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Leona (she/they nb). Current interests: FF, P5R, DCMK, ProjMoon. Kaito+Shinchi cousins canon. It's safest to assume that this blog is NOT spoiler free. I don't accept chain mail messages.
Also on Bluesky (same username)!
Reblogged from potahun  14 notes


One of the things I really like about Shinichi’s character is that he 𝘤𝘢𝘯 act, and fairly decently as well. It just has to have all of his focus. If he’s not paying attention, he breaks character.

There’s a big difference between playing a role and pretending to be someone else 24/7. Actors get moments where they can break between shots or scenes, and everything is scripted. For missions, it’s a brief few hours you have to stay in role and then you’re done. As Conan, Shinichi has to spend 𝘢𝘭𝘭 of his time being a kid with very few breaks, and he has to improvise on the spot 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺.

In all of the cases where he’s pretending to be someone else for a brief period of time, he’s great at it. He’s also 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 at mimicking other people’s speech patterns and cadence when using the voice changing bowtie (even if he can’t do accents). And then there’s all the times where he uses his status as a little kid to get things he wants, mainly when question suspects. He can play the little kid role great at certain points, only if that’s his main focus.

The problem, and reason why he ends up failing at being a convincing kid, is he simply gets distracted. When he’s absorbed in a case, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 is what takes up all of his attention, and he forgets he’s supposed to just be a kid. Once he realizes something he said/did isn’t normal for a child, he’s stuck needing to backtrack and cover for it, which he is very bad at.

Shinichi is in a position where he needs to be Conan at all times, and is almost always in view of someone he has to perform for. The small breaks he gets where he has a chance to just be himself are so few and far between. Pretending to be a different person at all times, especially one who should be on an different mental level than you are, is tiring and hard to keep up!! His performance as Conan isn’t an accurate representation of his ability to act, because the situation is so much greater than that, and I’m sure even fantastic actors would struggle with it.

Reblogged from waywren  5,928 notes


So I reblogged that “vaccines cause adults” post from @copperbadge and predictably my inbox has gone to shit with a handful of people asking me how I can “trust” vaccines and if you’re looking for me validate your fear mongering over vaccines causing autism, I’m afraid you’re in the wrong place.

I’m the bitch that has anaphylactic reactions to vaccines due to my mast cell disorder and still turn up for my Covid booster shots with my epi pen in one hand and a fistful of Benadryl in the other.

I had reactions to all my MMR boosters and every other booster I’ve ever needed and I still show up because I look at the choices and I prefer the risk of potential immediate death over potentially getting shit like measles and spreading it to the wider community.

The only one I don’t get is the flu shot because the speed at which I react is terrifying and it’s in my file that I’m not allowed it anymore. Doctors made that decision for me, I didn’t.

My MCAS might make me a crunchy hippy dippy bitch against my will, but I’m a science based crunchy hippy dippy bitch and vaccines do not cause autism.

Measles will fucking kill your kid though.

Reblogged from waywren  101,845 notes









If Sherlock Holmes was Isekai’d to a fantasy world he would just deduce the rules of this world and get back to solving crimes. He’ll find an elf girl sidekick,name her Watson, and pretend like nothing happened.

“If you look closely, you can see traces of chalk dust on the floor. Our murderer must have used a magic circle to kill our victim.”

“Actually Holmes, this looks like salt. Quite unusual for a magic circle, since it can be scattered so easily…”

“It tastes like salt too. Good eye Watson. Let us start by visiting the fish mongers.”

“Well I would enjoy some fried dragonfish, but how does this help our investigation?”

“A process of elimination, my long-eared friend. There’re only two ways for the culprit to get salt in the city. They could have brought it in themselves-”

“But then they’d have to pay the tarrif!”

“Very astute! No, a much likelier option is that they bought it here. Either the docks or the meat market would be the place. And I have a hunch that our culprit is fishy in more ways than one.”

“But Holmes, how did you know the merfolk ambassador was the killer?”

“An excellent question, the key was the footprints.”

“But he doesn’t even have feet!”

“He doesn’t as of right now. But you forget, the magic circle.”

“I see! The killing spell was a water spear, which normally requires a circle.”

“But doesn’t if you’re already imbued with water magic like our scaly ambassador.”

“So the circle…”

“To grant him a pair of feet. For just long enough to leave distinctive footprints in the scattered salt and to make us suspect a two-legged killer.”

“By the Goddess, Holmes, you’re a genius!”

Makes sense.

Anyway, getting sheer autism vibes from Holmes

Good. That means I wrote him in-character.


yeah okay ill reblog that

Reblogged from waywren  70,842 notes








Got reminded again of my old coworker who was a massive misogynist but also trans inclusive. Told me he believed trans women are indeed women because “only women would be stupid enough to want to be women”

I wonder what he’s doing now

He also aggressively corrected himself whenever he accidentally misgendered a trans guy we knew because “there’s already more women than men in the world, the more numbers we steal from them, the better.” Did that even when the trans guy wasn’t around.

