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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • This article has been reviewed by native English speakers.
  • The work are discussed in reference to recent journal publications. Mostly citations should not be older than 5 years.
  • Make sure that issues about Publication Ethics, Copyight Transfer, Authorship, Highlights, Graphical Abstract, Journal's Template, and References format have been appropriately considered.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines



Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

          The manuscript must be prepared on A4 size paper with the following margin settings: 2.5 cm for the top and bottom, 3 cm for the left, and 2 cm for the right. Font throughout should be Angsana UPC/New for Thai articles and Time New Roman for English articles. The manuscript length should not exceed 15 pages.



            Both Thai and English titles are required and must be center-aligned. The English titleshould be capitalized and use 16-point bold type font. Thai title should use 22-point bold type font.


            The name(s) of all author(s) should be in both Thai and English, centered, set in 15-point type for Thai articles and 12-point type for English articles. A number superscript should be indicated immediately after the author's name. The author’s affiliation should be presented in a footnote that matches the author number on the same page. The corresponding author should be marked an asterisk (*) after the number. The email and telephone number of the corresponding author should be identified using 12-point type for Thai articles and 10-point type for English articles.


            The abstract should include introduction, research method, conclusion, and discussion, respectively. It should not be more than 300 words. The heading should be in 18-point bold type for Thai articles and 14-point bold type for English articles. The content should be in 15-point type for Thai articles and 12-point type for English articles.


            Both Thai and English keywords are required. Keywords should be related to your article and consist of 3-5 words. They should be placed under the abstract. For Thai articles, the keywords should be in 15-point type. For English articles, the keywords should be in 12-point type.


            The content should include the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References. For Thai article, the content should be in 15-point type. For English article, the content should be in 12-point type. The heading should be in 18-point bold type for Thai articles and 14-point bold type for English articles. The sub-heading should be in 15-point type for Thai articles and 12-point type for English articles.

            Figure(s) and Table(s)

            Figures and tables should be bold (e.g., Table 1 and Figure 1). The description should be in 15-point type for Thai articles and 12-point type for English articles. The size of the figures and tables should be appropriate and suitable for publication. Figures must be submitted as separate image files.


            All references mentioned must be cited in the text using the name-year system. All Thai references must be translated into English and include ‘in Thai’ in parentheses at the end of that reference, after the punctuation, with a space before the parenthesis.


Neamchuchuen, T., Niramol, K. and Topithak, K. 2019. Developing a Set of Videos to

Promote College of Hospitality and Tourism. Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya Research Journal 11(2): 324-337. (in Thai)



1.1 In-text Citation

      1.1.1 Single author (Sano, 1987)

      1.1.2 Two authors (Smith and Hardy, 1953)

      1.1.3 More than two authors (Ikejima et al., 1959)

      1.1.4 Multiple references (Sano, 1987; Kon and Kurokura, 1990; Rooster, 2000)

1.2 Reference Citation


Author, A. Year. Title of article. Title of journal (full name) volume number (issue number): inclusive page numbers.

Gensemer, R.W. 1991. The effects of pH and aluminum on the growth of the acidoplilic diatom Asterionella ralfsii var. americana. Limnology and Oceanography 36(1): 123-131.

Prapainop, R. and Maneeratana, K. 2004.  Simulation of ice formation by the finite volume method. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 26(1): 55-70.

Sultana, N., Kasem, M.A., Hossain, M.D. and Alam, M.S. 1998.  Biochemical changes of some promising lines of Yard Long Bean due to the infection of Yellow Mosaic virus. Thai Journal of Agricultural Science 31(3): 322-327.

Katayama, S.  2002. Coexistence of resident and anadromous pond smelt, Hypomesus nipponensis, in Lake Ogawa. Fisheries Science 68(Suppl. I): 33-44.



Author, A. Year. Title of book. Edition. Publisher, Place of publisher.

Underwood, A.J. 1997. Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and

Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Hutcheson, G.D. and Sofroniou, N. 1999.  The Multivariate Social Scientist:

Introductory Statistics Using Generalized Linear Models.  SAGE Publications, London.

Brower, J.E., Zar, J.H. and von Ende, C.N. 1990.  Field and Laboratory Methods

for General Ecology (3rded).  Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque.


One Chapter in Book

Author, A.  Year.  Title of chapter, inclusive page numbers. In Editor, B., eds. Title of book.  Publisher, Place of publisher.

Jacobeer, L.F. and Rand, A.G.  1982.  Biochemical of seafood, pp. 347-365.  In Martin, R.E., Flick, G.J., Hebard, C.E. and Ward, D.R., eds.  Chemistry and Biochemistry of Marine Food Products.  AVI Inc, Westport. 


Conference/ Seminar

Author, A.  Year.  Title of paper, inclusive page numbers. In Editor, A., and Editor, B. Title of conference. Publisher (or conference organization), Place of publisher.

Henderson, S.  1978.  An evaluation of the filter feeding fishes, Silver and bighead Carp, for Water quality improvement, pp. 121-136.  In Smitherman, R.O., Shelton, W.L. and  Grover, J.H. eds.  Symposium on The Culture of Exotic Fishes.  American Fisheries Society, Auburn University, Alabana.



Author, A. Year. Tittle of thesis. Thesis type, Name of university.

Thongnunui, P. 2000. Identification and distribution of fish larvae in mangrove forest at Sikao district, Trang province. Master of Science (Marine Science). Chulalongkorn University.


Electronics Sources

Author, A. Year. Title of work (CD-ROM). Title of journal. Year (Issue): Inclusive page numbers, Abstract from: Title of source and number for searching

Preston, W.  1982.  Poetry ideas in teaching literature and writing to foreign student (CD-ROM). TESOL Quart.  16: 489-502 Abstract from: Dialog File: ERIT Item: EJ274529  



Author, A. Year. Title of content. Title of website. Available Source: URL, Retrieved month date, year.

Sillery, B. 1998.  Urban rainforest: An African jungle come to life on New York’s west side. Popular Science. Available Source:, March 27, 1998.


Legal Documents

            Name of the issuing agency. Year. Title of the law and year. Title of publication

Volume, Issue (date of publication).

            Ministry of Public Health.  2013.  Notification of Ministry of Public Health (No.

355) 2013 Title: Food in a Hermetically Sealed Container. Government Gazette vol.130, Special Part 87. (dated July 24, 2013). (in Thai)


Guidelines for Submission

            The manuscript should be prepared in both MS-Word format and PDF format. It should be submitted along with figure files and the submission form to the RUTS Research Journal Editorial Board via online submission at


Criteria for Publication     

              All submissions will be reviewed by the Editorial Board prior to a review process to ensure manuscripts are properly prepared and formatted. Submissions not prepared according to the journal guidelines will be returned to the author(s) for revision. Those approved manuscripts will be sent to external reviewers for peer review. The author(s) will then be informed whether the manuscript is accepted, rejected, or needs revision. After publication, the author(s) of accepted manuscripts will be notified.

Research Article

Reserch article

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