Yes, its tile based so you can use it in any program.
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Thank you for the kind words!
The main objective was to actually make 3 different levels, but time wasn't very keen on us, and we decided to make two cave levels instead. There are some small bugs, but we tried our best to make it playable until the end and blind-accessible, if you care, please do try it blindly as well.
Thank you for the kind and well though comment. Means a lot. (Artist of the game speaking) Indeed, time was quite small for the ambition we had on this game , with that the blind accessibility was a lot more intense than we initially thought, but we are very happy we made the game possible.
Right now we are working to at least implement everything we did, there was a lot of stuff we didn't put because of time and fix the overall game. In the end, it was possible because of all the people that worked together.
From me, Regarding the difficulty, we planned on having 3 game modes, you can see them in the options menu, where the difficulty is a lot harder, the game is a lot darker and the players ends up having the same type of gameplay as blind person. Which on itself is a lot of fun, of course regarding the dialogue and text speak they will also be refined.
Thanks again.
Thanks for playing! Yeah, our team was lucky to have an amazing composer! The mouth thing is mostly a loading thing because our programmer created a lip sink program to fit with the text, so we have more movement. Originally we wanted voice acting, but we didn't manage with the time. Either way, appreciate the time and the kind words!
As the one that made the art for the game, I really appreciate the words and the effort you put in this comment and of course playing it, it's okay you didn't finish! Actually, the game ending is right after that last mini-game. We felt that making the mini-game and avoiding the anime style art would be better to avoid repetition of the same style games that everyone does.
Either way, really appreciate you!
Appreciate the time to play the game, ahah, Thank you! We wish we had time to play test some more to avoid some small visual bugs ,etc., thankfully we manage to avoid any breaking game bug so that was a relief at least.
I am not sure which ending you ended up with, but I hope you can play it again ahaha since there are only 2 endings 😁