Efforts to contain the virus are falling short. A teenager in Canada is in critical condition after an unexplained infection. And the arrival of flu season has scientists on edge.
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The cases appeared in California, Illinois, New Jersey and New York between July 31 and Oct. 24, the CDC said. Nine out of the 11 infected individuals were hospitalized.
A Bay Area child tested positive for bird flu. Other California cases were traced to cattle and dairy farms in the Central Valley.
State agency set the goal in hopes of improving Californians’ health and reducing the need for costlier care down the road.
If you've got a fever, cough, aches and pains, and you're wondering, "What virus got me this time?" Now you can find out, without taking a trip to the doctor.
California immigrants with DACA status are newly eligible to buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Donald Trump’s election creates uncertainty about the future of the program.
Community organizers say there are resources available to help people deal with anxieties and fears, including a directory of mental health professionals who work with the undocumented community.
It’s the latest reminder of the state’s struggle to remain prepared amid multibillion-dollar deficits.
Across California, public health and pest control authorities are facing a new reality as the Aedes mosquitoes bring the threat of dengue and potentially other tropical diseases.
When people can't sleep, they tend to take extreme measures to correct the issue. But that only makes sleep problems worse, say experts. Here are 5 bad habits to avoid when recovering from poor sleep.
Kaiser says it has a plan in place to ensure care continues during the work stoppage. But the union says it doesn’t go far enough.
Political disagreements have sent workplace incivility to an all-time high this year, costing employers some $2 billion per day in lost productivity. Here’s how to cut down on watercooler fights over today’s election — and its aftermath.
Here's what you should know about what's new, what's next and how to sign up now. DACA recipients are newly eligible.
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