I need to point out that he was completely serious btw. This man had no sense of humor if he tried.

He was a cook at the restaurant/bar I was a bartender at, and almost punched a costumer once because he overheard him talking about how women belong in the kitchen. Told me he thought women should stay out of kitchens, that cooking is a man’s job and when I asked him what he thinks women should be doing, he went quiet for a moment, then proceeded to explain to me the following

“I trust a bitch to run a kitchen as much as she can run a country, they should do shit like plumbing. Or electricity. Something you can just learn to do and don’t need to lead, you know?”

Apparently women are good at “fixing shit”. He claimed that he doesn’t trust male plumbers or electricians except if they’re gay because “something most be wrong with you if you want to go fix other people’s houses, that’s that maternal instinct”

Love that you guys seem to like the stories about my Guy, here’s another. (also for context i need to say that english is not the language he spoke, and when i say ‘fag’, i’m using it for our version of the slur. Our Guy insisted that that’s just how you call gay people in our language (it isn’t))

We had an openly gay coworker who looked like it (crop tops, dyed hair, make-up) and he was often harassed by the waiters from the football bar next door. The gay dude had the same name as the Guy, who insisted that we would specify the he isn’t gay, so they just became “Name” and “Not Gay Name”. He was fine with that.

Oh he also once went on a rant about how he respects our gay coworker more than “those other fags” because “at least he has the balls to look like a fag, yknow? None of that sneaky shit where you can’t tell if they’re trying to fuck you or your girlfriend.” When I then told him I was bi, he looked me over and called me some slurs before telling me that I don’t need to rub it in that I can get both. Then he asked me if I think he’s hot and when I told him no, he informed me I should stick with women because I clearly have shit taste.

He once accidentally bullied one of our younger waitresses out of an early eating disorder she was developing before working there (she told me about it after)

Boss gave us one meal from the menu a day as a job bonus, and we had this very shy seventeen year old working with us who was already nervous around men, but Our Guy was a 6'3 dude who only stopped yelling and cursing when he was not speaking at all. If he was the one cooking that day, he’d peek out of the kitchen an hour before he’d start closing it up, and would shout at you if you haven’t ordered your meal yet because he hated cooking once he already cleaned. The waitress was scared shitless of him, and so whenever he would yell at her to “fucking order already”, she’d panic and just pick something.

She didn’t eat much but the first time she tried to throw out almost the whole plate, he got so personally insulted that he berated her for not picking something she’d like, and demanded to know what he did wrong. He got really upset about apparently not being able to cook something that this kid would like and I’m pretty sure he started putting in extra effort to make sure she would eat it this time? It lead to him quite literally standing over her like a hawk when she ate to “see her reaction” and demand an immediate review to see what he can improve.

She later told me that it she was so scared and awkward around him back then that it kind of overrode her fear of food, and that she still sometimes pretends she’s back there, when she feels a bad episode coming on, so. He did do something good for the world i guess

Our Guy met a nonbinary person once when my friend came to visit me at work. He was just on a smoke break so I had to introduce them and when I said “They’re visiting” he got confused and asked us how many people are there (and then threatened murder if they dare order something while he’s on a break). I had to explain this man what a nonbinary person is, he thought about it for a second, called the whole thing “fucking stupid, there ain’t that shit in nature” and then proceeded to very mockingly refer to them as (our language equivalent of) “your majesty” and use the pronouns you use for people you’re supposed to respect (which is genderless and very formal)

My friend thought he was really funny before I explained to them that I’m pretty sure he thought he was being mean (but hey he it wasn’t misgendering so yay)

Then (after his break) they ordered a vegan sandwich and we heard him cussing them out about how “they should pick a fucking struggle”. Later I asked him about it and got told that “how much shit can you deny yourself? Cheese, gender, the fuck’s next?”

“Cheese, gender, what the fuck’s next?”

I like how his issue isn’t with the “that shit ain’t in nature” thing he mentioned, but the idea that being nonbinary is some form of self-deprivation and that they deserve a gender like everyone else.

