to be NP-hard, it is possible to generate minimal consistent DFA in polynomial time if certain constraints are satisfied by the given samples. In this work we propose a new algorithm which generates minimal DFA if the given training samples satisfy a certain sufficient condition. On the negative side, we also show that this problem is indeed hard, such that even for a more restricted class of training sets, the problem of generating minimal consistent DFA is already intractable.
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Although the general results seem negative, Gold has also proved that from a given regular language, it is possible to generate a characteristic sample set S, such that learning from that training set yields a minimal DFA in polynomial time.
Recall that Myhill–Nerode theorem defines equivalence classes on members of a language \(L\subseteq {\varSigma }^*\). If \(w_1,w_2\in {\varSigma }^*\) are defined as equivalent, then for all \(w\in {\varSigma }^*\), \(w_1\cdot w\) and \(w_2\cdot w\) are either both accepted by the language or both rejected by the language. The number of such equivalence classes for members of a regular language is always finite, which is equivalent to the number of states in a minimal DFA.
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Zhang, C. Minimal consistent DFA from sample strings. Acta Informatica 57, 657–670 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-020-00365-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-020-00365-8