In this week’s story, a woman wonders if she needs to spend more time with her primary partner: 34, in a relationship, Oregon. DAY ONE 7 a.m. Get up to watch the sunrise. I’m staying in a hot springs resort for a few days with my dog — I came out here to decompress after the busy summer farming season. I’m a farmer — I run my own farming business out of a small farm and sell organic veggies, mostly at farmers markets. 8:30 a.m. Take some time to journal about a couple dates I had recently. I can get too attached and then I feel sad when things end. I’m working on that by writing lots of affirmations for myself. I don’t know if it’s working but I do it anyway! 11 a.m. Soak in the springs one last time before reluctantly packing up, checking out, and starting the drive home. My partner, Mike, texts me. His father is sick and he’ll need to spend most of the day taking care of him. Dang. He’s stressed. I try to be supportive but it’s sometimes a lot. |