More notes for The Study

Reblogged from lornaka  44,484 notes


this has been said before but I feel like it is very important to view being kind as something you do rather than something that you are because all people have the capacity for meanness and cruelty and often use it inadvertently but the point is to change your behavior and your attitude and practice paying attention and being selfless and sincere and vulnerable and putting kindness and warmth into your actions and words instead of being like oh I value kindness and thus I am such a good person. like it’s about the attempt

Reblogged from sunshades  13 notes


sorry #posting again but it’s been on my mind cuz i once again saw a post and i just. really really hate the way this bit is so often taken out of context to make her out to be dismissing and belittling him just cuz she felt like it, because a lot of the story does hinge on the fact that this was in fact a reasonable worry


heathcliff of course has reasons to take it personally, but the context of the entire canto tells you why this was a problem to begin with. we also see it during the rest of the game, cuz he mellows out as the cantos go, but we can’t forget at the start he was out there killing his coworkers. then in canto vi we get more about it. nelly starts here jokingly:


but by the end she’s very serious about it:


the cycles of abuse is ofc one of the main themes in the canto, like in the book where heathcliff assumes for the second generation the role of their own hindley; in game he’s growing both in the shadows of hindley and of his other mirror selves. but it can’t really be ignored that the problem WAS there and he was shaping up to be just like them (a person used to violence to the point even someone as close to him as the woman who raised him had reason to believe he might hurt her!) and that catherine is discussing it in the hopes of figuring out a way to give him a place to heal and grow out of that absolute hell that was growing up in the heights. it just feels really weird to always discuss that part as if catherine was being cruel for no reason, when heathcliff himself admits that he left because he feared he’d murder her


instead by the time of the canto, while hindley, linton and nelly all comment on him not having changed, he continously chooses to be the better man, avoiding unnecessary fighting, lending a hand to people in danger, and ofc standing strong against the erlking’s provocations and attempt to turn our heathcliff into another just like him, to continue the same cycle.

BUT it’s important that back then he was a person who wouldn’t have done that, a person who would have hurt his loved ones, and that what he had in mind was taking revenge on them- because he grew past that in the course of the story, then that character development is much more meaningful. and that’s also why it’s so important to all the people around him, who had seen him start to go down that same path as hindley, to become the worst version of himself–


because in the end he didn’t become like that! he did change and become that better person, and they noticed!

Reblogged from picaroroboto  8 notes


Dante’s character development in Canto 7 - they’ve become far less anxious then they were at the start, as if accepting the fact that so many things, like the machinations between Wings and company higher-ups or whatever fate connects the Golden Boughs and the Sinners’ pasts, are out of their control, but this makes them doubly committed to doing whatever they can to help their Sinners

One of the reasons I liked Canto 5 in addition to Ishmael’s story was that we see Dante decide to be more active and help the Sinners rather than just sympathizing with their pain from the sidelines. Now in Canto 7, when Dante is at a loss for how to help Don, all of the Sinners, sharing their desire to help, pitch in, creating that power of friendship moment.

Reblogged from lu-is-not-ok  93 notes

So the new Vergillius announcer has personaized, specialized quote for each specific Sinner, and it's a fascinating mixture of praise and burns. In order, (so Yi Sang first and Gregor last):

"Impressive, Sinner #1. You seem to have a surprisingly high aptitude for Identity and E.G.O usage."

"Ms. Faust… You knew that enemy part would eventually cause trouble, didn't you?"

"… What did Sinner #3 do this time? Haah…"

"Hm, your battle sense is just as excellent, even as a Sinner. Now, is there something you can do about your incomprehensible speech quirk, Sinner #4?"

"Excellent, Sinner #5. I hear that your quick actions have prevented many a disaster."

"… Don't think you can smooth over your terribly ineffective attack with an innocent smile, Sinner #6."

"Sinner #7. I thought you'd finally learned how to use that head of yours… It has been a while since our last consultation, hasn't it?"

"So I hear that you're the class president now, Sinner #8? Then it's time you took to the helm."

"I do appreciate how easy you are to please, Sinner #9. You may expect sweets should you perform well in this battle, of course."

"You've got blood on you again, #11. … Hm, I suppose you have indeed grown somewhat as of late. I thought you'd be bawling on your knees by now."

"What's this, miss lieutenant? How come you've let yourself be sliced to pieces like this? You're going to be the biggest burden to your Executive Manager dearest."

"This is no time for your defeatist attitude, Sinner #13. Get on your feet and soldier on. Where's your usual disposition, hm?"

I'm don't think this is a uniform scan of how Vergillius views each Sinner, but there are some fascinating nuggets-Rodion straight up getting bribed, a hint of Yi Sang having the best synchronization rates with IDs and EGO, and the possibility of Vergie knowing about Faust's psychic knowledge link deal.

It's, naturally, the Hong Lu one I'm coming to you with-I wonder if it's as innocent as it looks (Hong Lu did an ineffective attack and tried to laugh it off, Vergie Ain't Havin' It), or if Vergie can legitimately see right through Hong Lu's act (or knows his Deal all along).



Anon, you have no idea how perfect your timing is. Since I have recently done an attempt at analysis of all those lines in a random Discord server. So instead of dilly-dallying, I’m just gonna mostly repeat what I said then.

Keep reading