I think if Anders was the Inquisitor it would be super fucking funny for many reasons. I still don't know much da lore so pretend it makes sense lore wise even if it doesn't. I just think the Guy Who is On the Run for Bombing the Local Chantry accidentally becoming the Herald of Andraste is an insane idea. why was Anders at the Conclave. was it to make sure mages were well represented. was it to repeat Kirkwall if the mages weren't well represented. who knows point is, he's there and he has a plan but as he's roaming the halls he hears The Divine calling out for help and what the hell he has to find out what's going on. Domino effect of canon events happen and suddenly he wakes up in chains with Cassandra standing over him and asking for his name. And he says Anders because he still can't remember where he even is. And Cassandra is like oh my fucking God you're Chantry Bomber Anders from Varric's story. Of course you killed the Divine. And Anders is like wdym I killed the Divine. But he sounds a little too excited about it so Cassandra just gets angry. And then later they meet up with Varric and Solas and Varric is like holy shit it's Chantry Bomber Anders. What are you doing here Blondie. And Anders is like hey Varric, this scary woman says I killed the Divine. But again he sounds a little too excited about it so Cassandra gets more mad, but Solas uses Anders's mark to close the rift so now she has to keep Anders alive. And then the people of the Inquisition decide Anders is the Herald of Andraste and Cassandra has to believe Chantry Bomber Anders was sent by Andraste for some fucking reason. And Anders's faith was already rocky after Kirkwall but now this whole thing is a joke to him. Hi my name is Anders, that's short for Andraste's Herald. I am Maker Sent. Yes I blew up the Kirkwall Chantry, because God says to Free All Mages. And Cassandra still hates him and Cullen is still scared of him and the Chantry is mad that he's using Andraste's name but the people of the Inquisition believe he is Maker Sent so he has to stay and basically gets diplomatic immunity from Chantry retaliation. He sides the Inquisition with the Mages and tells the Templars to kill themselves so everyone is even more mad at him. Except the Mages who are finally accepting him as their revolutionary leader. imagine Cassandra's face when Leliana suggests making Anders the Inquisitor. of course he gets up there and is like I'm doing this for all Mages! And the mages are like Yay, we love Inquisitor Chantry-Bomber-Anders! And then Hawke shows up and she's like there you are Anders, my mentally ill wife, the children miss you. and Anders is like look Hawke I'm the Inquisitor now, and Varric is also here and he fights by my side again. And Varric is like no I babysit you for Hawke, there's a difference. And since Anders was a Grey Warden, when they're like we need information on the Grey Wardens he's like actually I can help with that personally. Of course I still hear Corypheus screaming in my head, but Hawke has yelled at me louder before so I'm fine. And he doesn't even get the choice between leaving Hawke or Stroud in the Fade because he wouldn't let Hawke die ever no matter what. There's also loads of chances for the Inquisitor to hate on blood magic and the chantry that I think really suit Anders. And he'd love to tell Cassandra that the Chantry sucks and should die. But anyways all that to say I think it'd be incredibly hilarious if the guy who is on half of Southern Thedas' shit list for bombing the Chantry suddenly became Jesus Part Two and more of a recognised religious figurehead than the Divine herself had been.
I love this cuz I remember when Inquisition came out, someone IMMEDIATE made Anders in-game, and that gifset has haunted me every day since.
Shit, now I have to write it!! Ugghhh!! I gotta fix my laptop!!
Fictional character who performs and wears a mask that hides who they truly are but it's just because they really love acting and playing pretend and committing to bits and not for any survival or nefarious reasons
if anyone asks they'll admit they're lying or performing or whatever because it's literally just for funsies. and they're damn good at it
Fictional character who performs and wears a mask that hides who they truly are but it's just because they really love acting and playing pretend and committing to bits and not for any survival or nefarious reasons
if anyone asks they’ll admit they’re lying or performing or whatever because it’s literally just for funsies. and they’re damn good at it
The craziest thing is that I didn’t make the post like “tag ur fave female character” or anything I just said “here’s a female character I would love to see more of”. This person was under no obligation whatsoever to tag anyone and yet they still couldn’t think of a single women nor could they hold themselves back from making it about someone who isn’t a woman. I’ve gotten a handful of male character tags in this post and each time not only does it infuriate me beyond words it also just blows me away how fucking entitled and audacious misogynists are. IT IS NOT. ABOUT. YOU.
anyways tl;dr on that last post it’s like we’ve reached a point where in popular culture the ancient Greeks are remembered for their mythology and literature (and maybe Athenian democracy) while the Romans are remembered for their patriarchal imperialism, despite the fact that both cultures did plenty of both. and the consequence is that we’ve ended up with a bizarre quasi-gender binary where Greek stuff is for people who like mythology and literature and Roman stuff is for people who like patriarchal imperialism
“Tell him baby” had me kicking my feet and blushing.
Oh fuck, love is so real, fuck. That guy on the left for most of the vid is wearing a horse blanket for a scarf though. Entire wholeass horse blanket under a sheerling coat. Damn this polar vortex.
thinking so so much about this interaction and the outcomes depending on whether dorian reconciled with halward or not. (taken from @/daitranscripts)
PC: What did you do in Tevinter while you were away?
Dorian (reconciled with his father): I went home... twice. Father was only there once. Mother was drunk both times.
