Hey, should have been out by now but my machine broke and I can't afford a new one at the moment. Sorry :( can't say when it will be out yet.
Creator of
Recent community posts
Hey there,
Happy New Year!
The pack is already in development. However my machine died, else it would have been out last month. Can't tell right now when I able to finish it. Have to get a new working device.
I hope to be able to release both missing packs soon within the first quarter of this year.
Kind regards
Hey there, you use the application "tiled". It's actually the "go to" for tilemaps. There is also a way to use tiled with godot, tho it depends on yxour programming, but you can also use them seperately. The application is free and can be found on itch too. I highly recommend using tiled for tilemaps and designing. The later maps can be exported and used via godot. I am not sure if it is supported natively, until know I usually programmed it into it.
This is the comment you were searching: https://samvieten.itch.io/2d-metroidvania-soulslike-pixelart-tileset-with-charac...
Somehow you ended up in a devlog and posted there.
There are TMX file included - for tiles. Just open them, you need to have the graphics file in the same folder or relink it in tiled itself so it gets loaded. Apart from that, it's pretty straight forwards 8x8px grid. In any program - hope that helps,
This is the comment you were searching I guess. There are TMX file included - for tiles. Just open them, you need to have the graphics file in the same folder or relink it in tiled itself so it gets loaded. Apart from that, it's pretty straight forwards 8x8px grid. In any program - hope that helps,
- Sam
Send you a DM response. I am sometimes a bit slow in replying because I get a ton of messages a day.
Whish there was an DM option on itch. Once my website is back online you will have a place to contact me but for now I don't have time finishing it. End of years is always super busy for me. Sorry for that.
Hey Nordle,
Thanks for your message. Yes I do commission work :) do you have x or Instagram? You can write me a pm there:
I'm also here but there are no DMs possible:
I usually don't put my email online, so you can get it through a DM if you like.
Hey there,
Yes. Have a look at rogue noir (it's compatible with all the Metroid Vania sets):
I recently setup a poll for a version 2 with more quality and more stuff in there and probably higher resolution (until now the votes go for a 16x16 set), poll: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/785086/r...
The Addon 1.3: Metroidvania | UI & Icons is now released!
It's my first pixelart UI pack. I made sure it includes everything: SFX, Icons, UI, Menus, Toggles and switches.
You are very welcome to leave feedback here!
Check it out here: https://samvieten.itch.io/ui-icons-pixelart Features:
- 116 Icons (32x32, Weapons, Abilities, Food, Drinks)
- Huge UI Set with Menu building blocks
- 24 UI Sound Effects
- Gothic-Style Ornaments
- A ton of Switches and Toggles
- UI Patterns for: Menus, Titlebars, Health-, Mana-, Constitution Bars
- A few Animated system Icons
- Status Icons
- 3 Character Portraits (Main Characters included in base Set)
If there is some UI missing, that you need, let me know on the projectpage: https://samvieten.itch.io/ui-icons-pixelart
10% Sale until friday for the release, about pricing policy you can read here: https://samvieten.itch.io/2d-metroidvania-soulslike-pixelart-tileset-with-charac...
check out all the metroidvania bundles on my itch.io page: https://samvieten.itch.io/
The Addon 1.3: Metroidvania | UI & Icons is now released!
Check it out here: https://samvieten.itch.io/ui-icons-pixelart Features:
- 116 Icons (32x32, Weapons, Abilities, Food, Drinks)
- Huge UI Set with Menu building blocks
- 24 UI Sound Effects
- Gothic-Style Ornaments
- A ton of Switches and Toggles
- UI Patterns for: Menus, Titlebars, Health-, Mana-, Constitution Bars
- A few Animated system Icons
- Status Icons
- 3 Character Portraits (Main Characters included in base Set)
If there is some UI missing, that you need, let me know on the projectpage: https://samvieten.itch.io/ui-icons-pixelart
10% Sale until friday for the release, about pricing policy you can read here: https://samvieten.itch.io/2d-metroidvania-soulslike-pixelart-tileset-with-charac...
check out all the metroidvania bundles on my itch.io page: https://samvieten.itch.io/
First of all, thank you.
I've been working on way different level of pixelart apart from what's here at itch.io: That's because those sets don't get done 2-3 month before release. They are often made over a year or 2-3 back (except the addons).
The amount and time, yes. For me it's exactly the other way around. I started working on my game around 8 years ago. Meanwhile the concept is completely finished. The graphics are the easy part no matter the resolution. What takes a lot of time is: Animation. but the overall graphics are always easy for me since I really enjoy doing it. Programming holds me back, I can do it and I know quite a few languages but I don't enjoy it as much. For that, It looks like a little bit the other way around.
I started some collabs over the past years but 2 times the dev went away with my actually game.. and 3 time the other person just stopped working together because of other sideprojects. It's really hard to find someone you can trust and who is reliable putting all the time and efford into a game.
It also comes down to your demands on yourself in terms of quality. A lot of people tell to start small, to finish a game. But I don't see a point in that. I worked in quiete a few titele, that also were released. I don't need to push my own little game, I just want to finish the one that feels right and if it takes years, it takes years. Since working fulltime on it isn't possible with the loan of an artist.
All in all, I don't think graphics would take sooo long. But I'm coming from the artistic side, not the programming one. So it could be exactly the opposite for you. What takes long for me, could be easy for you.
Even tho if there are hardly any 32x sci-fi tiles, maybe that's because most people don't use 32x?
you could use 32x for 3D? How?
Or do you mean, you want 3D? Even tho I know blender, I won't making any 3D Assets for sure. If I spread too much, it lowers the quality of the art. I was thinking for some handdrawn stuff, but itch.io sin't the right market for this.
Please help vote under the links below or comment here.
Rogue Noir 1.0 Is a biomechanical / Cyberpunk / Roguelike / Metroidvania Assetpack
Rogue noir (https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart) was one of the first assetpacks I released. It was quite a success and since the 5th anniversary is near (September 23th, 2019) I asked if people were interested in a version 2.0.
I learned a lot in 5 years of designing for games. So version 2.0 would be much higher quality and therefore hundreds of hours of work. So if you are interested in a high Quality Biomechanical set, you can make your voice heared here: Please also consider voting "no" if not.
Ideas and Feedback is always welcome.
The title Image was handpixeled by myself, reference was the new alien movie poster. You can follow me everywhere under @samvieten to see my art.
- Sam
si deseas que continúe por favor escribe si comprarías una versión 2.0 o no.
Y aquí puedes votar por el contenido y el tamaño del tileset: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Please also vote here for size: https://samvieten.itch.io/roguenoir-cyberpunk-assetpack-pixelart/devlog/788271/r...
Does it look like it?
I added this with the newest content update: https://samvieten.itch.io/animated-pixelart-monsters
The free content update for Animated Monsters Addon (https://samvieten.itch.io/animated-pixelart-monsters) adds 20 new FX to the set for free.
- Deflect
- Earthquake
- Earthshield
- Enrage
- Bubble Shot
- Crystal Shield
- Explosion
- Fire
- Magic Explosion
- Magic Explosion 2
- Poison
- Poison Cloud
- Poison Cloud 2
- Projectile AERO
- Projectile Death bolt
- Projectile Magic
- Projectile Poison
- Smoke
- Smoke 2
- Blood
Poooooooof. 20 FX added to my animated Monsters set.
This one is the poison cloud. The FX are more classic. There are also some projectiles, shield - fire & explosion of course. Does this look like poison?