Hello there, i was wondering when we will get 9.0? Since its alreay on OppaiMan
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Wen du den Steam Key hast und einlöst hast du vollen zugriff auf das Spiel und den Community hub. Du kannst aber trotzdem nicht auf die Seite des Spiels selbst gehen. Und Nein du braust kein VPN du hast das spiel ganz normal in der Game Bibliothek / Library und bekommst auch ganz normal alle patches.
Hoffe das hilft dir weiter, schöne grüße
Dude get some sleep and take care of yourself. Respect for going all in in order to finish a milestone but let's be real, alot of people wont thank you for it either... sadly. I don't mind waiting a bit longer if in return you can be more at ease and overall feel better.
The game wont run away ( i hope =)
Hello there,
i'm going to download the 0.1.8 version just to check the game out for now. Afterwards i might consider doing a pledge to get a key since i can't get one via steam itself ( Germany duh... ) i know usually it doesn't matter where you live for keys to work. I still just wanna make sure if you know it would actually work for someone in Germany.
I got other games this way aswell i really just want to make sure so i dont just throw money away. Cheers
So i was wondering.. I have currently 2 quests left:
Lana: Finish loyal therapie and continue main story
Kiara: Check phone on sunday night . Should complete therapy first.
My problem is. I can't check my phone and i cant do anything with the therapy house. When i made a new save and skipped till sunday to check the phone it also didn't work. Could it be that i have to do therapy first stay above 95 Loyalty and then check the phone on Sunday? Im currently not at home otherwise i would just try it right now. Or maybe im missing something else? I took a few days break so there might've been something that i forgot.
Or does the Demo only goes so far currently?
Thanks for the reply! Was thinking of joining the Patreon. I think ill still join it just because its a different take of gameplay than usually. I wonder if i could actually use a code that comes with patreon on steam tho. Since im German and our bs law made it that steam wont sell games like this to us anymore. If i try to get to your steam page i just get a "This product is not available in your county".. and i hate it.
I was thinking of getting the game to support you, but i could only get it here since you can't get games like this via steam in Germany anymore. And considering i only can get acces to some stuff via steam, makes it hard for me to decide. I know its not your fault and honestly its kinda dumb with the whole "steam doesnt have a good way to verify your age so we can't let steam sell such things" Still gonna think about it getting it here.