International Shipping / 关于国际运输
海外から購入できるようになりました You can shop from overseas
* 국내에서도 무라코 제품을 구입할 수 있습니다. 아래 페이지를 참고해 주세요.
무라코, 한국 시장 진출
You can now purchase muraco from overseas.
For purchases from overseas, the order will be made through the purchase agency service.
If you have any questions when ordering, please contact the agency below directly.
您现在可以从海外购买 Muraco。
・WorldShopping Contact (English)
・WorldShopping Contact (Simplified Chinese)
・WorldShopping Contact (Traditional Chinese)
How to order from overseas / 如何从海外订购
1. When you access the website from outside of Japan, the “WorldShopping Cart” will be displayed automatically.
2. Add your favorite items to the WorldShopping cart.
Click “Add to Cart” on the WorldShopping banner to proceed to buy your favorite items.
The cart will only appear for items that can be purchased from your country.
→Explore the WorldShopping Guide for more details.
1. 当您从日本以外的国家/地区访问网站时,在页面底部会自动显示“WorldShopping Cart“(WorldShopping的购物车图标)。
2. 将您喜欢的商品添加到购物车中。
→了解 WorldShopping使用指南,了解更多详情。
Fees / 关于费用
WorldShopping will charge a 10% service fee on the “Total Product Price”*. Once the item is delivered to WorldShopping, you will receive an additional payment request from WorldShopping containing International Shipping Fee, Handling Fee and Other Fees (If any). See WorldShopping Fees for details.
*Total Product Price=(Product Price + Domestic Shipping Fee in Japan).
WorldShopping将收取“商品总金额”的10%做为服务费。当商品送达WorldShopping时,您将收到来自WorldShopping的包含有国际运费、手续费和其他费用(如有)的付款请求。 详情请参见WorldShoppingFees。
Payment / 关于付款
Regarding Overseas Delivery
WorldShopping purchases Japanese products on your behalf and delivers them around the world. You can have WorldShopping purchase items from our store on your behalf and have them shipped to you.
→Explore How WorldShopping Purchases and Delivers As Your Agent to know more.
For International Customers / 针对国际客户
As WorldShopping buys a product on behalf of the customer, we can not accept any changes in the order such as (order cancellation, returns) once an order has been placed with WorldShopping. We request your understanding of the issue and please confirm all the product details before placing the order. For more details, see here:
Regarding Inquiries / 关于咨询
Inquiries made to our shop will only be handled in Japanese. We are currently unable to respond to inquiries made in other languages. You can contact WorldShopping from the following links:
・WorldShopping Contact (English)
・WorldShopping Contact (Simplified Chinese)
・WorldShopping Contact (Traditional Chinese)
・WorldShopping Contact (英文)
・WorldShopping Contact (简体中文)
・WorldShopping Contact (繁体中文)