I am Dima from Gaza. I am 30 years old. I stand before you as a person trying to support my family of 3 members, me, my husband, and my young daughter. We are living in very difficult circumstances after the occupation launched the war on Gaza. We were displaced from our home and live in a tent that does not protect us from the cold of winter or the heat of summer. We live in extreme poverty due to the circumstances and there is no income. We are no longer able to provide the necessary supplies of food, drink and others due to the insane rise in prices. Thus, my source of livelihood was destroyed and we live in very difficult conditions in tents. It is difficult for me to find the words to describe what we face every day in the tents without food, medicine, or drinking clean water, along with the oppression, helplessness, psychological pressures, and daily traumas that everything causes. Around us and unable to care for our families, the fear of danger, disease and death never leaves us
Now, I find myself in this difficult situation, and I humbly ask for your help to save the lives of my family, especially my little girl, by getting us out of Gaza to Egypt and building a new life outside Gaza or helping us get money to buy the necessities we might be able to afford. Asking for help is not easy, but we had no choice because we want to survive and strive to rebuild our shattered lives. We are very grateful for any help you can offer, no matter how small, because your help will go a long way in alleviating our suffering. I hope you will share my story with your family and friends.