Dorian (did not reconcile with his father): I'll tell you what I didn't do: see Father even once. Mother tracked me down once, which was... nice.
we know so little about aquinea thalrassian, and none of what dorian says about her is positive. she was distant, she didn’t engage with raising dorian much if at all, she drank a lot, she was harshly critical of him and looked down upon him even into his adulthood.
but dorian also says that she hated halward, and that he hated her in return. they were in an arranged marriage because of their bloodlines, and they never loved each other. she was clearly miserable. i wouldn’t doubt that she resented dorian and saw him as a representation of the life she was trapped in. she never had a choice but to be with halward and bear his child—and they only ever had the one, the bare minimum to fulfill the role she was given. she’s also notably not a magister like halward is. she comes from an influential house, but not as influential as house pavus. she’s an active member of high society and a skilled mage, but if she has a career outside of being nobility, it’s not mentioned. sure, halward was also forced to marry someone he loathed. but he has far more power than she does.
halward’s letter says “we,” giselle says “they,” as if both parents are trying to reach dorian. it’s a team effort, if halward’s communications to giselle are to be believed (which… grain of salt). but depending on the outcome of halward and dorian’s confrontation, halward and aquinea’s relationship can go in different directions.
if dorian makes up with halward, aquinea stays where she is, at the pavus estate, drinking. she remains passive. a background character in her own life. she doesn’t seek to change anything, because it’ll always be the same. the family tied together by obligation, resentment, and just that one lingering modicum of love that hangs on by a thread stays the same as it’s always been, bonds strained but never broken.
but if dorian stands his ground? if he chooses his own life and cuts his father out of it? aquinea seeks him out. she takes action. she bears as little love for halward as dorian does, and honestly i’d wager even less. dorian had his entire life planned for him from birth, the same way she did. but he breaks away from it. and something in her shifts. she goes to find dorian on her own, and it’s nice.
obviously the relationship between aquinea and dorian is still complicated regardless of what happens. but there’s something to be said for the fact that dorian only reconciles with his mother if he refuses to reconcile with his father. she takes up agency in her own life for the first time in… who knows how long. maybe the first time ever, if betrothals among altus are frequently arranged at birth as dorian’s was. she stops seeing him as a problem child who needs to be wrangled and controlled; she starts seeing him as someone who rebelled to stay true to who he was, who refused to bend to expectations placed on him by his parents, by his teachers, by the strict roles of upper-class tevinter society.
and maybe aquinea doesn’t know who she is yet, or maybe she used to but it’s been lost to time and drink and her gilded cage. and maybe she has a lot to make up for, especially to her son. but she takes a step. she’s successful where halward wasn’t because she understands in a way halward couldn’t. and i’m so extremely curious how her relationship with dorian develops from here, especially after halward’s death.
I always love when Dorian lashes out in anger at the Inquisitor only to immediately rein it back in and apologise bc it shows how defensive and cutthroat he's had to get to keep himself safe from those who could and would and did harm him and he's been in this survival state for so long that he forgets sometimes who he's talking to when old wounds are picked at. he bites back out of reflex and then blinks and recognises the face of a friend who doesn't want to hurt him so he immediately softens and apologises. God I love you Dorian Pavus dragon age.
Sometimes you come across a character who just resonates with you so very deeply it’s almost infuriating. For me, Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition is one of those. There is a spectacular number of reasons for this, and one of them is in no small part thanks to amazing actor Ramon Tikaram who gave him his voice.
Turns out that he is as gorgeous to look at as his voice is to listen to. I simply couldn’t resist. I give you Ramon Tikaram as Dorian Pavus.
Dorian's "Did I stutter? Men, and the company thereof. As in sex. Surely you've heard of it?" line is funny as fuck but also shoutout as always to the way Ramon Tikaram delivered it because as someone who has had to come out in an unfamiliar/unsafe environment before due to someone else's ignorance I felt the defensive hackles being raised in the desperate humour of that line. like I vividly remember several awful experiences of having to out myself with a joke in an attempt to ease the tension of possible homophobia and disgust I could smell from a mile away and it always comes out louder and more impassioned than intended. "men and the company thereofasinsex" that panic was real and visceral
wait in dragon age they use the same days of the week as here??? help what. in leliana's quest to look for what justinia left her they're talking about beneditions on FRIDAYS. I DIDNT NOTICE THAT LAST TIME. WDYM THEY USE THE SAME DAYS OF THE WEEK. THEY HAVE NO REASON TO!!! THURSDAY COMES FROM THOR AND THEY DONT HAVE THOR. ETC. where am i.....
Ah yes Thursday named from Thor Thorson, my favourite Avvar Bard
it makes me so insane that minthara is such a missable companion given she's The One with the info on orin. unless you play durge the info on her and her characterization is so thin on the ground. minthara is the one to tell you that at a dinner party courting powerful drow orin slit an entire table of throats and crawled across it to claim minthara from ketheric. minthara is the one who can tell you this woman is not just craAaAzy she is a ruin and there is no reasoning with her, there is just her also making you into a ruin. u meet minthara and she's a brutal, cruel, sensual, unyielding, vicious daggerslash of a woman and u REALLY meet her and you find out she's terrified of orin. like do u get me? am i making sense? so much of the background we get of orin from saarevok, her journals, gortash, etc, paints her as petulant, childish, and easily manipulated with "dangerous" almost as a footnote, ESPECIALLY if you play durge. it's from minthara and through her subjugation of minthara that we rly get her as an imposing figure akin to ketheric and gortash in power. and you rly can just skip minthara. nuts to me. anyway happy belated international womens day
“we need to balance out the wyll hate with more wyllstarion content!” “why hate on wyll as an astarion fan when you can just make them kiss instead!”
or…have you guys considered…treating wyll like a character? have you considered not constantly treating him like an extension of his white partners? have you considered appreciating wyll for what he is? or is black characters having agency and not being constantly dependent on white characters really that foreign of a concept to you people?