An interesting problem in geometric control theory arises from robotics and space science: find a smooth curve, controlled by a bounded acceleration, connecting in minimum time two prescribed tangent vectors of a Riemannian manifold Q. The state equation is \( \nabla _{\dot{\gamma }} \dot{\gamma } = u \in TQ, |u| \le A\). Applying Pontryagin’s principle one gets a Hamiltonian system in \(T^*(TQ)\). We consider this problem in \(S^2(r)\). Seemingly, it has not been addressed before. Via the SO(3) symmetry, we reduce the four degrees of freedom system to the five variables \((a,v, M_1,M_2,M_3),\) where v is the scalar velocity, conjugated to a costate variable a and \((M_1,M_2,M_3)\) are costate variables that satisfy \(\{ M_i, M_j\} = \epsilon _{ijk} M_k\). We derive the reduced equations and find special analytical solutions, that are organizing centers for the dynamics. Reconstruction of the curve \(\gamma (t)\) is achieved by a time dependent linear system of ODEs for the orthogonal matrix R whose first column is the unit tangent vector of the curve and whose last column is the unit normal vector to the sphere.
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This work was supported by CAPES/CNPq grants from the Science without Frontiers program PVE11/2012 and PVE089/2013. We thank Maria Soledad Aronna and Pierre Martinon for her help with the software BOCOP. The time minimal spline problem on the sphere was implemented by students from the Summer Undergraduate Program PIBIC at the Mathematics Department of UFMG. JK thanks the colleagues Raphael Campos Drumond, Mario Jorge Carneiro, Sylvie Kamphorst, Sonia Carvalho for the invitation, and to Matthew Perlmutter for sharing the classes. He also wishes to thank the Organizing Committee and the colleagues at the Instituto Superior Tecnico for a wonderful meeting in honor of Prof. Waldyr Oliva.
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Dedicated to Waldyr Muniz Oliva.
Supported by Capes/CNPq/CsF 089-2013.
Appendix A: Linearization at the equilbria
We take entries in the order \( v, a , \theta , z \). We have at the equilibria: \( L= J \, \mathrm{Hess}(H) \) where
so that
We get the four linearization matrices by substituting \(\mu = \sqrt{2A/r}\) and
on the bank of derivatives below. They all give the same matrix L in (45).
Bank of derivatives. Denoting for short \( P = {a}^{2}+{\frac{{\mu }^{2} \left( 1-{z}^{2} \right) \left( \sin \left( \theta \right) \right) ^{2}}{{v}^{2}}} \) we have:
Appendix B: Dictionary between the momenta in \( T^*(TS^2)\) associated to the coordinate systems on \(TS^2\)
We derive the correspondence \( p_{\theta }, p_{\phi }, p_{v_{\theta }}, p_{v_{\phi }}\) to \( (a, M_1, M_2, M_3) \) that may be useful in future work. Let \(Z(\alpha ) \) denote the rotation about the z axis of and angle \(\alpha \) and \(Y(\beta )\) about the y axis of angle \(\beta \). We introduce Euler angles \(\xi _1,\xi _2,\xi _3\), for matrices \(R \in SO(3)\) so that
with \( -\pi \le \xi _1, \xi _3 \le \pi , - \pi /2 \le \xi _2 \le \pi /2. \) This is one among many possible parametrizations. We interchanged in Y the cosines with sines in order to the third column of R to have the same entries as the with \(\theta ,\phi \) of the spherical coordinates, identifying them with Euler angles 1,2 respectively. Recall the map \(SO(3) \times \mathfrak {R}_+ \rightarrow TS^2-0\). Since the normalized velocity vector is the first column \(R^1\), we have \( v_{\theta } (r\, \cos \phi ) = v\, \, e_{\theta } \cdot R^1,\quad v_{\phi } \, r = v \,\, e_{\phi } \cdot R^1 . \) It results that the mapping \((v, \xi _1,\xi _2,\xi _3) \mapsto (\theta ,\phi , v_{\theta }, v_{\phi })\) is given by
and can be easily inverted:
The conjugate momenta can be related by the pullback of the canonical 1-form in \(T^*(TS^2)\):
Computing the differentials \(d\theta , d\phi , dv_{\theta }, dv_{\phi }\) from (61) and inserting in the RHS of the above identity, and collecting terms, one gets for \(a, p_{\xi _1}, p_{\xi _2}, p_{\xi _2}\) linear functions of \( p_{\theta }, p_{\phi }, p_{v_{\theta }}, p_{v_{\phi }}\) with coefficients depending on \(\theta =\xi _1, \phi =\xi _2, \xi _3, v \). The result is
A second step consists on relating \( (M_1,M_2,M_3)\) with \((p_{\xi _1}, p_{\xi _2},p_{\xi _3})\). We start with the identity in \(T^*SO(3)\)
where the \(\varOmega _i\) are differential forms that can be expressed in terms of the \(d\xi _1,d\xi _2,d\xi _3\), via the very classical expressions (going back to Euler) that come from
A long but straightforward computation, or a fast computer algebra (we did it on Maple), gives well known formulae for the infinitesimal rotations in the body frame:
which gives
Inverting these linear relations we get
Multiplying the matrices in (64, 68) one obtains the desired correspondence
The reader may further wish to change to the split momenta coordinates, in this case just changing to, according to [16] [with \(v_{\theta }\) from (61)]
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Stuchi, T., Balseiro, P., Cabrera, A. et al. Minimal time splines on the sphere. São Paulo J. Math. Sci. 12, 82–107 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40863-017-0078-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40863-017-0078-4